We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.

We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.

You ignore the obvious
We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.

So you're up to your 18th(?) COVID "vaccination"?
A single inoculation, not a lifetime of BigPharm's juice, that doesn't even work, being stuffed into your arm...

Please tell me what I am ignoring?

That the evil White insurrectionists and slave owner infected troops by cutting open the skin of someone infected with a less deadly strain ...

Not the same as standing in a parking lot waiting for a poison death jab while munching on a free donut for a disease that killed maybe 29 people ....30 tops

You're death count numbers youre about to post in response was nothing but a lie...people were murdered in hospitals by the so called treatments


You need a booster though
The general level of health in the community as a whole.
Yes, the general health of the community is more important. A healthy citizenery makes a stronger country.
Vaccines have saved our nation from multiple health threats;
Small Pox
diphtheria, and

The greatest benefit of vaccines have been children. Countless lives have been saved. Thanks to patriots who did what was best for the community.

Disease has been the greatest threat to the world population since day one
We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.

Sophistry. Covid 19 is to Small Pox what a lit match is to the Sun.
That the evil White insurrectionists and slave owner infected troops by cutting open the skin of someone infected with a less deadly strain ...

Not the same as standing in a parking lot waiting for a poison death jab while munching on a free donut for a disease that killed maybe 29 people ....30 tops

You're death count numbers youre about to post in response was nothing but a lie

View attachment 908418

You need a booster though
Still seeing the stupid and fearful walking around by themselves all maked up. Currently that will protect a person Exactly As Much as me putting a lighting rod on my head to not get struck.
Conjecture supposition presented as likely occurrent fact
Another lib loon fake delving into 170+ years ago.
Small Pox was decimating the patriots fighting for our creation of our nation
Washington mandated small pox vaccine
Vaccine solved the problem of small pox for Washington's army

Quit making excuses. You do not have the stength of the patriots who fought to create our country.
Yes, the general health of the community is more important. A healthy citizenery makes a stronger country.
Vaccines have saved our nation from multiple health threats;
Small Pox
diphtheria, and

The greatest benefit of vaccines have been children. Countless lives have been saved. Thanks to patriots who did what was best for the community.

Disease has been the greatest threat to the world population since day one
More platitudinous sophistry, that has zero to do with the worthless FauxiFlu shots.
We may not have our country if the Revolution patriots had not taken vaccines.
During the Revolutionary war the US army was being decimated by small pox. George Washington MANDATED all the patriots fighting for our country be VACCINATED for small pox.
The vaccines stopped our USA patriots being decimated by small pox. Small pox could have defeated the patriots, doing England's job. The rest is history.
Trre patriots do what is required for their country.
MAGA anti-vaxxers are not patriots.

Tell us all that you are deeply ignorant of basic medical science, without saying that you are deeply ignorant of basic medical science.

Vaccination, in any form, had not yet been invented as of George Washington's time.

Inoculation was a precursor to vaccination. It was well known, long before this time, that there were some diseases that you could get only once. If you survived the disease, you would thereafter be immune from getting that disease again.

It wasn't until some time later that the basis for vaccination was discovered, that pathogens could be weakened to the point of being unable to cause the disease, but still be able to trigger the immune system to produce antibodies that would render one immune to the disease.

And if it's your intent to imply any support here, for the dangerous experimental mRNA shit that is now fraudulently being pushed as a “vaccine”, then your ignorance and gullibility are likely irreparable. That shit is totally different from any legitimate, genuine vaccine.

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