Welcome to the Rand Paul evolution


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
He’ll push to loosen marijuana penalties, legalize undocumented immigrants and pursue a less aggressive American foreign policy.

Call it the Rand Paul Evolution.

In the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection win and ahead of a possible 2016 White House bid of his own, the Kentucky Republican plans to mix his hard-line tea party conservatism with more moderate policies that could woo younger voters and minorities largely absent from the GOP coalition. It’s the latest tactic of the freshman senator to inject the Libertarian-minded views shared by his retiring father into mainstream Republican thinking as the party grapples with its future.

Welcome to the Rand Paul evolution - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

I think his immigration idea is a joke, but some of the other ideas are good starts.
There is a good chance if Rand runs in 2016 he will be the nom. Do I care? Not really...

Rand is really good by policy, but he is also playing the game. If Rand keeps a conservative record for the next 4 years he will be the guy with the biggest ground game and the one to beat during the primaries.

Obama will run the country into the ground hurting Dems in 2016... That also means the GOP will take a chance on another Progressive, lol I wonder if Mitt will demand another shot.
He’ll push to loosen marijuana penalties, legalize undocumented immigrants and pursue a less aggressive American foreign policy.

Call it the Rand Paul Evolution.

In the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection win and ahead of a possible 2016 White House bid of his own, the Kentucky Republican plans to mix his hard-line tea party conservatism with more moderate policies that could woo younger voters and minorities largely absent from the GOP coalition. It’s the latest tactic of the freshman senator to inject the Libertarian-minded views shared by his retiring father into mainstream Republican thinking as the party grapples with its future.

Welcome to the Rand Paul evolution - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

I think his immigration idea is a joke, but some of the other ideas are good starts.

Yeah, that will bring the young voters running…

Rand Paul’s ignorance of Commerce Clause jurisprudence with regard to public accommodations law is reason enough to vote against him.
He’ll push to loosen marijuana penalties, legalize undocumented immigrants and pursue a less aggressive American foreign policy.

Call it the Rand Paul Evolution.

In the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection win and ahead of a possible 2016 White House bid of his own, the Kentucky Republican plans to mix his hard-line tea party conservatism with more moderate policies that could woo younger voters and minorities largely absent from the GOP coalition. It’s the latest tactic of the freshman senator to inject the Libertarian-minded views shared by his retiring father into mainstream Republican thinking as the party grapples with its future.

Welcome to the Rand Paul evolution - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

I think his immigration idea is a joke, but some of the other ideas are good starts.

Yeah, that will bring the young voters running…

Rand Paul’s ignorance of Commerce Clause jurisprudence with regard to public accommodations law is reason enough to vote against him.

k... Yet Obama passed an unconstitutinal law based on the CC and got it wrong, messed up on Obamacare's funding and has record highs on UE/welfare... And people voted for him by the millions.

I'd vote for Rand for ending wars over voting for Dems who like to bomb the chit outa everything.

Point is, no one is perfect but the small time crap you are holding against Rand is chit compared to the deficit building war loving business hating Obama/Dems/Reps/Mitt.
I find it odd that so many people take an issue with Rand’s stance on a business having the right to turn down service based on a person’s skin color but these same people have no issue with a gym discriminating an all woman’s gym due to sex, or agencies helping blacks, Asians, Hispanics, women over let’s say “white males.”

You either support discrimination or you don’t, you don’t or at least shouldn’t be allowed to force your sexist or blatantly racist beliefs through support of one business over another simply because you agree with it.

No more woman’s gyms, no more help for the poor, blacks Asians or student loans. No more jobs that hold preference over you being able to speak a language or being disabled… Or you allow it and deal with it, but stop pretending so many of you are not sexist and racist when you support the very thing you hate.
He’ll push to loosen marijuana penalties, legalize undocumented immigrants and pursue a less aggressive American foreign policy.

Call it the Rand Paul Evolution.

In the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection win and ahead of a possible 2016 White House bid of his own, the Kentucky Republican plans to mix his hard-line tea party conservatism with more moderate policies that could woo younger voters and minorities largely absent from the GOP coalition. It’s the latest tactic of the freshman senator to inject the Libertarian-minded views shared by his retiring father into mainstream Republican thinking as the party grapples with its future.

