We cannot win in iraq.

The USA lost in Iraq and is losing in Afghanistan because the neo-cons were all balls and no stick.
Do I need to repost your praise for that withdrawal, when you were trying to credit it to Bush?

Sure please do so. I love to see myself misquoted by someone who cannot read.

Do you deny saying this?

"Yes, this is Bush's withdrawl because it was Bush's timeline to depart. Obama simply kept that timeline. He gets no credit."


Nope. I obviously wrote that. But Bush's plan called for leaving troops there to protect the peace. Obama as candidate opposed it, strengthening Iraq's hand. Had Obama supported Pres Bush we would more likely have had a presence.
Bush's finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge
The atrocious verbosity of Freewill clearly reveals why the US had no business invading Iraq, that it failed to win the peace, and that future intervention will not further US foreign policy interests.

Spoken by a man who can't answer a doorbell let alone answer a question.
There it is..an idiot post by the board's resident drooling moron. Missing the point. Throwing assertions.
Hey, how did Obmaa's hasty withdrawal from Iraq work out? How about his other foreign policy triumphs?
I dont have to hope Obama fails. He's already failed.

Hasty? It was on bushes timeline that the Iraqis agreed on, and wanted us to leave. There is literally nothing you can say to get away from these facts.
Bush's timeline was forced on him by Democrats who took over both houses of Congress. You're quick to blame Bush for everything Democrats were jumping up and down about during their vicious campaign smears preceding that 2 years in which he felt he had no choice but to honor those the American people put in office. Democrats own the pullout. Bush merely respected the wishes of the people who voted for Democrats to represent them. That's what presidents do.


Bush and General Betrayus were busy suppressing and distorting the truth,
Iraq was always a mistake, under Bush and under Obama. It was never good because you were told this would happen. There was a reason People said there was no link between Saddam and AQ. Now we see why. But the right and some others wanted a shortterm victory because it made them feel better. ( which is exactly the GOP platform)

As for Rabbi...he is a rightwing water carrier. Partisan as the day is long and basically dislikes anything that has to do with the left.

Yes, your attacks on Obama are scathing. Well, I'm sure they would be if you ever made one...

And seriously, if you think Rabbi wouldn't be arguing for the Democrats if they were arguing for his Middle East policy, you're too stupid to breathe.
he wouldnt be.....

As for Obama...We have wiretapping, extending The PA and ndaa that should have been removed. You have a mandating of Health insurance that never should of happened. Libya which really wasn't our issue at all. Killing Americans without due process was a huge red flag. Appointing certain people to the head of things like the FCC or Food and drug which shows a blatant conflict of interest. ( see Net neutrality)

So the reality is you never asked or just havent paid attention...

I was in debates on so many of those issues. Funny, never say you once.

It's a stupid liberal trick how your disagreement with liberals only comes up in other subjects when you want street cred you're not always with them while during the debates you are always with them./
Sure please do so. I love to see myself misquoted by someone who cannot read.

Do you deny saying this?

"Yes, this is Bush's withdrawl because it was Bush's timeline to depart. Obama simply kept that timeline. He gets no credit."


Nope. I obviously wrote that. But Bush's plan called for leaving troops there to protect the peace. Obama as candidate opposed it, strengthening Iraq's hand. Had Obama supported Pres Bush we would more likely have had a presence.
Bush's finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge

lol, keep trying.
Do you deny saying this?

"Yes, this is Bush's withdrawl because it was Bush's timeline to depart. Obama simply kept that timeline. He gets no credit."


Nope. I obviously wrote that. But Bush's plan called for leaving troops there to protect the peace. Obama as candidate opposed it, strengthening Iraq's hand. Had Obama supported Pres Bush we would more likely have had a presence.
Bush's finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge

lol, keep trying.
Translation: It's way over my head.
Then let's pump more oil here.

Let's get more from Canada and Mexico and Venezuela.

Let's stay out of the ME because they only way we can "win" for some folks is to nuke it all.

The dog doesn't bark down that ally, because that is not where lies the danger.

We are drilling more domestically. We'll lead the world in production by 2017. Our proven reserves have expanded exponentially with new technology.
Yes, your attacks on Obama are scathing. Well, I'm sure they would be if you ever made one...

And seriously, if you think Rabbi wouldn't be arguing for the Democrats if they were arguing for his Middle East policy, you're too stupid to breathe.
he wouldnt be.....

As for Obama...We have wiretapping, extending The PA and ndaa that should have been removed. You have a mandating of Health insurance that never should of happened. Libya which really wasn't our issue at all. Killing Americans without due process was a huge red flag. Appointing certain people to the head of things like the FCC or Food and drug which shows a blatant conflict of interest. ( see Net neutrality)

So the reality is you never asked or just havent paid attention...

I was in debates on so many of those issues. Funny, never say you once.

It's a stupid liberal trick how your disagreement with liberals only comes up in other subjects when you want street cred you're not always with them while during the debates you are always with them./

I tend to find it more interesting to debate the eighties on here..trust me the left is just as much a pile of douches..I was banned from one left leaning boards politics section because they didn't like my stances...I didn't hate the right enough...

Regardless perhaps you didn't see my posts because you didn't see an issue with what I said?
Do you deny saying this?

"Yes, this is Bush's withdrawl because it was Bush's timeline to depart. Obama simply kept that timeline. He gets no credit."


