We Followed Two Women At A Donald Trump Rally And This Is What It Was Like


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Well, well. An honest, unbiased report by this ultra-left website. I'm shocked.

That’s why she believes Trump will get far bigger numbers in Ohio than the 5-point lead he was given in a recent Bloomberg poll.

There are lot of people secretly, quietly supporting Trump. I think people will be surprised on Election Day,” said Connors. “There are a lot of people like us, coming to rallies for the first time and liking what he has to say.”

Full story @ We Followed Two Women At A Donald Trump Rally And This Is What It Was Like
'This is definitely America's fault, America values tolerance, acceptance, diversity, personal freedom, and justice and fairness for all. Those things lead people of all colors and races and ethnicities, and religions to come to this land of so much promise. And now these values have elected a black man (who may not even be American), there is a Muslim in Congress, and a Black congressional caucus. White Americans are now scared at what they created, they must now rollback these diverse accomplishments of their nation because of fear of more change. And these two women show that fear clearly. We must return to a past in which ethnic and religious minorities, and women especially, knew their place, we cannot live up to our founding principles, even when we must pretend we believe in them, or white America will need to share and no longer be top dog. Time to make America great again.' (See quote below.)

"The crowd, was, like Connors and Miller, largely white and middle-class. I walked the 2,000-person-room three times, but couldn’t find a black, Hispanic or Asian person in attendance. This was a room comfortable in the warm embrace of its sameness, of white voters tired of feeling like their country had been led astray by Washington insiders catering to foreign governments, and of middle class families who said they were tired of feeling scared of radical Islamists, illegal immigrants, and inner city youths. It was a room made for what Trump repeatedly called “his movement.”"
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