we need bottom up, "trickle out", tax policy to solve income inequality


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the working and middle class are the real job creators.

it's their demand that powers a great economy and it's from their paychecks that the system generates lasting prosperity. simply, when workers have more money, businesses have more customers. a virtuous cycle begins!
Them rich folks is stashing cash in their pockets so fast they haven't got time to worry about the 99% that make it possible.
the working and middle class are the real job creators.

it's their demand that powers a great economy and it's from their paychecks that the system generates lasting prosperity. simply, when workers have more money, businesses have more customers. a virtuous cycle begins!
After decades of listening to the Left Wingers it's obvious that they loath mainstream middle class Americans
Because Bill Gates has a lot of money, that hurts you? You really believe that?

Wealth is not a finite pile of cash from which we all must draw. The only reason to be worried about what someone else has is jealousy. That's a really pathetic way to go through life.
liberals do not see government overreach. conservatives don't see corporate overreach. it's impossible to come together.
The entire premise of the OP show a complete lack of economic understanding. Besides, the darling of the left Pelosi, said welfare creates wealth. I think the OP feels if we just print more money and hand it out everybody will be living rich.
As I understand it, roughly the bottom half of all US employees pay no federal income taxes as it is today. Just how far up the income ladder would those on the Left like to raise the bar for who pays federal income taxes and who doesn't? Presumably you intend to raise taxes on those who are left, correct? Do you think there won't be consequences if/when you do that?

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