Nope. I obviously wrote that. But Bush's plan called for leaving troops there to protect the peace. Obama as candidate opposed it, strengthening Iraq's hand. Had Obama supported Pres Bush we would more likely have had a presence.
Bush's finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge

lol, keep trying.

Bush wanted to keep troops there until Iraq had enough force to keep the peace.

Now that the Taliban is taking over again, it will lead to a 3 region division of the area of control of Sunni, Shiite and Kurds in Iraq that gives Iran the power to take over. Why? Because Iran knows the different groups will go war over which of them will control the oil.
Why do you think Iran wants to help?
Vice President Joe Bidden thought that this would be a great idea. He has no idea of what he was proposing.

The Taliban is taking over again and will do the same thing they were doing before, by establishing Al Qaeda training grounds again. They have been doing this since 2012.

Then the left will say how did this happen when AL Qaeda attacks the U.S. again in the future.
They will blame the Republicans like they always do.
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We will never "win" another war until Politicians let the Military actually "fight" the war.

There are no "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT in war.
We will never "win" another war until Politicians let the Military actually "fight" the war.

There are no "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT in war.

exactly, war is about killing the enemy before he kills you. Trying to fight wars without hurting anyone ensures that we cannot win. Viet Nam is the perfect example.
No rules of engagement? Then no human rights abuses, either, right? Just give a bunch of people some rifles and let them do whatever, right?

That's a great plan. It worked great in Vice City and San Andreas.
Nope. I obviously wrote that. But Bush's plan called for leaving troops there to protect the peace. Obama as candidate opposed it, strengthening Iraq's hand. Had Obama supported Pres Bush we would more likely have had a presence.
Bush's finest moment on Iraq: SOFA, not the surge

lol, keep trying.

Bush wanted to keep troops there until Iraq had enough force to keep the peace.

Now that the Taliban is taking over again, it will lead to a 3 region division of the area of control of Sunni, Shiite and Kurds in Iraq that gives Iran the power to take over. Why? Because Iran knows the different groups will go war over which of them will control the oil.
Why do you think Iran wants to help?
Vice President Joe Bidden thought that this would be a great idea. He has no idea of what he was proposing.

The Taliban is taking over again and will do the same thing they were doing before, by establishing Al Qaeda training grounds again. They have been doing this since 2012.
Al-Qaeda making comeback in Iraq, officials say

Then the left will say how did this happen when AL Qaeda attacks the U.S. again in the future.
They will blame the Republicans like they always do.

What bush wanted and did are two different things. He signed sofa and ended the war. So....educate yourself.
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Shut the fuck up hag.

Just because Obama fucked up and ignored the US military's advice on leaving a residual force to kill off any terrorists that popped up from time to time doesn't make Iraq a losing cause.

Afghanistan will be lost too if Obama is dumb enough to pull all out of there too.

You idiots must think pulling the police out of your ghetto with somehow solve crime. :cuckoo:

No matter how long we are in Iraq or Afghanistan we will never win. Whenever we leave radical Islam will return. We do not learn from history and we keep repeating the same mistakes. Russia was in Afghanistan for over 10 years. We cannot use bombs and guns to change hearts, minds and religions. We have lost too many of our men and women to stay any longer. Obama is right. Bring our people home and don’t send in any more. Bring them ALL home. Let those in the middle east solve their own middle east problem. We have an invasion of illegal aliens children that are doing more harm to this country then foreign terrorist. We will have to house them, feed them and educate them. And we worry about foreign terrorist? So much for the “border is secure than ever.” I have to wonder if anyone on FOXNEWS has had any family member in these war in Afghanistan and Iraq that they want to continue.
The world would be a better place if FOXNEWS and REPUBLICANS, WHITE SUPREMECIST and TEA PARTY were all gone. And Obama back in Chicago doing community organizing.
he wouldnt be.....

As for Obama...We have wiretapping, extending The PA and ndaa that should have been removed. You have a mandating of Health insurance that never should of happened. Libya which really wasn't our issue at all. Killing Americans without due process was a huge red flag. Appointing certain people to the head of things like the FCC or Food and drug which shows a blatant conflict of interest. ( see Net neutrality)

So the reality is you never asked or just havent paid attention...

I was in debates on so many of those issues. Funny, never say you once.

It's a stupid liberal trick how your disagreement with liberals only comes up in other subjects when you want street cred you're not always with them while during the debates you are always with them./

I tend to find it more interesting to debate the eighties on here..trust me the left is just as much a pile of douches..I was banned from one left leaning boards politics section because they didn't like my stances...I didn't hate the right enough...

Regardless perhaps you didn't see my posts because you didn't see an issue with what I said?

Seriously? I would put you in my top 10 list of mindless left wing mouthpieces on the board. Yeah, if I'd seen you argue anything other than blanket, unconditional defenses of the left, I would have noticed that.
We will never "win" another war until Politicians let the Military actually "fight" the war.

There are no "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT in war.

Agreed. We're the only country in the world and we're the only top power in the history of man that uses our military endlessly for purposes other than our own interest, yet we're continually undercut by our "allies" who are acting in their own interest. And when we go into these hell holes, we try to fight a clean war and go to ridiculous lengths to avoid civilian casualties.

Wars are either worth fighting, which means you do what you have to win and pay the price of killing non-combatants along the way to win it or you stay out of it. This endless quest we have to fight barbarians with Marcus of Queensbury rules has to end.

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