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You're the typical dumfuck liberal...trying to use smoke and mirrors to change the subject.

Your clown got caught with his pants down. I'm glad the piece of shit got caught and so does Glenn Beck....in fact Beck is laughing his ass off. :razz:

Weiner is a liar and a hypocrite.

He was out in front trying to pass laws punishing CEOs for "unsavory" behavior while he posed with his wiener for women across the internet.

He also trying to bring down people like Shawn Hannity and their right to free speech on the radio while he thought it was free speech sending pics of his wiener to women on the internet.

He is a piece of shit that liberals fell for...like usual.

And YET, the neocons are STILL either silent or defending Vitter and Ensign. Go figure.

Ahh, a neocon toadie with an apt screen name brays like an ass....not surprising. And YET, the neocons are STILL either silent or defending Vitter and Ensign. Go figure. :razz:
Anthony Weiner may have lost his job in Congress, but he has a received a serious job offer with an increase in pay and a great health care package. Larry Flynt, of Hustler Magazine fame, has made Weiner a serious offer to work at Flynt Management Group, LLC in a plush office in Beverly Hills.

At first glance, the offer brings forth images of nude photos and erotic text messages. However, Larry Flynt has been on a campaign for years to explore hypocrisy in federal and state governments. Evidentially, Flynt thinks Anthony Weiner's experience in the erotic and political spheres could bring otherwise unavailable talents to the table.

"This offer is not made in jest. To show our sincerity, Flynt Management Group, LLC is willing to pay twenty percent more than your former Congressional salary, ensuring that your medical benefits would be equal to what you were previously receiving. While you will have to relocate to our corporate offices in Beverly Hills, California, we would pay for all relocation costs," wrote Flynt in an open letter to the Anthony Weiner.

Anthony Weiner Gets Serious Job Offer from... | Gather

New Horizon? :)

And yet no one gives Flynt the credit for the reward that helped expose Congressional sleaze Vitter, but the neocon toadies are all a-twitter over this dubious offer. Go figure.

Not true. Flint is the King of Sleaze out gunning for Sleaze, that is a given. I truly have no problem with that, or the Bounties he puts out. I just think that if this is his true calling, he should expose what he finds without regard to Political Alignment, Left or Right. He did, his reward for exposing sleazy politicos DID NOT specify either party (if he did, please supply the exact quote for that). Vitter was just "lucky" to be caught first. Doing that with out Partiality, is a Public Service. You have to PROVE your accusation. Weiner needs to let the dust settle. For his sake I hope nothing else surfaces involving Minors. He is going to need to work allot of shit out in therapy. This did come down on him hard. We are all human, that constitutes falling down and picking yourself up again.

Obviously, Intense posted this before Weiner's resignation.
How can anyone believe what you say?

FBI — Security Clearance

As I said, Weiner's a dope that sunk himself. The Dems did the right thing by calling for an ethics investigation, and the GOP were and are a bunch of hypocrits because they didn't say jack about Vitter or Ensign.

Weiner's out....end of story.

Anyone who follows through all discussion/responses in the thread that's indicated above knows Neo's a child who just can't accept being wrong. End of story.
You only wish that was the end of the story. Offer real proof of your statements and I will gladly admit I am wrong!
I have no problem to "man-up" if I am wrong; How about you ?

Did you ever notice, posters who say or try to imply "they won" or the other person "lost" without providing any real proof in some fashion
Never really did "win" the argument

Funny how that works
"Anyone who follows through all discussion/responses in the thread that's indicated above knows Neo's a child who just can't accept being wrong. End of story."
For your sake, you should hope that no one has followed it through for it would show that statement as false as well.

But don't worry. I have condensed the thread quite well below, with LINKS, so that our fellow readers can quickly comprehend the situation.
Strange, but for some reason you edited these parts out of your reply.
I believe the format of having your false statements along with your "proof" works really well to show the truth.
No need to thank me

Too bad for you your link, offered as proof does NOT support your statement.
Do you even read the links you provide or do you just hope no one notices that you are full of it and that no one will read them?

Sorry Friend

You exact statements are there, with LINKS and your Link offered as proof.
But you still lied or pulled facts out of your arse IS the truth

You said, your exact words (verbatim) in response to my statement that all politicians should have criminal background checks made public
while running for office.


