Weed is the first illegal drug of choice


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.
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for 99.9999% of drug addicts.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

What do you care what another adult does with his own body? If he isn't hurting anyone or taking what doesn't belong to him, shouldn't he be left alone? Did you not learn anything from alcohol prohibition? Where in the Constitution would I find "outlaw drugs"? You realize no one in the history of mankind has overdosed from cannabis, right? What's next, outlawing soda and french fries or any other food that might be bad for you?

So many question that cannot be answered with logic and reason...but feel free to try.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

Obvious troll is obvious.

PS: The Beatles and Joe Montana all smoke(d) the reefer.
for 99.9999% of drug addicts.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

What do you care what another adult does with his own body? If he isn't hurting anyone or taking what doesn't belong to him, shouldn't he be left alone? Did you not learn anything from alcohol prohibition? Where in the Constitution would I find "outlaw drugs"? You realize no one in the history of mankind has overdosed from cannabis, right? What's next, outlawing soda and french fries or any other food that might be bad for you?

So many question that cannot be answered with logic and reason...but feel free to try.

Maybe, maybe not. But the OP is a complete logical fail regardless. If there is anything to the gateway drug argument, the statistic that would bear that out is the percentage of people who smoke weed that go on to harder drugs. The percentage of hard drug users that have also smoke weed is completely meaningless. I bet the percentage that have also consumed alcohol is just as high, and equally irrelevant.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

Obvious troll is obvious.

PS: The Beatles and Joe Montana all smoke(d) the reefer.

I'll bet that BaCRACK Obama started out on weed.

He wrote in his books that he did. He was a pothead until he could afford cocaine.

We have a nation where more and more people cannot get through the day without being high on something. We have a generation of children so desperate to get high that they drink hand sanitizer. They don't want to read a book, they don't want to play a game, they don't want to talk to a friend. They don't want to do anything but get high.

The hope of the American people is not a better tomorrow, but a thoroughly wasted today. There is no way the drug issue can be solved until the people themselves decide they don't want to be addicts.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.
Does anybody who shoots heroin not eat a Hershey bar at some time prior to being a smack fiend?

We need to ban Hershey bars!

for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

At least in the US, I would guess that underage drinking would compete with pot for first illegal drug use.

Then again, at this point, illegal use of prescription drugs might need to be in the mix, too.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

At least in the US, I would guess that underage drinking would compete with pot for first illegal drug use.

Then again, at this point, illegal use of prescription drugs might need to be in the mix, too.

Its easier to buy weed off the streets than it is to find an adult to purchase alcohol for you.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

At least in the US, I would guess that underage drinking would compete with pot for first illegal drug use.

Then again, at this point, illegal use of prescription drugs might need to be in the mix, too.

Its easier to buy weed off the streets than it is to find an adult to purchase alcohol for you.

That doesn't really mean a whole lot. It's also probably a lot easier to steal alcohol from your parents than weed. :)

I got drunk for the first time when I was 13. I didn't try pot for the first time until later. I don't recall there ever being much difficulty in people getting either alcohol or pot when I was a teenager. On the other hand, I am pretty sure more people drank than smoked that I knew.

I don't know which is more often the first drug taken illegally, but ginscpy's ridiculous assertion that it's pretty much always weed is, as per usual for him, just plain silly.
At least in the US, I would guess that underage drinking would compete with pot for first illegal drug use.

Then again, at this point, illegal use of prescription drugs might need to be in the mix, too.

Its easier to buy weed off the streets than it is to find an adult to purchase alcohol for you.

That doesn't really mean a whole lot. It's also probably a lot easier to steal alcohol from your parents than weed. :)

I got drunk for the first time when I was 13. I didn't try pot for the first time until later. I don't recall there ever being much difficulty in people getting either alcohol or pot when I was a teenager. On the other hand, I am pretty sure more people drank than smoked that I knew.

I don't know which is more often the first drug taken illegally, but ginscpy's ridiculous assertion that it's pretty much always weed is, as per usual for him, just plain silly.

ginscpy is a retarded drunk, he has never smoked weed and doesn't know what its like.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MWK0aobxYU][HD] Weed Wars S01E02 720p HDTV x264 LMAO - YouTube[/ame]

I don't smoke, but it's a good show.
It could answer medical problems.

And if it comes legal in Florida, I want to cash in on it. (but not smoke it)
I have a system for medical grade stuff with low chances of pests and whatnot.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

First off, you need to realize some things about cannabis vs. alcohol.

Alcohol is actually the "gateway" drug. Why? Because it drops your inhibitions and you're suggestible to a lot of stuff you wouldn't do normally, anything from going home with a stranger, to driving drunk, to going into a blackout and acting like a total ass.

What happens if you smoke cannabis? Not much, because you still have all your hangups, and are fairly reluctant to do things against your normal nature.

More people are introduced to cocaine and heroin while they are drinking alcohol, or they are forced into it via peer pressure.

How do I know these things? I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for 8 years.

As far as why is cannabis illegal? Might wanna look to 1939 and an FBI man named Anslinger who hated Blacks and Hispanics (who also happened to be the largest consumers of cannabis), so he made it illegal, went to Hollywood and had a propaganda film made called Reefer Madness. Now, if you look into the making of that film, you'll see how many errors and outright lies are in it.

Then.............there's also the medical benefits of marijuana which have been researched by the government since the 1960's (tested on military members), as well as has been researched by civilian medical facilities since the 1970's.

They've found that it helps with things like glaucoma, Alzheimer's, cancer patients undergoing chemo, etc., and it is COMPLETELY NON PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE.

If you want to go the psychological addiction route, that happens with anything from shopping to gambling to posting on message boards and co-dependent relationships.

