We want answers, there are none


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
What we need to admit to, even though we don't want to, is there is tragedy in life. It happens, whether we or a loved one are hit by a falling boulder, or shot by someone that has snapped. Nothing we can do can keep these things from happening in the future. Nothing, unless we wish to confine ourselves and our loved ones inside 4 walls from now until eternity. And what kind of life would that be? Even then disease can strike, a tornado, etc. And the odds are actually in our favor that none of the above will happen.

What we can do is cherish life and each and every day we have with all those around us and teach our young to do the same, then if those odds of tragedy does indeed strike, we can rest with a small amount of peace that we did not waste time on what really didn't matter in the larger scheme of things.
Good post and very accurate.

There is not one simple solution. And we cannot protect everyone everyday all the time.

We all want a quick, simple answer, but it doesn't exist.

Didn't Columbine occur DURING the assault weapons ban?
Because the real answer is that we need to learn to govern ourselves. We need to stop looking to others to protect us and protect ourselves. We need to change our hearts and the hearts of our children so they don't have this total disregard for human life. We need to make our lives less violent and put less violence in our brains. We need to change the culture in our society, not by passing laws, but by changing ourselves.

It's much easier to just pass a law than it is to do that. Passing laws wont fix the problem. people stepping up can.
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

If that was the case, then all disaffected youth would be committing massacres almost daily.

But hey, never let a good crisis go to waste, right?
Good post and very accurate.

There is not one simple solution. And we cannot protect everyone everyday all the time.

We all want a quick, simple answer, but it doesn't exist.

Didn't Columbine occur DURING the assault weapons ban?

Think back to before the radio, tv, etc. If something like this happened 500 miles away, odds are you didn't hear about it. And because they didn't hear it they didn't attempt to erect walls around themselves or their loved ones and people continued to enjoy life, hopefully to its fullest, rather than shirking in fear every time they or a loved one ventured out.

Life is what it is. Rather than continue to react in fear we need to learn to enjoy it, live it fully and to help give those within our care the ability to do the same. We need to quit being reactionary.

Look at our schools today, already, due to just a very few incidents over the years (not here, mind you), they have become literally prison-like. In our county, they are surrounded by tall fences, officers in the building, plastics for silverware, no recess, all due to keep them safe from a perceived mad man/woman that might happen upon them.
How is that to live? How is that teaching our kids people are inherently good? It isn't. It is giving them the feeling that they will encounter evil at each every turn. They are taught everything should also be fair in life, when life just isn't, and they begin to perceive that they can trust noone, and then have no coping skills when you remove them from these walls we have surrounded them with.
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

and yet the odds are against that happening, aren't they when we look at the statistics?

I personally do not like the violence I see portrayed as 'fun', but do not think of it as the catalyst of a mentally ill person going off.
What we need to admit to, even though we don't want to, is there is tragedy in life. It happens, whether we or a loved one are hit by a falling boulder, or shot by someone that has snapped. Nothing we can do can keep these things from happening in the future. Nothing, unless we wish to confine ourselves and our loved ones inside 4 walls from now until eternity. And what kind of life would that be? Even then disease can strike, a tornado, etc. And the odds are actually in our favor that none of the above will happen.

What we can do is cherish life and each and every day we have with all those around us and teach our young to do the same, then if those odds of tragedy does indeed strike, we can rest with a small amount of peace that we did not waste time on what really didn't matter in the larger scheme of things.

Nonsense. All that is needed to avoid tragedy is to give all our wealth and power to government.
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

On the other hand,

Indoctrinated youth + banned video games + banned fire arms = Obama utopia
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

On the other hand,

Indoctrinated youth + banned video games + banned fire arms = Obama utopia

well you certainly are a retard.

Anyways as for the Op, which is pure bullshit. Answers will come in the future when more facts come out. Thy're answers out there to solve these issues, but you rather over sensationalize them in order to put them down.

You are not helping, throwing your hands up in the air is an insult to those kids who was killed. Saying "oh well, this shit is going to happen" Makes you worthless. That as a human being should be unacceptable period.

The fact that some of you think this way is just pathetic.

Oh and turning to god isnt the answer Avatar.
I am sick at heart from talking about this for days on end.

No one is forcing you to participate in the discussions. If you dont want to tall about this issue, dont enter the threads and post comments on the issue. It's not exactly rocket science.
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

Your logic is impeccable. Whoops. I mean non-existent.

You realize that putting plus signs next to things doesn't really make it a simplistic equation, right?
I am sick at heart from talking about this for days on end.

I'm afraid it is going to be a continued talking point until those that have a perception of being able to control all of life for all of us, to keep us safe, have their day. And if they actually win, life will become even more of a prison for all of us, within that perceived safety they want you to believe is good for you.