Security Clearance Process for State and Local Law Enforcement

It is the policy of the FBI to share with law enforcement personnel pertinent information regarding terrorism. In the past, the primary mechanism for such information sharing was the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF). In response to the terrorist attack on America on September 11, 2001, the FBI established the State and Local Law Enforcement Executives and Elected Officials Security Clearance Initiative. This program was initiated to brief officials with an established "need-to-know" on classified information that would or could affect their area of jurisdiction.Most information needed by state or local law enforcement can be shared at an unclassified level. In those instances where it is necessary to share classified information, it can usually be accomplished at the Secret level. This brochure describes when security clearances are necessary and the notable differences between clearance levels. It also describes the process involved in applying and being considered for a clearance.

State and local officials who require access to classified material must apply for a security clearance through their local FBI Field Office. The candidate should obtain from their local FBI Field Office a Standard Form 86 (SF 86), Questionnaire for National Security Positions; and two FD-258 (FBI applicant fingerprint cards). One of two levels of security clearance, Secret or Top Secret, may be appropriate.


See, combining your statements and your proof next to each other, works quite well. Does it not?

From your link offered as proof of your statement; It has NOTHING to do with your statement. You were probably hoping no one would read your linked "proof".
Which explains why you only linked to it and did not actually quote it and why you selectively edited out the relevant parts Pretty lame and pathetic on your part. pal.

Sorry, friend. Your link provides NO support to your statement. In fact, we never spoke on law enforcement personnel or specifically state politicians.
(You do know that the President and congressmen are Federal, not State and not local law enforcement as well? )

To proof your point, you would need to provide proof to your statement where ALL presidential candidates and ALL members of both Houses of the US Congress are
REQUIRED to get security clearances to take office

Good luck with that......


Come on, you had what a whole 5 days here? You still can not find any support to your statement
hmm, why would that be?

Admit the truth, it will set you free
Learn from the Left's new hero Weiner. He finally told the truth and he must feel better.

Don't they teach you at "leftist" school that bad news should always be owned up to , quickly?
Eventually, one, like you, will not be able to run from the truth and will end up only looking silly
Weiner should have followed that lesson.

I mean, it won't be like you are the first Leftist who doesn't know what they are talking about

Of course, you are providing a good example of how Weiner went wrong in handling the original release of information.
Who knows? Maybe they do teach you do that in "leftist" school. They assume with the MSM leftist bias, a Democrat would
be able to lie his way out of it while the MSM tries to ignore it.

They tried with Weiner; but, they did not count on him being so prolific in his tweets and pics. So the amount of
evidence was just too much for them and him to cover up for this time.

I've highlighted the part that our intellectually stunted Neo just refuses to see (neocon myopia is a terrible affliction). Evidently, Neo doesn't understand that Congressmen and Senators are state & local officials who will need a security clearance regarding Home Land Security information, etc., etc.

Neo doesn't have a damned thing to say about the neocon hypocrisy regarding Weiner, Vitter and Ensign....so he just follows me like a noisy lap dog looking for attention.

Say Good night, Gracie!

Weiner is a liar and a hypocrite.

He was out in front trying to pass laws punishing CEOs for "unsavory" behavior while he posed with his wiener for women across the internet.

He also trying to bring down people like Shawn Hannity and their right to free speech on the radio while he thought it was free speech sending pics of his wiener to women on the internet.

He is a piece of shit that liberals fell for...like usual.

And YET, the neocons are STILL either silent or defending Vitter and Ensign. Go figure.

More "fake" cries of Justice
As soon as Barney Frank goes, hypocrite

What do you expect from someone like this who makes up stuff
(see post above)

Somebody pull this Neo-fool aside and explain to him that Barney Frank has NOT been either accused or proven to have violated Congressional or Senate Ethic rules to be expelled. If he has, then please show me the Ethics review and conclusion, or the campaign by the GOP to remove him on such charges.

But Vitter did, and so did Ensign...and the neocon driven GOP that wailed for Clinton's ouster and Weiner's didn't say jack about the forementioned. Vitter is STILL in office, and Ensign was allowed to finish out his term and, like Weiner, choose not to run again.
Hypocrisy...plain and simple based on the FACTS.

How can anyone take Neo seriously when his neocon myopia and willful ignorance is so painfully blatant?
Quote: Originally Posted by taichiliberal
Because unfortunately thats what our media, political machines have deteriorated to....

Because unfortunately thats what our media, political machines have deteriorated to....

