We must destroy Gaia to save Her


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Vermont’s environmental policy destroying environment, says environmentalist...
As environmentalists and lawmakers met at the statehouse this week to discuss a bill that would require large-scale utility companies to sell more high-cost renewable energy to Vermonters, Whitworth was among those who testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources and Energy.
“The turbines are projected to last 20 years. … The amount of carbon (Lowell would avoid) is less than two weeks of carbon produced by New York City traffic. We traded an intact ecosystem, a vital wildlife habitat, for less than two weeks of New York City carbon emissions. It’s not a good trade.” Vermont s environmental policy destroying environment says environmentalist Watchdog.org
Green Goblins strike again, After 20 yrs what happens......nature reclaims them??? Coal miner does this its bad very bad,
Silly ass, the turbines, after 20 years, will be replaced with a new, and more efficient turbine, and the metals and other resources in the turbines will be reclaimed. The foundation and support will still be there. Simply drive the crane up, lift off the old turbine, lift on the new, and it is good for another 20 years or more.
Turbines are obsolete technology, now. What advance can fix wind turbines? Physics dictate they can only spin so fast. Any improvements to the electrical generator will be minor, and insignificant, the wind only blows so hard.

We have studied wind mills longer than we have studied oil or nuclear power, by about a 1000 years.

Any advance, will be minor and overshadowed by advances in Nuclear power, clean coal technology, and the use of natural gas.

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