We don't need gun regulations, we need white people regulations


Gold Member
Aug 31, 2017
According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

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So white people can be violent what's new?
They can be compliant cucks too!

In the comments section, the author of the article makes no bones what she thinks about her "white allies". They're just as bad as you and me.
Her rebuttals are even more telling. She is a Fk'ng Marxist pure and simple.

In rebuttal to Mr. Willis
"William, I wrote this article to do exactly what it did. Address ALL white people. Because all of you are complicit.

It’s not my obligation to distinguish the less evil among you. Nor do I care to.

There are Black people that work to maintain white allyship. I appreciate their cause and would never ask them to swerve out of their lane if they didn’t want to. However, I am not one of those Black people. I couldn’t care less if white people aided us in our revolution because I actually think we don’t need them. That’s a hard and sometimes incomprehensible pill to swallow for white allies. But it’s a radical truth I’ve transitioned to over time."

According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

There are no black supremacists here and there is no anti white racism.
According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

There are no black supremacists here and there is no anti white racism.

So who are those people who constantly post about the superiority of black genes and how you guys invented everything?
According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

There are no black supremacists here and there is no anti white racism.

So who are those people who constantly post about the superiority of black genes and how you guys invented everything?

The same people who respond to people like you telling us that blacks at dumber than everyone else, that we should be happy to have been slaves, who think that blacks never did anything until the white man showed up, who still think blacks live in mud huts in Africa and how African nations are inferior to so called white nations.
The same people who respond to people like you telling us that blacks at dumber than everyone else, that we should be happy to have been slaves, who think that blacks never did anything until the white man showed up, who still think blacks live in mud huts in Africa and how African nations are inferior to so called white nations.

I try to be diplomatic and am careful with my words. Not my fault that blacks tend to score lower on IQ tests than whites. It's not something I go around bashing you guys over the head with, do a search of my post history for "IQ" and you'll see. I've never said you'd be happier as slaves although I must remind you that you personally have never been a slave and DO benefit from that sordid history, now living in the most prosperous nation instead of shithole africa. Black people DO still live in huts, and african nations are the worst countries on earth especially in comparison to European ones.
The same people who respond to people like you telling us that blacks at dumber than everyone else, that we should be happy to have been slaves, who think that blacks never did anything until the white man showed up, who still think blacks live in mud huts in Africa and how African nations are inferior to so called white nations.

I try to be diplomatic and am careful with my words. Not my fault that blacks tend to score lower on IQ tests than whites. It's not something I go around bashing you guys over the head with, do a search of my post history for "IQ" and you'll see. I've never said you'd be happier as slaves although I must remind you that you personally have never been a slave and DO benefit from that sordid history, now living in the most prosperous nation instead of shithole africa. Black people DO still live in huts, and african nations are the worst countries on earth especially in comparison to European ones.

Except IQ tests really don't accurately indicate intelligence. And he fact is Africa was ruined by whites and whites still control the politics of many African nations so whites keep Africa screwed up, therefore most everything you say is wrong and evident of the psychosis whites like you are afflicted with.
The same people who respond to people like you telling us that blacks at dumber than everyone else, that we should be happy to have been slaves, who think that blacks never did anything until the white man showed up, who still think blacks live in mud huts in Africa and how African nations are inferior to so called white nations.

I try to be diplomatic and am careful with my words. Not my fault that blacks tend to score lower on IQ tests than whites. It's not something I go around bashing you guys over the head with, do a search of my post history for "IQ" and you'll see. I've never said you'd be happier as slaves although I must remind you that you personally have never been a slave and DO benefit from that sordid history, now living in the most prosperous nation instead of shithole africa. Black people DO still live in huts, and african nations are the worst countries on earth especially in comparison to European ones.

Except IQ tests really don't accurately indicate intelligence. And he fact is Africa was ruined by whites and whites still control the politics of many African nations so whites keep Africa screwed up, therefore most everything you say is wrong and evident of the psychosis whites like you are afflicted with.
Africa is far more free to make its own laws for its own people than Europe is.
According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

Removing hunting items from 125 stores. Last year, Dick’s removed hunting items from 10 stores where it under performed. After the removal, those stores generated positive comp sales in Q4.

Dick’s has seen same-store-sales declines since then, and some have blamed that on politics, but Dick’s stock is up 10% since that move, and up 12% in 2019 so far.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

Hello. Regarding "black women."

Risking hostile public condemnation, threats of violence and illogical HATEFUL name-calling from America's HATE embracing "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community," these apparent caring, RESPONSIBLE American citizens directly or indirectly share with our world their thoughts, concerns and opinions about a significant population of American teen and adult moms...

...who are FAILING to recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotionally well-being of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen caring about their own well being (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*), as well as embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful and less fortunate neighbors.

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men"
~BlacksUnited - Erika, Published on Mar 7, 2014

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons."
~Neko Cheri

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCf0vPCvovs/
" ~LadyMocha

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8sT_g9yRmQ&t=7m59s/

"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwECimUTcx4&t=7m06s
"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppRq6_AYOBs/
See my Sig for SOLUTIONS!

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Africans love slaves, ebola and mud huts.
Im glad i dont live in that shithole.
According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

There are no black supremacists here and there is no anti white racism.

This is a straight-up lie. There are at least two that I know of who post here all the time, who will come straight out and say they are black supremacists and are virulently anti-white. The jury's still out on you ... I'd say you're just a guy who's gone a little crazy from being in the sun too long.
According to the black supremacists on this forum, anti-white racism doesn't exist. Well, take a gander at this gem of an article:


I need a law that mandates white men receive a lifetime of counseling, not because of mental illness, but to prevent them from raping and killing other people when they find out they’re not entitled to everything on this land.

I need a law that requires white women to report their brothers, fathers, boyfriends, and husbands whenever they even whisper something remotely prejudiced, or serve jail time with the men they enable.

I need a law that makes history written by people of color the mandatory curriculum in every school, so white children can truly learn how violent their ancestors were so as not to repeat that violence over and over again.

I need a law that requires white people pay reparations to Black women because maybe if they didn’t have so much money, they wouldn’t have the resources to destroy people and things.

There are no black supremacists here and there is no anti white racism.

This is a straight-up lie. There are at least two that I know of who post here all the time, who will come straight out and say they are black supremacists and are virulently anti-white. The jury's still out on you ... I'd say you're just a guy who's gone a little crazy from being in the sun too long.

What someone like you calls black supremacy is a black person who say that blacks have done things before whites. Young man, you don't posess the age or knowledge to begin trying to tell me what I am. I have a child 6 years older than you chump. So just understand that when I say here are no black supremacists here and there is no anti white racism, it's because there isn't. At least one of the 2 so called black supremacists have mixed children in their lives.

Last, understand youngster that your fake world of racial symmetry doesn't exist. The blacks you call virulently anti white are virulently anti white racist. To be as fucking dumb to actually think that blacks just hate racist whites just because they are white ignores the continuing racism of whites here in America.

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