Meanwhile, the NY Times, Huffngglue post, MSNBC, CNN and all the hate sites continue with the democrats crusade of sniffing Sarah Palins panties...

Sarah Palin emails mostly confirm what was already known about the ex-governor - Yahoo! News


You fascists are the biggest hypocrites on the planet - seriously.

And what has all that have to do with the FACT that the neocon GOP that wailed for Clinton and Weiner to resign didn't say jack about Vitter or Ensign? Vitter is still in office, and Ensign, like Weiner, made a choice....not to seek relection, as he finished out his office.

But all we will now get is a bunch of Uncensored bluff and bluster reminescent of the Rove inspired 2008 GOP campaign.
And yet no one gives Flynt the credit for the reward that helped expose Congressional sleaze Vitter,

No one other than you fascists care who others sleep with. Convicted rapist Larry Flynt is a fascist attack dog, smearing enemies of the party. No one cares. It IS telling that you fascists hold convicted rapist Larry Flynt up as some sore of "hero."

Post your dick on Twitter or Facebook and it gets attention.

BTW, shouldn't you be sniffing Sarah Palins panties, along with the rest of the fascist party?

My, my...Uncensored2008 is babbling like a frustrated 8th grader. Somebody give this Uncensored 2008 jackass a dictionary so he can look up the word "fascist" and learn how to properly apply it.

No one said Flynt wasn't a sleaze....but it takes one to know one, or in this case to catch one. And he caught Vitter. A matter of fact and history that willfully ignorant fools like Uncensored2008 doesn't want to deal with.
And YET, the neocons are STILL either silent or defending Vitter and Ensign. Go figure.

More "fake" cries of Justice
As soon as Barney Frank goes, hypocrite

What do you expect from someone like this who makes up stuff
(see post above)

Somebody pull this Neo-fool aside and explain to him that Barney Frank has NOT been either accused or proven to have violated Congressional or Senate Ethic rules to be expelled. If he has, then please show me the Ethics review and conclusion, or the campaign by the GOP to remove him on such charges.

But Vitter did, and so did Ensign...and the neocon driven GOP that wailed for Clinton's ouster and Weiner's didn't say jack about the forementioned. Vitter is STILL in office, and Ensign was allowed to finish out his term and, like Weiner, choose not to run again.
Hypocrisy...plain and simple based on the FACTS.

How can anyone take Neo seriously when his neocon myopia and willful ignorance is so painfully blatant?

Calling someone a fool and in the same breath sticking up for a sick pervert like Bwarney Fwank shows me all I need to know about your thought process. Just because LIBERALS refused to investigate him and show him the door doesn't mean he isn't a scumbag sicko. They're all a disgrace.. Vitter, Ensign, Frank.. throw all of them out with the trash and be done with it.. who cares??!You leftist SHEEP are scary people.. you don't give a damn what a liberal does.. you're only out to destroy conservatives .. it's a bloodsport for your religion (liberalism).
My, my...Uncensored2008 is babbling like a frustrated 8th grader. Somebody give this Uncensored 2008 jackass a dictionary so he can look up the word "fascist" and learn how to properly apply it.

No one said Flynt wasn't a sleaze....but it takes one to know one, or in this case to catch one. And he caught Vitter. A matter of fact and history that willfully ignorant fools like Uncensored2008 doesn't want to deal with.

Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.
My, my...Uncensored2008 is babbling like a frustrated 8th grader. Somebody give this Uncensored 2008 jackass a dictionary so he can look up the word "fascist" and learn how to properly apply it.

No one said Flynt wasn't a sleaze....but it takes one to know one, or in this case to catch one. And he caught Vitter. A matter of fact and history that willfully ignorant fools like Uncensored2008 doesn't want to deal with.

Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.

It's one of the big reasons why he thinks the Government should make all of our decisions for us.

Now, it's time to wager as to when Weiner will reappear on the public stage. I'm betting in early August.
We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!
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Might as well thrown in the towel then. Die hard liberals will accuse every last Republican of something.
We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!

This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.
We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!

This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

totally agree. Congress should not be allowed to enact any special provisions for themselves. When they write healthcare laws, they should live by them themselves too.
We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!

This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.
"Ode to a Weiner."

Fare thee well Weiner
When you're down and cannot get up-
When you limp toward the final goal
REMEMBER your glory days
(wipes a tear from her eye)
Bye Bye Weiner.. Bye bye.

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