We need to start the talk on Affordable Healthcare

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Me, a hater dupe?

What are you? One of those teabaggers?

I am trying to get out to the word to all my onesie wear hipster friends to pull in for the national effort to fund Obamacare.

Take your Koch Brothers crap elsewhere.
Only hater dupes have heard of this lol. Check the website and cut the Pubcrappe...end of discussion...

The Affirmative Action Failure of a president (who lots gave the benefit of the doubt because he was black) is now reaching new lows in an effort to save one of the biggest piles of shyt to ever hit the U.S.

Moron tards on the left are simply falling in line.
Me, a hater dupe?

What are you? One of those teabaggers?

I am trying to get out to the word to all my onesie wear hipster friends to pull in for the national effort to fund Obamacare.

Take your Koch Brothers crap elsewhere.


He is a whack job who has posted "hater dupes" over 14,000 times and in about 5,000 of them he has called the Koch Brothers "hater dupes". If you are not a Marxist, you are a "hater dupe".

Best to just ignore him.
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Me, a hater dupe?

What are you? One of those teabaggers?

I am trying to get out to the word to all my onesie wear hipster friends to pull in for the national effort to fund Obamacare.

Take your Koch Brothers crap elsewhere.


He is a whack job who has posted "hater dupes" over 14,000 times and in about 5,000 of them he has called the Koch Brothers "hater dupes". If you are not a Marxist, you are a "hater dupe".

Best to just ignore him.
I figured. I am just trying to troll the troll.

As evidenced by these advertisements, and posters like this, the left is becoming a parody of itself.
Me, a hater dupe?

What are you? One of those teabaggers?

I am trying to get out to the word to all my onesie wear hipster friends to pull in for the national effort to fund Obamacare.

Take your Koch Brothers crap elsewhere.


He is a whack job who has posted "hater dupes" over 14,000 times and in about 5,000 of them he has called the Koch Brothers "hater dupes". If you are not a Marxist, you are a "hater dupe".

Best to just ignore him.
I figured. I am just trying to troll the troll.

As evidenced by these advertisements, and posters like this, the left is becoming a parody of itself.

Frankie needs health care. Someone has to help him pull his head out of his ass. He keeps getting it stuck there.
All men wear footie jammies and sip hot chocolate while mommy instructs them on health care.

Yes tuck your junk, put on your footy pajamas and grab your cocoa. Nothing turns women on more than a mangirl.
You can spend your Christmas talking about healthcare insurance if you want, but I won't. The last thing I will do is let government policy permeate my observance of Christmas with my family. Nor will I do it a the behest of my President.

Asking us to hashtag "GetTalking" during the holidays about signing up for Obamacare is an act of desperation. He knows this law is on the verge of collapsing, and quite frankly, this doesn't help matters any.
No indication of the law "collapsing". That is just shrill girly-like unmanly behavior.

Like all programs, it will undergo modifications to make it better, but it is not going away.
No indication of the law "collapsing". That is just shrill girly-like unmanly behavior.

Like all programs, it will undergo modifications to make it better, but it is not going away.

Jake, when you have to intrude into the personal lives of people during the Christmas season to push your healthcare law, it's collapsing. It is a sheer act of desperation, albeit an insensitive one at that.

Not even you can deny that.
You can spend your Christmas talking about healthcare insurance if you want, but I won't. The last thing I will do is let government policy permeate my observance of Christmas with my family. Nor will I do it a the behest of my President.

Asking us to hashtag "GetTalking" during the holidays about signing up for Obamacare is an act of desperation. He knows this law is on the verge of collapsing, and quite frankly, this doesn't help matters any.

You get to celebrate Christmas? Bless your heart. My wife and I will be working.
And this is the Government you want in charge of your health care?...Invading every aspect of your lives..now your holidays too

this country is doomed with people who voted in this type of fascist clown Obama administration..
This holiday season, be ready to talk to your loved ones about getting covered. These conversations don't have to be tough -- OFA can help. Check out barackobama.com/talk to learn more.


Obama?s America: Land Of The Twee, Home Of The Fey | Chateau Heartiste


I can hear the conversation over dinner now. Junior did you sign up for Obamcare yet? But Dad--I thought you could cover me until I was 65 and eligible for medicare--:lol::lol:

Well Junior you're 30 years old now, and have been living without medical insurance for quite some time now. Junior:--well I thought Obama said that it was free health care coverage for all and that I was going to get free medical insurance, and or that some rich guy was going to pay for it.

Well No Junior you have to PAY for it----and if you don't you will be fined by the IRS. You're wages will be garnished--your IRS refund seized--your checking accounts and any other assets you have will be confiscated, if you do not sign up and pay for Obamacare.

This is a great example of how much the typical YOUTH in this country--DON'T KNOW about Obamacare. Yet they overwhelmingly voted for Obama TWICE.

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