We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Again, I don't care for government giving any kind of loans to people, but there were benefits for all of us when they forgave PPP loans. These people are our employers. They give us jobs, they create taxpaying workers, they pay property tax to the cities they operate their business from.

There is no benefit to society by handing out 10 or 20K to people with college loans. If you had an outstanding college loan, and between you and your wife, you make 240K a year, you still qualify for this money.

PPP loans accomplished a great deal for our society, paying college loans doesn't.

I get it Ray, your communist government is only to help the corporations. Fuck helping people. Damn just say it don't be such a hypocrite. You will feel better.
Still they were happy to stick the hand out when they want it...

It is hypocritical...

Businesses enjoy a lot more protections than people with student loans..

Oh this is just the start. Trust me, I know the history of the left.

Businesses were not expecting a worldwide pandemic to hit our country. They opened up their business long before that. These kids taking college loans knew exactly what they were getting into when they signed those papers. And not one of you can explain the equity of this.

Why didn't government pay one of my mortgages? Why didn't they payoff your car loan? How about one of your credit cards or equity loan?

While this is a transparent attempt to buy votes, what about the people that paid off their college loans within the last five years? Screw them because they met their obligations of the loan?
And how did that become the taxpayers responsibility or problem? Nobody "allows" tuition to go up because it's not anything we really have control over. If tuition is too high, then the kid needs to figure out another game plan. Maybe opt for trade school instead.
Trade School, Community College + Four Year State School. There are options besides egregiously expensive private schools.
A multi million dollar business needs taxpayer help to get by you commie?

Why are you calling me a commie when you support their party?

Businesses go out of business and we see it all the time. This fallacy that anybody that has anything is sitting on a pile of money is a lie created by the left. Even in a good economy many start ups go out of business. A worldwide pandemic could knock out thousands of those businesses in a heartbeat.
Trade School, Community College + Four Year State School. There are options besides egregiously expensive private schools.

You forgot the one I brought up which is don't attend college until you're in your 20's. Get out and get a full time job. Live with mom and dad giving you the ability to save every dime you can. If you still want to attend college at the age of 21 or 22, you will have the cash resources for it and continue to replenish that savings account working weekends or getting a full-time job while school is out of session.
Why are you calling me a commie when you support their party?

Businesses go out of business and we see it all the time. This fallacy that anybody that has anything is sitting on a pile of money is a lie created by the left. Even in a good economy many start ups go out of business. A worldwide pandemic could knock out thousands of those businesses in a heartbeat.

Because you support handouts to business, you are a commie. You love gubnit giving money to businesses. That is not free market Capitalism that is commie shit. Hence you are a commie.
You forgot the one I brought up which is don't attend college until you're in your 20's. Get out and get a full time job. Live with mom and dad giving you the ability to save every dime you can. If you still want to attend college at the age of 21 or 22, you will have the cash resources for it and continue to replenish that savings account working weekends or getting a full-time job while school is out of session.
30 plus years ago, I applied to a bunch of colleges… private (out of state), public (out of state), and in state. I got into most of them. My parents told me that they had a certain amount of money and I would also need to work. That meant, in-state was the best option so I would get a quality education and not emerge with a whole lot of debt. In hindsight, I wish I had gone to Community College the first two years to save even further. I know people who are highly successful that did Military and/or Community College plus State school who professionally are on par with elite private college grads. I know trade school grads turned entrepreneurs taking home income equal to or exceeding Ivy League MBAs.

There is no need to take on egregious loans for private colleges you can’t afford. And please, these recent college students need to stop demanding the US Taxpayer foot the bill just because they felt entitled to go to a school they can’t afford.
Because you support handouts to business, you are a commie. You love gubnit giving money to businesses. That is not free market Capitalism that is commie shit. Hence you are a commie.

So how many times have I wrote I don't care for any government loans, like at least three times? You know, you leftists love to put in words we on the right never used. Either that or your comprehension skills suffer that badly.
So how many times have I wrote I don't care for any government loans, like at least three times? You know, you leftists love to put in words we on the right never used. Either that or your comprehension skills suffer that badly.
But the only ranting you do is about student loan debts. Not 1 time on this forum did you piss and moan about PPP LOAN forgiveness. But you have spent most of the thread defending your commie companies standing there with their hands out as always sucking up taxpayer money. You do it every single time!
But the only ranting you do is about student loan debts. Not 1 time on this forum did you piss and moan about PPP LOAN forgiveness. But you have spent most of the thread defending your commie companies standing there with their hands out as always sucking up taxpayer money. You do it every single time!

No, what I pointed out is how much good our tax dollars did with the PPP loans. Giving college kids money doesn't do anything for our society. It's only proposed to buy votes.
No, what I pointed out is how much good our tax dollars did with the PPP loans. Giving college kids money doesn't do anything for our society. It's only proposed to buy votes.
No you proved you love handouts for your precious corporations. 100% commie shit. Tax dollars for multi million dollar businesses good. Anything for the people not just bad but EVIL. All this while being on the gubnit dole yourself, I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!!
They bought it, they utilized it, they found it not useful afterward and now they want others to pay for it.
It’s a dumber idea than welfare.

I buy a car, drive it for 4 years, decide the gas mileage is unsatisfactory and want all the money for gas and purchase price refunded. It’s really a dumber than dogshit concept.
No you proved you love handouts for your precious corporations. 100% commie shit. Tax dollars for multi million dollar businesses good. Anything for the people not just bad but EVIL. All this while being on the gubnit dole yourself, I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!!

I can't have a discussion when you make up shit I never said. It's like trying to debate economics with a mentally retarded person.
I can't have a discussion when you make up shit I never said. It's like trying to debate economics with a mentally retarded person.
Libs don’t have facts and reality on their side and this rattles their feelings to a great extent so they make up what they wish or feel, also know as a LIE, and try to peddle that.
Libs don’t have facts and reality on their side and this rattles their feelings to a great extent so they make up what they wish or feel, also know as a LIE, and try to peddle that.

Whats funny about it is they are arguing with themselves. How many times did I write that I don't care for government providing any loans, and he keeps coming back as if I said he opposite. He's not arguing with me, he's arguing with himself.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
I can't have a discussion when you make up shit I never said. It's like trying to debate economics with a mentally retarded person.

You sure are mentally retarded. When did you ever go at the corporations when they got their PPP LOANS forgiven, exactly when. But not only have you attacked the student LOAN forgiveness but you even laid out a plan on how people that want to go to college need to go about. How tRumpian authoritarian of you.
Still they were happy to stick the hand out when they want it...

It is hypocritical...

Businesses enjoy a lot more protections than people with student loans..
Those so called protected businesses were shut down by the government. And threatened with jail for opening. They were further threatened against firing people or reducing their wages.

Now, how the hell does any of that apply to a student taking out a loan?

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