Welcome to the Rand Paul evolution - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com

I think his immigration idea is a joke, but some of the other ideas are good starts.

Yeah the other day I heard him say he's for completely open borders.

Not a good idea.
I just wish he learned more from his father and less from Kentucky. He has some of the same beliefs of his father but his father could back them up with education and a life of reading policy on the issues. When he speaks on the issues it appears he is just the "cliff notes" version of his dad with out the depth but then again maybe that will sell better to the American people because sometimes maybe his father was just too educated on the issues and lost people.

At least he is an interesting change for better or worse
You might as well forget about Rand Paul running for POTUS. He's not as personable and charming as his dad, instead he comes off as an obnoxious spoiled rich kid. Not a good way to gain votes. I honestly have tried but just can't visualize little Rand shaking hands and kissing babies.
He's strong, but boring, when speaking on his political beliefs, but he goes entirely on those beliefs, rigidly supporting the party line, as it were, and forgetting to compromise, or to consider that a majority may want something else.
He'd look like an uptight frigid bitch at the primary debates.

No way. Look elsewhere.
You might as well forget about Rand Paul running for POTUS. He's not as personable and charming as his dad, instead he comes off as an obnoxious spoiled rich kid. Not a good way to gain votes. I honestly have tried but just can't visualize little Rand shaking hands and kissing babies.
He's strong, but boring, when speaking on his political beliefs, but he goes entirely on those beliefs, rigidly supporting the party line, as it were, and forgetting to compromise, or to consider that a majority may want something else.
He'd look like an uptight frigid bitch at the primary debates.

No way. Look elsewhere.

He did inherit his father's racism.

Both Pauls want to roll back civil rights and allow business owners to discriminate.
You might as well forget about Rand Paul running for POTUS. He's not as personable and charming as his dad, instead he comes off as an obnoxious spoiled rich kid. Not a good way to gain votes. I honestly have tried but just can't visualize little Rand shaking hands and kissing babies.
He's strong, but boring, when speaking on his political beliefs, but he goes entirely on those beliefs, rigidly supporting the party line, as it were, and forgetting to compromise, or to consider that a majority may want something else.
He'd look like an uptight frigid bitch at the primary debates.

No way. Look elsewhere.

You have no idea what you're talking about if you think Rand rigidly supports the party line. Regardless, I'm not sure that Rand will run for President in 2016 since he'll also have to run for reelection in the Senate.
You might as well forget about Rand Paul running for POTUS. He's not as personable and charming as his dad, instead he comes off as an obnoxious spoiled rich kid. Not a good way to gain votes. I honestly have tried but just can't visualize little Rand shaking hands and kissing babies.
He's strong, but boring, when speaking on his political beliefs, but he goes entirely on those beliefs, rigidly supporting the party line, as it were, and forgetting to compromise, or to consider that a majority may want something else.
He'd look like an uptight frigid bitch at the primary debates.

No way. Look elsewhere.

He did inherit his father's racism.

Both Pauls want to roll back civil rights and allow business owners to discriminate.

You might as well forget about Rand Paul running for POTUS. He's not as personable and charming as his dad, instead he comes off as an obnoxious spoiled rich kid. Not a good way to gain votes. I honestly have tried but just can't visualize little Rand shaking hands and kissing babies.
He's strong, but boring, when speaking on his political beliefs, but he goes entirely on those beliefs, rigidly supporting the party line, as it were, and forgetting to compromise, or to consider that a majority may want something else.
He'd look like an uptight frigid bitch at the primary debates.

No way. Look elsewhere.

He did inherit his father's racism.

Both Pauls want to roll back civil rights and allow business owners to discriminate.


Like, what?

It's something new to you?

The Paul(s) were republicans. They knew that the democrat party is hopeless so they joined the only party that advocated strict Constitutional values. Somewhere along the line the Libertarian party was hijacked by the liberturds who only care about selling drugs to our kids.
Rand is definitely not Ron. But some of you seriously have no clue what you're talking about. No one else in congress even comes close to Rand in libertarianism. He's not the perfect libertarian, but he's definitely not a GOP stooge.
Rand is definitely not Ron. But some of you seriously have no clue what you're talking about. No one else in congress even comes close to Rand in libertarianism. He's not the perfect libertarian, but he's definitely not a GOP stooge.
That may be more of a comment on the rest of the GOP Congress.

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