We cannot win in iraq.

OK, so why did Spain also suffer a terrorist attack from Islamic nutjobs?

Mr dinglebery, sir:

Let me remind you that Spain's christian conservative party decided to help Bush in its quest to slaughter Iraqis.

But the point is that it is not known whether the attack was perpetrated by ALQaeda or the Basque separatist organization, ETA .

You would be an excellent apologist for radical Islamic nutjobs, Mr. Knobgobbler.

In fact it was al Qaeda that was responsible.
There is always some way to blame the West, somehow.
You are dismissed.

Excuse me troglodyte, how the fuck did you determine that it was AQ and not the ETA?

OK, apologies if I misunderstood.
We have to do it because there is no one else. Europe? Recall how they handled the Serbian crisis. They talked. For a long time. The Euros are incapable of action.

Why do we have to do it? If we explore for oil domestically and let Europe live in the bed they made then why do we need to go after them at all unless they attack us like on 9/11? As I keep saying, while I'm against nation building in Afghanistan, I was totally for blasting the crap out of the Taliban for abetting Al Qaeda.

You're not getting it.
If we withdrew all out troops from the ME, left Israel to die at the hands of the Arabs, ceased buying ME oil it still wouldnt matter. The radical Muslims see our very existence as a problem. We are stopping the universal triumph of Islam over the world. They cannot stand that. They will attack us no matter what.

Which is why the next terrorist attack should result in Medina vanishing in a nuclear fireball.

We already are. Obama announced a date definite for pull out. All the Taliban have to do is wait until that date.
As Obama let loose FIVE back into their fold sans Ankle Transmitters...to create more death and destruction.

We already are. Obama announced a date definite for pull out. All the Taliban have to do is wait until that date.
As Obama let loose FIVE back into their fold sans Ankle Transmitters...to create more death and destruction.
It's as though someone made him an offer he wouldn't refuse. :eusa_whistle:
there it is....a partisan post by a partisan who is basically saying the left hates america because they didnt support a war that wasnt needed.

Its almost like saying you hope Obama Fails....

There it is..an idiot post by the board's resident drooling moron. Missing the point. Throwing assertions.
Hey, how did Obmaa's hasty withdrawal from Iraq work out? How about his other foreign policy triumphs?
I dont have to hope Obama fails. He's already failed.

Hasty? It was on bushes timeline that the Iraqis agreed on, and wanted us to leave. There is literally nothing you can say to get away from these facts.
Bush's timeline was forced on him by Democrats who took over both houses of Congress. You're quick to blame Bush for everything Democrats were jumping up and down about during their vicious campaign smears preceding that 2 years in which he felt he had no choice but to honor those the American people put in office. Democrats own the pullout. Bush merely respected the wishes of the people who voted for Democrats to represent them. That's what presidents do.
We already are. Obama announced a date definite for pull out. All the Taliban have to do is wait until that date.
As Obama let loose FIVE back into their fold sans Ankle Transmitters...to create more death and destruction.
It's as though someone made him an offer he wouldn't refuse. :eusa_whistle:
Amen, Sister.
There it is..an idiot post by the board's resident drooling moron. Missing the point. Throwing assertions.
Hey, how did Obmaa's hasty withdrawal from Iraq work out? How about his other foreign policy triumphs?
I dont have to hope Obama fails. He's already failed.

Hasty? It was on bushes timeline that the Iraqis agreed on, and wanted us to leave. There is literally nothing you can say to get away from these facts.
Bush's timeline was forced on him by Democrats who took over both houses of Congress. You're quick to blame Bush for everything Democrats were jumping up and down about during their vicious campaign smears preceding that 2 years in which he felt he had no choice but to honor those the American people put in office. Democrats own the pullout. Bush merely respected the wishes of the people who voted for Democrats to represent them. That's what presidents do.

Bushes timeline was forced by Iraq and he signed SOFA in 2008.
In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government that set the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. And as Middle East historian Juan Cole has noted, “Bush had to sign what the [Iraqi] parliament gave him or face the prospect that U.S. troops would have to leave by 31 December, 2008, something that would have been interpreted as a defeat… Bush and his generals clearly expected, however, that over time Washington would be able to wriggle out of the treaty and would find a way to keep a division or so in Iraq past that deadline.”

You uneducated nitwit.
We already are. Obama announced a date definite for pull out. All the Taliban have to do is wait until that date.
As Obama let loose FIVE back into their fold sans Ankle Transmitters...to create more death and destruction.
It's as though someone made him an offer he wouldn't refuse. :eusa_whistle:

yes and by somebody it was actually nobody. Once again you people ignore facts for your own bubble.
I'm not sure how you think that. Bin Laden is Saudi, and it's the American presence in Saudi Arabia that he opposes the most. How do you get that wasn't behind the attacks exactly? To say it's not that simple I would agree with you on. To say "no it didn't" is pretty preposerous.

The main goal of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda was to spread Sharia law around the world and have it as the main rule of governing the 9-11 attacks..........................


Preventing the criminal element from murdering, injuring and harassing your people is "spreading Sharia Law? Who would have thunketh?!?


You would make a great politician you it seems much like them still really don't get what Al-Qaeda is all about.
Of course we cannot win in Iraq. We aren't there anymore. Can't win a fight we aren't fighting. We have nothing to win.

Unfortunately the people there arent winning either.

The main goal of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda was to spread Sharia law around the world and have it as the main rule of governing the 9-11 attacks..........................


Preventing the criminal element from murdering, injuring and harassing your people is "spreading Sharia Law? Who would have thunketh?!?


You would make a great politician you it seems much like them still really don't get what Al-Qaeda is all about.


As a politician, I would have to lie and obfuscate in order to woe the Jewish vote.


Preventing the criminal element from murdering, injuring and harassing your people is "spreading Sharia Law? Who would have thunketh?!?


You would make a great politician you it seems much like them still really don't get what Al-Qaeda is all about.


As a politician, I would have to lie and obfuscate in order to woe the Jewish vote.


Wow you have shown what your all about any further conversation would be a waste have a nice day.
Of course we cannot win in Iraq. We aren't there anymore. Can't win a fight we aren't fighting. We have nothing to win.

Unfortunately the people there arent winning either.

When it is considered if we can "win" in Iraq, what must be determined is the definition of a "win", in this scenario. We can (and must) win in Iraq by virtue of keeping maniacal jihadists from taking control of Iraq, and thereby their oil wealth, and thereby attaining a nuclear weapon capability, which they almost assuredly would use against us at the soonest opportunity. This is the infamous "American Hiroshima" tha al Qaeda has been talking about for years.



Because of this, we may NEVER be able to leave Iraq, or any country with enormous resource wealth, combined with a political power vacuum. By all rights, I can see US troops stationed in many countries all over the world, for decades (if not centuries) to "win", just by not allowing a country to rise up and defeat us (as is the case in Germany, Japan, and S. Korea)
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Do I need to repost your praise for that withdrawal, when you were trying to credit it to Bush?

Sure please do so. I love to see myself misquoted by someone who cannot read.

Do you deny saying this?

"Yes, this is Bush's withdrawl because it was Bush's timeline to depart. Obama simply kept that timeline. He gets no credit."


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