" We're Human "


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Was the comment by Chris Sale when as Ace Boston Red Sox pitcher
lost in shame to Oaklands Act pitcher Sean Manaea or 25 years from
1993.Shame as in Baseballs Once Great Game or America's Pasttime.
However it occured.Not a No Hitter but a no batter on base.Perfect Game.
A rarity in Baseball.But then it's getting harder and harder to
Be Human in Today's America.Me only wish is that was mere gutter talk.
But in the now affirmed Anti-Trump Industrial Complex,it's reality.
A nuff so to make even some Gender-sensitive Artificial Intelligence
robot feel squeamish and jump before a firecracker is even lit.
Let alone tossed.
That is the State of our America today.Not due to Baseball or
anything Trump did.But how the scumbages in todays
Mainstream media Complex view Politics.It's Their New Pastime.
More than a Game but a Livilihood.Where " being human " used
to count.Being a Pitcher was important.Long gone the days of
Screwball Pitchers showing off at halftime their wide array of
odd pitches as if Magic.Yes,Satchel Paige could razzle and dazzle with
his off speed Knuckleball or whatever pitch was tossed.
Once explaining why his original last name { Page } " was changed by
his folks by adding an " i " . To make themselves sound more
high tone. "
I doubt too many americans care to hear bouts the latest
No Hitter.More a Perfect Game { no man on base }.
But then Today's American don't knowed mush about the
likes of Satchel Paige let alone being much a Human.
The Democrat Party saw to that.Plus a whole lot more.
Ford long the Pathetic Biden Afghan Withdrawal will
seem like small potatoes even it already hasn't.
That is how The Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth
will fall.
With a million plus one whimpers a day.Unlike the
traditional 4th of July Bangs!
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