You really might wanna do some research before posting bullshit allegations.
for 99.9999% of drug addicts.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

What do you care what another adult does with his own body? If he isn't hurting anyone or taking what doesn't belong to him, shouldn't he be left alone? Did you not learn anything from alcohol prohibition? Where in the Constitution would I find "outlaw drugs"? You realize no one in the history of mankind has overdosed from cannabis, right? What's next, outlawing soda and french fries or any other food that might be bad for you?

So many question that cannot be answered with logic and reason...but feel free to try.
I love these self righteous folks who know whats best for everybody else
marijuana is far less dangerous than legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco
even coffee is addictive

there is nothing in the constitution that allows the govt to tell us what to injest inhale or in any way control what we do with our bodies .
Wanking makes you go blind

i wear glasses
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for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

First off, you need to realize some things about cannabis vs. alcohol.

Alcohol is actually the "gateway" drug. Why? Because it drops your inhibitions and you're suggestible to a lot of stuff you wouldn't do normally, anything from going home with a stranger, to driving drunk, to going into a blackout and acting like a total ass.

What happens if you smoke cannabis? Not much, because you still have all your hangups, and are fairly reluctant to do things against your normal nature.

More people are introduced to cocaine and heroin while they are drinking alcohol, or they are forced into it via peer pressure.

How do I know these things? I was a Navy Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor for 8 years.

As far as why is cannabis illegal? Might wanna look to 1939 and an FBI man named Anslinger who hated Blacks and Hispanics (who also happened to be the largest consumers of cannabis), so he made it illegal, went to Hollywood and had a propaganda film made called Reefer Madness. Now, if you look into the making of that film, you'll see how many errors and outright lies are in it.

Then.............there's also the medical benefits of marijuana which have been researched by the government since the 1960's (tested on military members), as well as has been researched by civilian medical facilities since the 1970's.

They've found that it helps with things like glaucoma, Alzheimer's, cancer patients undergoing chemo, etc., and it is COMPLETELY NON PHYSICALLY ADDICTIVE.

If you want to go the psychological addiction route, that happens with anything from shopping to gambling to posting on message boards and co-dependent relationships.

You really might wanna do some research before posting bullshit allegations.
pot was never as you say illegal until aslinger pocked his nose into everyone elses business
cocaine was legal until the late 19th early 20 century when the busybody babtists started controlling it
alcohol was legal until prohibition and look what happened there more folks were killed banning/ controlling it then drinking it
personaly id like to ban folks who want to ban things

coke had COKE in it
Weed is simply a product that people want to buy. When people want to buy something, there is money to be made. Suppliers will supply it, and consumers will consume it. The difference depends on the environment within which the exchange takes place.

When something in high demand is made illegal, exchange will continue on the black market. Because the courts and police cannot protect owners of the illegal property, defenses must be created by the suppliers to ensure they are not victims of theft. Thieves are more encouraged to engage in theft of illegal products because the victim of such thefts cannot go to the legal system for help. This results in the formation of gangs. It all revolves around drugs. The drug cartels are perfect examples of this, as are most inner-city gangs.

If all of these illegal drugs were made legal and sellable within the free market like any other product, gang violence would eventually cease to exist. How many bootleggers still exist? None. Gangs surroudning alcohol prohibition are nonexistent because of the free market in alcohol. There would simply be no need for gangs to protect illegal property.

There will always be moral questions of how much of what drug is ok or right. But it is impossible to legislate morality. People will make the choices whether the law allows it or not. One thing is certain, however. When drugs are prohibited, the environment these choices are made in is far less moral than it would be if they were legal.
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for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

Does anybody bypass cofee, alcohole, or tobacco and head straight to marijuana? Doubt it. Prolly every pot user started on cofee, tobacco or alcohol

Or maybe, just maybe, after a decade or so of being taught in school that marijuana is a horrible drug that will destroy your life and make you insane - and after all that, one smokes it and finds out its not all that, that its mostly harmless - maybe when someone is in that situation they start to distrust the information they've been fed about other drugs, like coke and heroin - drugs that really will destroy your life in short order.
for 99.9999% of users.

Does anybody bypass marijuana and go straight to cocaine, heroin and meth?

The primary reason weed should not be legalized for recreational use.

Does anybody bypass cofee, alcohole, or tobacco and head straight to marijuana? Doubt it. Prolly every pot user started on cofee, tobacco or alcohol

Or maybe, just maybe, after a decade or so of being taught in school that marijuana is a horrible drug that will destroy your life and make you insane - and after all that, one smokes it and finds out its not all that, that its mostly harmless - maybe when someone is in that situation they start to distrust the information they've been fed about other drugs, like coke and heroin - drugs that really will destroy your life in short order.

You know............I started to get curious when my command selected me to become a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor and sent me to school. I was able to see films and pictures (as well as sat through a lot of lectures) about various substances and the long term effects on the body.

Cannabis was the only one that appeared to be in the wrong place as a Schedule I drug, as it's not physically addictive and the effects wear off within 3-6 hours, depending on amount consumed and how much you've eaten. So, I decided that after I got out of the military, I was going to investigate it for myself. 6 months after retirement, and after having researched a lot more as to the effects, I tried it for myself.

Since then? I'm an occasional consumer, and have suffered no ill long term effects, and I've been doing it around 10 years.

Reefer Madness and Anslinger did the dirtiest propaganda campaign against cannabis that was ever done, and the effects are still with us today.

BTW...........the reason it was made illegal? Because Anslinger was a racist and wanted to find a good excuse to put the Blacks and Hispanics (the main consumers) in jail.

If you support keeping cannabis illegal, not only are you uninformed, but you are following a racist cause.

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