We're Rounding the Curve... with Record Cases!!!

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

So, how should we make China pay?
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

what's worse??-your TDS and babbling crap
hey--other countries cases are spiking also !! BIG DUH!!!
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

Nobody gives a fuck about the panic porn anymore, douche canoe.
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

Hey there is a curve it just upside down. So please he is not lying , he just has the chart upside down. His people are to afraid to tell him that as they like their jobs and they don't want to anger him. Having considerate underlings is important in the Trump world.

It is important because you want to put the best spin on it.
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

Hey there is a curve it just upside down. So please he is not lying , he just has the chart upside down.

It is important because you want to put the best spin on it.
He can fix that with a marker..just sayin'...
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

We're doing more testing. We're rounding the corner because we now have medicine to combat that virus.
The death rate has declined by 85%.

What I find amusing is that folks blame The Donald. How can he be at fault when our doctors and scientists\
had no idea how to treat this virus at the outset.

I'll tell ya something else...If all of our doctors and scientist were told they wouldn't be getting any paychecks
until we had a cure...There would be less of them "preaching" to us, and more of them working round the clock
to bring a halt to it.

Treating and curing the virus is the job of scientists and Doctors...Not the POTUS. Locking your door...hiding under your
bed in the fetal position...afraid to go pick up your morning paper, without being in a suit of armor is not science
nor is it a cure...it's just suggestions from Professionals who do not have a clue of how to protect the citizens of this
country...and that is their job...not mine and not the POTUS.
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We're many months into this so called pandemic yet I still know of not one person personally known to me or even locally who has contracted the virus must less have died or even suffered any ill effects from it whatsoever. I just wonder how many of you know anyone personally. The only people I know of are the first family who are apparently unaffected today.
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

Let me see...

Average age of infection is 24-33... A section of the population that has little problem with this virus..

ICU usages are still very low...

Deaths are still low.....

Until the need in the ICUs increases there is nothing to do.. People will get this and get over it...

By the way "cases" is not indicative of real infections. Even those who are recovered have viral remnants that show positive in PCR testing.. SO many of these positives are false...
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

The more cases the better kid...............................

Or do you want this to go on forever
What's worse, that Trump totally and blatantly lies to everyone and says "we're rounding the curve" when covid cases are at record highs.

Or Trump's idiot loyalists that actually believe these lies.

How are we rounding the curve if we have record covid cases???

We're doing more testing. We're rounding the corner because we now have medicine to combat that virus.
The death rate has declined by 85%.

What I find amusing is that folks blame The Donald. How can he be at fault when our doctors and scientists\
had no idea how to treat this virus at the outset.

I'll tell ya something else...If all of our doctors and scientist were told they wouldn't be getting any paychecks
until we had a cure...There would be less of them "preaching" to us, and more of them working round the clock
to bring a halt to it.

Treating and curing the virus is the job of scientists and Doctors...Not the POTUS. Locking your door...hiding under your
bed in the fetal position...afraid to go pick up your morning paper, without being in a suit of armor is not science
nor is it a cure...it's just suggestions from Professionals who do not have a clue of how to protect the citizens of this
country...and that is their job...not mine and not the POTUS.
Yeah if there was a cure he would take credit for it

Still he is the leader and making comments such as only 1 case and it nothing to worry and we have it under control is sending mix message when the CDC is saying fasten you seat belt folks it going to be a rough ride.

My favorite Trump suggesting was to use UV light to kill the virus in human bodies. Suggesting expose people to UV light would solve the problem.

The travel ban from china which did not work because their were citizens and others who were allowed to be here and they held them up at the airport as there really was no way to test them and eventually just had to let them go back home that was in the US

The travel ban did not even include screening people who came in from Europe as obviously if they came from Europe that the didn't come from China.

My favorite is when he said Obama should resign over the Ebola outbreak a few years ago. Clearly blaming Obama and now he says he is not to blame for COVID-19. White man speaks with fork tongue gotta means something.
He's already admitted to lying to us about it. This is just Pro fuckin' Wrestling at this point.
Are you freaked out over the wuflu?.

Is it because you think its going to track you down and kill you?

or are you looking forward to early retirement with lifetime unemployment checks?

its obvious that democrats are hoping covid19 NEVER goes away
...all the local news in my area talked about ''rounding the curve'' etc ......so if he DID say that, everyone else also said it
That's because they're parrot heads as in parroting not Jimmy Buffett. It's the same thing you do with your crime statistics.

Meaning of parroting in English

to repeat exactly what someone else says, without understanding it or thinking about its meaning: She doesn't have an original thought in her head - she just parrots anything
that Sara says
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