We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

Why would you hide a non-disclosure payment?
When I ask the question, does it become any clearer to you?
Well at first Trump's official answer to that question when asked was that he was trying to keep Melania from finding out about the affair.
But of course he changes his stories so much I don't know what his current line of bullshit on it may be.
Well at first Trump's official answer to that question when asked was that he was trying to keep Melania from finding out about the affair.
But of course he changes his stories so much I don't know what his current line of bullshit on it may be.


But only until after the election. Once the election was over Melania's fee-fees didn't matter.

Most payments for NDAs are tax deductible.
That depends on the payment and the purpose. The NDA is just a legal document used to keep the recipient silent in accordance with terms of the agreement. When purpose of the NDA is to protect a business, then yes the hush money payment is a legal deduction. If is to protect Trump's campaign for president, it is not..

When the DA puts the payments in prospective; a candidate who has just been hurt by the Access Hollywood tapes, and now has potentially more damages from Stormy Damage disclosures, it becomes pretty clear that these payments were to benefit the Trump campaign for president, not his business. The DA also has The National Enquirer's parent companies acknowledging that Trump's hushmoney payments were done specifically to help Trump's presidential campaign. Cohen will probably backup those statements, although, I not sure how much his testimony is worth. The jury is likely to decide that the payments were to benefit Trump's campaign and not his business making it a campaign expense not a business expense.
That depends on the payment and the purpose. The NDA is just a legal document used to keep the recipient silent in accordance with terms of the agreement. When purpose of the NDA is to protect a business, then yes the hush money payment is a legal deduction. If is to protect Trump's campaign for president, it is not..

When the DA puts the payments in prospective; a candidate who has just been hurt by the Access Hollywood tapes, and now has potentially more damages from Stormy Damage disclosures, it becomes pretty clear that these payments were to benefit the Trump campaign for president, not his business. The DA also has The National Enquirer's parent companies acknowledging that Trump's hushmoney payments were done specifically to help Trump's presidential campaign. Cohen will probably backup those statements, although, I not sure how much his testimony is worth. The jury is likely to decide that the payments were to benefit Trump's campaign and not his business making it a campaign expense not a business expense.

it becomes pretty clear that these payments were to benefit the Trump campaign for president, not his business.

The argument could be made that it protects both.

The DA also has The National Enquirer's parent companies acknowledging that Trump's hushmoney payments were done specifically to help Trump's presidential campaign.

It's not illegal to pay for a story and not run it.
it becomes pretty clear that these payments were to benefit the Trump campaign for president, not his business.

The argument could be made that it protects both.


If this can be corroborated. The DA can impeach the claim it was done for reputation or to protect from Melania finding out (of course she probably already knew since the original story was outed in public in 2011) and the intent was to bury the story only through the election.

View attachment 778341

If this can be corroborated. The DA can impeach the claim it was done for reputation or to protect from Melania finding out (of course she probably already knew since the original story was outed in public in 2011) and the intent was to bury the story only through the election.


Killing a story isn't a campaign donation.
Publishing a story isn't a campaign donation.
Killing a story isn't a campaign donation.
Publishing a story isn't a campaign donation.


Taking a loan out on your home, creating a shell company, depositing the money from the loan, paying a porn star for an NDA through the shell company just prior to an election after another sex sandal is.

I'm seem to remember someone being convicted of those exact sequence of events based on them being an illegal campaign donation.


Taking a loan out on your home, creating a shell company, depositing the money from the loan, paying a porn star for an NDA through the shell company just prior to an election after another sex sandal is.

I'm seem to remember someone being convicted of those exact sequence of events based on them being an illegal campaign donation.


Taking a loan out on your home, creating a shell company, depositing the money from the loan, paying a porn star for an NDA through the shell company just prior to an election after another sex sandal is.

You could make the argument that it's a gift, not a campaign contribution.
Taking a loan out on your home, creating a shell company, depositing the money from the loan, paying a porn star for an NDA through the shell company just prior to an election after another sex sandal is.

You could make the argument that it's a gift, not a campaign contribution.

See the earlier image of the quote from the statement of fact.

But to respond, people can claim anything they want. Doesn’t mean a sane person has to believe them.

Taking a loan out on your home, creating a shell company, depositing the money from the loan, paying a porn star for an NDA through the shell company just prior to an election after another sex sandal is.

You could make the argument that it's a gift, not a campaign contribution.
Sure, if you manage to suppress all the evidence to the contrary.
Killing a story isn't a campaign donation.
Publishing a story isn't a campaign donation.

No, but paying a $150,000 for a catch and kill to silence a porn star who is looking to go public with her story of an affair with a candidate, is.
Hush money is part of politics now. Deal with it.
For some people it is. However most married men do not need the services of prostitutes and porn stars. Those in politics usually do the smart thing by asking for forgiveness and working it out. Then going before it becomes a media
The money was not spent by the campaign and a legitimate campaign expense can't benefit the candidate personally in any way. The FEC, Mueller and the previous NY DA all looked at this and declined to move forward.

You need to understand what the FEC considers and election contribution. According to the FEC, A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election. It does not have to be given to the candidate's campaign fund. If you put a billboard up in your front yard that says Elect Trump, that is an election contribution. If you pay rent on a town hall for a rally, that is an election contribution. Cohen paying hushmoney to Trump whores, etc is an election contribution because Choen did it to influence the election.

Cohen was the sacrificial goat. He pled guilty to illegal election contributions, exceeding the individual limit, and falsifying bank documents used in the hushmoney payments, all as part of a scheme to protect Trump. I don't think anyone believes that the hushmoney that Cohen paid was done without Trump explicit instructions. However, expecting Trump to be charged in 2017 would have been nuts. with Trump appointments to the DOJ, FBI, FEC, etc and a republican congress rubberstamping them.
For some people it is. However most married men do not need the services of prostitutes and porn stars. Those in politics usually do the smart thing by asking for forgiveness and working it out. Then going before it becomes a media

You need to understand what the FEC considers and election contribution. According to the FEC, A contribution is anything of value given, loaned or advanced to influence a federal election. It does not have to be given to the candidate's campaign fund. If you put a billboard up in your front yard that says Elect Trump, that is an election contribution. If you pay rent on a town hall for a rally, that is an election contribution. Cohen paying hushmoney to Trump whores, etc is an election contribution because Choen did it to influence the election.

Cohen was the sacrificial goat. He pled guilty to illegal election contributions, exceeding the individual limit, and falsifying bank documents used in the hushmoney payments, all as part of a scheme to protect Trump. I don't think anyone believes that the hushmoney that Cohen paid was done without Trump explicit instructions. However, expecting Trump to be charged in 2017 would have been nuts. with Trump appointments to the DOJ, FBI, FEC, etc and a republican congress rubberstamping them.
One has to wonder when people will stop working with Trump. I think we can safely say he is now only attracting the worst people.
Killing a story isn't a campaign donation.


Tell AMI and David Pecker to demand a refund based on your knowledge...

As discussed below, the available information indicates that Pecker, Howard, and AMI 2 paid McDougal $150,000 to suppress her story from becoming public before the 2016 3 presidential election for the purpose of influencing that election. Accordingly, the Commission 4 finds reason to believe that AMI and Pecker knowingly and willfully violated 52 U.S.C. 5 § 30118(a) by making and consenting to make prohibited corporate in-kind contributions.

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