we invite illegals to stay yet this young woman has to self deport?

Legal Immigrant to be Deported from Rural Missouri | fox4kc.com

All of her family is here LEGALLY but she must leave when she turns 21 becauseshe isn't part owner in her parents business. We invite all the Latinos in on our dime and here is a family doing it right yet their daughter must leave when she turns 21. She's been waiting on her papers for 9 years.

As I suspected, she isn't from south of the border. She is from England. Europeans in this and the last couple of administration need not apply...or try. There is racism in our immigration, but in favor or non-whites and non-asians.
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Seems to me she could stay until the bureaucratic snafu is cleared up. This should be handled by getting in touch with one's representitives in Congress, rather than leaving the country.
Legal Immigrant to be Deported from Rural Missouri | fox4kc.com

All of her family is here LEGALLY but she must leave when she turns 21 becauseshe isn't part owner in her parents business. We invite all the Latinos in on our dime and here is a family doing it right yet their daughter must leave when she turns 21. She's been waiting on her papers for 9 years.

As I suspected, she isn't from south of the border. She is from England. Europeans in this and the last couple of administration need not apply...or try. There is racism in our immigration, but in favor or non-whites and non-asians.

Thats bullshit, if this girl is being kicked out so should the millions who snuck across this border illegally.
Seems to me she could stay until the bureaucratic snafu is cleared up. This should be handled by getting in touch with one's representitives in Congress, rather than leaving the country.

If I were her I would learn Spanish, get a tan and just refuse to leave.
Legal Immigrant to be Deported from Rural Missouri | fox4kc.com

All of her family is here LEGALLY but she must leave when she turns 21 becauseshe isn't part owner in her parents business. We invite all the Latinos in on our dime and here is a family doing it right yet their daughter must leave when she turns 21. She's been waiting on her papers for 9 years.

As I suspected, she isn't from south of the border. She is from England. Europeans in this and the last couple of administration need not apply...or try. There is racism in our immigration, but in favor or non-whites and non-asians.

Thats bullshit, if this girl is being kicked out so should the millions who snuck across this border illegally.

We cant do that...........

We have been blocking ID to vote for reasons like the up coming election. I will also tell you we have the finest catch and release program in the world. All designed for the illegal vote.
Seems to me she could stay until the bureaucratic snafu is cleared up. This should be handled by getting in touch with one's representitives in Congress, rather than leaving the country.

If I were her I would learn Spanish, get a tan and just refuse to leave.

The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?
Seems to me she could stay until the bureaucratic snafu is cleared up. This should be handled by getting in touch with one's representitives in Congress, rather than leaving the country.

If I were her I would learn Spanish, get a tan and just refuse to leave.

The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?

From what I read she has to leave when she turns 21.
Eh... While her stance and willingness to bring this to the forefront is admirable... It's not like they track you down if you are illegal. If she's deported, it's because she is on an honor system and self deports.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this.

Honor, success and religious beliefs all losing meaning in our world, sad.
If I were her I would learn Spanish, get a tan and just refuse to leave.

The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?

From what I read she has to leave when she turns 21.

The law says she has to leave, but the fact that she is and it's being publicized as such without mention of an appeal to one's representitves in Congress, smells like an anti-immigration publicity ploy.
Eh... While her stance and willingness to bring this to the forefront is admirable... It's not like they track you down if you are illegal. If she's deported, it's because she is on an honor system and self deports.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this.

So you are saying her deportation will be a result of her showing respect for the honor system we have set up...and therefore her deporation will be her own fault?

Whereas you are likely correct...I do not see it as "her fault"...I see it as a result of us respecting those that show respect for the honor system in no more a way than those that show disrespect for it.
Seems to me she could stay until the bureaucratic snafu is cleared up. This should be handled by getting in touch with one's representitives in Congress, rather than leaving the country.

If I were her I would learn Spanish, get a tan and just refuse to leave.

The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?

The law says she has to leave.

Wanting to obey the law is now deemed as a "ploy" in your eyes?

I once walked out of a store realizing the clerk gave me a 10 dollar bill as opposed to a one dollar bill.

SO I returned it.

Do you think I had an alterior motive?
The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?

The law says she has to leave.

Wanting to obey the law is now deemed as a "ploy" in your eyes?

When there are other more reasonable courses of action, YES, it does seem fishy.

A perfect example of the liberal mindset.

Now we have 'more reasonable courses of action' than obeying the law.

How fucked up is THAT?
The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?

The law says she has to leave.

Wanting to obey the law is now deemed as a "ploy" in your eyes?

When there are other more reasonable courses of action, YES, it does seem fishy.

I understand your point...and dont necessarily disagree.

However...if it were me in her position....

I would be so perplexed at the fact that the President of the United States announced that children of undocumented immigrants get a "pass" automatically, yet I must go through an appeal process since I am the child of a DOCUMENTED immigrant.....I would likely make it a "national story"...and I would not consider my actions as a "ploy"....more of a national eye opener.

So yes...you are likely correct...she opted to do this to make a point...a valid point...one that NEEDS to be made.

I do not fault her for it and neither should you.
The law says she has to leave.

Wanting to obey the law is now deemed as a "ploy" in your eyes?

When there are other more reasonable courses of action, YES, it does seem fishy.

A perfect example of the liberal mindset.

Now we have 'more reasonable courses of action' than obeying the law.

How fucked up is THAT?

That is not what he is saying.
He is saying that she intentionally took the route that gets press exposure.
I happen to agree with him...

Press exposure is exactly what this situation needed.

But I do not see it as a stance on immigration...I see it as a stance on absurdity.
When there are other more reasonable courses of action, YES, it does seem fishy.

A perfect example of the liberal mindset.

Now we have 'more reasonable courses of action' than obeying the law.

How fucked up is THAT?

That is not what he is saying.
He is saying that she intentionally took the route that gets press exposure.
I happen to agree with him...

Press exposure is exactly what this situation needed.

But I do not see it as a stance on immigration...I see it as a stance on absurdity.

Correction accepted...
Seems to me she could stay until the bureaucratic snafu is cleared up. This should be handled by getting in touch with one's representitives in Congress, rather than leaving the country.

If I were her I would learn Spanish, get a tan and just refuse to leave.

The question is, has anyone told her she has to leave or is this just an anti-"immigration policy" ploy?

how does immigration policies promote unity? as you bloviate, the US is being surrounded with hate propaganda and you are worried about Spanish and a tan...brilliant master obvious.
She was meant to get her green card last year but it hasn't arrived yet. That isn't her fault, its the fault of the immigration department. She should refuse to leave - let them force her back home. She has every right to stay in the country.

send her on a bus with a bill back home...diversity divides and never units hg wannabes.
She was meant to get her green card last year but it hasn't arrived yet. That isn't her fault, its the fault of the immigration department. She should refuse to leave - let them force her back home. She has every right to stay in the country.

send her on a bus with a bill back home...diversity divides and never units hg wannabes.

How does a bus traverse the ocean?

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