Instead of emphasizing how we need to become stronger for each other in times like these and how to cope during them, and realize this is not the norm, they push the perception it is, and it will only get worse if we don't listen to them.
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

On the other hand,

Indoctrinated youth + banned video games + banned fire arms = Obama utopia

well you certainly are a retard.

Anyways as for the Op, which is pure bullshit. Answers will come in the future when more facts come out. Thy're answers out there to solve these issues, but you rather over sensationalize them in order to put them down.

You are not helping, throwing your hands up in the air is an insult to those kids who was killed. Saying "oh well, this shit is going to happen" Makes you worthless. That as a human being should be unacceptable period.

The fact that some of you think this way is just pathetic.

Oh and turning to god isnt the answer Avatar.

Because being a humble, charitable, and honest people with a desire to uplift our fellow man is going to lead to countless more massacres.
On the other hand,

Indoctrinated youth + banned video games + banned fire arms = Obama utopia

well you certainly are a retard.

Anyways as for the Op, which is pure bullshit. Answers will come in the future when more facts come out. Thy're answers out there to solve these issues, but you rather over sensationalize them in order to put them down.

You are not helping, throwing your hands up in the air is an insult to those kids who was killed. Saying "oh well, this shit is going to happen" Makes you worthless. That as a human being should be unacceptable period.

The fact that some of you think this way is just pathetic.

Oh and turning to god isnt the answer Avatar.

Because being a humble, charitable, and honest people with a desire to uplift our fellow man is going to lead to countless more massacres.

thats all well and good, i just don't want society to take your path to get there.
Plenty of violence has been done in the name of god and no god. You have no more cred than the rest of them.
Because being a humble, charitable, and honest people with a desire to uplift our fellow man is going to lead to countless more massacres.

thats all well and good, i just don't want society to take your path to get there.
Plenty of violence has been done in the name of god and no god. You have no more cred than the rest of them.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a lazy response. Lump everyone together and you don't actually have to think about it, let alone learn how to differentiate between people.
What we need to admit to, even though we don't want to, is there is tragedy in life. It happens, whether we or a loved one are hit by a falling boulder, or shot by someone that has snapped. Nothing we can do can keep these things from happening in the future. Nothing, unless we wish to confine ourselves and our loved ones inside 4 walls from now until eternity. And what kind of life would that be? Even then disease can strike, a tornado, etc. And the odds are actually in our favor that none of the above will happen.

What we can do is cherish life and each and every day we have with all those around us and teach our young to do the same, then if those odds of tragedy does indeed strike, we can rest with a small amount of peace that we did not waste time on what really didn't matter in the larger scheme of things.

Its just the natural progression of man and his technologies,years past if you wanted to kill a bunch you trapped them in a burning building,starved or hacked them up.today we blow,shoot,hack ,starve. tomorrow someone will use the tech of the day to do their worse.
Disaffected youth + violent video games + easy access to assualt weapons = massacre

On the other hand,

Indoctrinated youth + banned video games + banned fire arms = Obama utopia

well you certainly are a retard.

Anyways as for the Op, which is pure bullshit. Answers will come in the future when more facts come out. Thy're answers out there to solve these issues, but you rather over sensationalize them in order to put them down.

You are not helping, throwing your hands up in the air is an insult to those kids who was killed. Saying "oh well, this shit is going to happen" Makes you worthless. That as a human being should be unacceptable period.

The fact that some of you think this way is just pathetic.

Oh and turning to god isnt the answer Avatar.

Seriously? Are you telling me that there is a way to predict when one person out of over 300 million in this nation alone is going to snap? Are you telling me there are laws we can erect to stop that from happening? Are you telling me that even if we had a ban on all guns that every gun in this nation would miraculously disappear to never have evil shine its light again? What happens when a mad man uses a knife to wield his vicitms with, do we them ban all of them as well? Are you telling me that if we lock them down in walls without windows it assures us that when they step outside those doors, that nothing is going to happen bad?
Don't tell me I am insulting in any way. Shit happens. It is a fact of life. In a zero tolerance, gun free zone, staffed with security officers, and surrounded by high fences. my son walked out of a bathroom at his school to then hear as he closed the door, the pop of a gun as a fellow student took his own life. Nothing could have prevented him from being the victim instead if that child had decided he wanted to take my sons, rather than his own. No walls anywhere, no laws anywhere could have prevented it from happening. The child (middle school) actually got ahold of the gun illegally. So no laws would have prevented that child from taking his own life or my sons if he had so desired.

Trying to convince others that outrageous laws would prevent a mad man from doing what they have set out to do is insulting.

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