We Don’t Want a Border Deal --- We Want Deportations ---- Vote Trump!

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
President Eisenhower had his government program to deal with illegal aliens. It was called 'Operation Wetback', no joke. Voting for Trump will guarantee 'Operation Wetback' 2.0 on a massive grand scale. It's time to rid this country of third worlders in order to preserve the precious sacred gene pool of White people of European heritage. Here's how you do it.

1. Illegals have 30 days to self-deport. Get out.

2. After 30 days, any illegals found will be forcefully deported, to the location of our choosing.

3. Immediately develop a strict, well controlled guest worker program.

4. Self-deportees will be eligible. Those forcefully deported forfeit any guest worker privileges lifetime.

5. Effective immediately, anyone who employs illegals are subject to a fine of $5,000 per illegal per day. This includes individuals with day laborers. Repeated offenses will result in loss of any business licenses.

6. Anchor babies are hereby rescinded. Children share the citizenship of their parents.

6. Deportees who return illegally will be tried and sentenced to prison in desert tent camps for no less than five years.

7. Lastly , prosecute the Catholic Charities, The Red Cross, and every other single “NGO” that is assisting millions of illegal migrants to break Federal law.

What a statement that would send!

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President Eisenhower had his government program to deal with illegal aliens. It was called 'Operation Wetback'. Voting for Trump will guarantee 'Operation Wetback' 2.0 on a massive grand scale. It's time to rid this country of third worlders in order to preserve the precious sacred gene pool of White people of European heritage.

1. Illegals have 30 days to self-deport. Get out.

2. After 30 days, any illegals found will be forcefully deported, to the location of our choosing.

3. Immediately develop a strict, well controlled guest worker program.

4. Self-deportees will be eligible. Those forcefully deported forfeit any guest worker privileges lifetime.

5. Effective immediately, anyone who employs illegals are subject to a fine of $5,000 per illegal per day. This includes individuals with day laborers. Repeated offenses will result in loss of any business licenses.

6. Anchor babies are hereby rescinded. Children share the citizenship of their parents.

6. Deportees who return illegally will be tried and sentenced to prison in desert tent camps for no less than five years.

Deport them with the knowledge that if they come back again, they will then be executed for invading our country.
Remember when Trump said he was going to go out and arrest 1 million illegals?

And remember what he actually did?

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Remember when Trump said he was going to go out and arrest 1 million illegals?

And remember what he actually did?

Trump's immigration policies were interfered and hindered by corrupt judges appointed by Clinton, Obama, and Mexican immigrant loving Bush. Also the RINO's led by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan pulled his border wall funding at the last minute during the passage of the Omnus Bill when he took office. At least his Remain in Mexico worked as well as him getting 400 miles of border wall built using diverted military funds.
Trump's policies were interfered and hindered by corrupt judges appointed by Clinton, Obama, and Mexican immigrant loving Bush. Also the RINO's led by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan pulled his border wall funding at the last minute during the passage of the Omnus Bill when he took office. At least his Remain in Mexico worked as well as him getting 400 miles of border wall built using diverted military funds.

Always with the excuses. Trump was hindered by his inability to get off Twitter and actually do something.
President Eisenhower had his government program to deal with illegal aliens. It was called 'Operation Wetback', no joke. Voting for Trump will guarantee 'Operation Wetback' 2.0 on a massive grand scale. It's time to rid this country of third worlders in order to preserve the precious sacred gene pool of White people of European heritage. Here's how you do it.

1. Illegals have 30 days to self-deport. Get out.

2. After 30 days, any illegals found will be forcefully deported, to the location of our choosing.

3. Immediately develop a strict, well controlled guest worker program.

4. Self-deportees will be eligible. Those forcefully deported forfeit any guest worker privileges lifetime.

5. Effective immediately, anyone who employs illegals are subject to a fine of $5,000 per illegal per day. This includes individuals with day laborers. Repeated offenses will result in loss of any business licenses.

6. Anchor babies are hereby rescinded. Children share the citizenship of their parents.

6. Deportees who return illegally will be tried and sentenced to prison in desert tent camps for no less than five years.

7. Lastly , prosecute the Catholic Charities, The Red Cross, and every other single “NGO” that is assisting millions of illegal migrants to break Federal law.

What a statement that would send!

I could get behind most of that, but the birthright citizenship thing is a constitutional issue.

Also I wouldn't prosecute the NGO's.
President Eisenhower had his government program to deal with illegal aliens. It was called 'Operation Wetback', no joke. Voting for Trump will guarantee 'Operation Wetback' 2.0 on a massive grand scale. It's time to rid this country of third worlders in order to preserve the precious sacred gene pool of White people of European heritage. Here's how you do it.

1. Illegals have 30 days to self-deport. Get out.

2. After 30 days, any illegals found will be forcefully deported, to the location of our choosing.

3. Immediately develop a strict, well controlled guest worker program.

4. Self-deportees will be eligible. Those forcefully deported forfeit any guest worker privileges lifetime.

5. Effective immediately, anyone who employs illegals are subject to a fine of $5,000 per illegal per day. This includes individuals with day laborers. Repeated offenses will result in loss of any business licenses.

6. Anchor babies are hereby rescinded. Children share the citizenship of their parents.

6. Deportees who return illegally will be tried and sentenced to prison in desert tent camps for no less than five years.

7. Lastly , prosecute the Catholic Charities, The Red Cross, and every other single “NGO” that is assisting millions of illegal migrants to break Federal law.

What a statement that would send!

Deporting the Illegals is 10% of the solution; deport Biden, Mayorkas, UniParty Congressmen, Governors, Sheriffs and any NGO assisting the invasion
Not a good comparison. in the 30's Germany was doing far worse to their own Jewish Citizens, not illegal aliens.
They “did it” to all sorts of people who they decided to blame their troubles on.

That the victim is different doesn’t make the action different
The washington establishment in both parties was very adept at blocking the will of the people

Dont blame trump for their lack of action

"They" didn't control things. Trump did. Always with the excuses.
And it needs to be challenged at the Supreme Court. The 14th Amendment was to make ONLY negro slaves citizens, not Mexican or any other brown third worlders citizens.

I would prefer the amendment process. The amendment doesn't refer directly to blacks or the specific time of the reconstruction period.

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