We Are NOW IN a US Civil War

Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
Abolish the electoral college and support a national popular vote. Solves everything.
Since we're opening up the Constitution for a rewrite, let's get rid of the anchor baby clause and a few other choice clauses. Let's remove the power of the Feds and give it back to the States.
Lets remove the statutes that allow congressmen and senators to be paid by the Tax payers, that would stop the lifetime appointments and self serving political hacks, also remove the issue that keeps the political hacks from being held accountable for their actions. We the People means everyone, not US vs the Hacks. If a senator gets drunk, runs into federal police cars, and then a jersey wall, they should go to jail, like the rest of US. As for the 14th amendment, just don't apply it, like liberals do, because there are no more ex slaves children who need to be citizens.

The 14th amendment was adopted in 1868, after the American Civil War, and addresses the equal protection and rights of former slaves. The 14th amendment limits the action of state and local officials. In addition to equal protection under the law to all citizens, the amendment also addresses what is called "due process", which prevents citizens from being illegally deprived of life, liberty, or property.
What sorry ass liberals think it means
TEXT OF 14th AMENDMENT. AMENDMENT XIV. SECTION 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.
Liberals know, that if they don't allow illegals into this country, they will never again hold power in the US, as their own citizens abort their babies in the 10's of thousands ever month.
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.

Step 2: Isolate the US from the rest of the world
Abolish the electoral college and support a national popular vote. Solves everything.

There is a process to do just that. Have at it, or pound zee sand.
Yes and I have alluded to it multiple times in this thread. Dummy.

Take away voter fraud and Trump easily pounded the shit out of that bitch Hitlery. The electronic ballots have got to go.It was only because of the white hats and the overwhelming turnout for Trump that were not discouraged by the Mockingbird lamestream media that kept the globalist, child trafficking globalist from getting into office.

I agree with the sentiments of some of the posters here.....the chasm that separates us on the communist side and the organic constitution side is too deep and too wide for that gap to ever be bridged. Divide the country in half and let the commies have their portion and let freedom loving people that are not beholding to the "state" be free. We just will never be able to get along. I can't relate to them and they can't relate to me. I kjow one thing for sure...I will never acquiesce to their communist agenda....not ever.

He would never of won if not for extreme gerrymandering in WI, MI , PA, and NC. We need rid of the EC more than ever.

Gerrymandering is for local representation. There is no federal gerrymandering.

You will not get rid of the EC.

Whoever controls the State controls the voting laws.
If you were smarter, we could have a conversation.

Any time that you think you can debate me or discuss something that you disagree with me about? Bring it on....thus far I haven't found any pseudo-liberals that can hang.
LOL A right wing nut conspiracy theorist that thinks he knows everything with just a third grade education. LOL No, people just give up trying to point out to you that your alternative universe fails to intersect with reality at any point. LOL

":CONSPIRACY"??? Like how your leftard hordes believe the Rooskies conspired to hack the DNC's e-mails and John Podesta's account showing what a lying, corrupt sack of shit the political party you align yourself with? How they are neck deep in shit when it comes to human trafficking????? Be proud, Old Fucks....be VERY proud....make sure and wave that little demcrat rainbow colored flagand raise it high!!! (snicker)
Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?

Shouldn't you be cleaning your room? Momma ain't gonna be happy that her "out of work" freeloader hasn't bothered to put his bong away and all the empty Budweiser cans.....just trying to help ya out. (snicker)
yeah. I'm sixty years old, I have owned my home for 27 years and I'm the county Building Inspector. I earned my degree from The Ohio State University in 1980. I'm out of your league.
There is a process to do just that. Have at it, or pound zee sand.
Yes and I have alluded to it multiple times in this thread. Dummy.

Take away voter fraud and Trump easily pounded the shit out of that bitch Hitlery. The electronic ballots have got to go.It was only because of the white hats and the overwhelming turnout for Trump that were not discouraged by the Mockingbird lamestream media that kept the globalist, child trafficking globalist from getting into office.

I agree with the sentiments of some of the posters here.....the chasm that separates us on the communist side and the organic constitution side is too deep and too wide for that gap to ever be bridged. Divide the country in half and let the commies have their portion and let freedom loving people that are not beholding to the "state" be free. We just will never be able to get along. I can't relate to them and they can't relate to me. I kjow one thing for sure...I will never acquiesce to their communist agenda....not ever.

He would never of won if not for extreme gerrymandering in WI, MI , PA, and NC. We need rid of the EC more than ever.

Gerrymandering is for local representation. There is no federal gerrymandering.

You will not get rid of the EC.

Whoever controls the State controls the voting laws.

who is that?
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!
I can tell you never read the Constitution, have you?
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!
I can tell you never read the Constitution, have you?
Perhaps the biggest drop-dead issue is the structure of government. Republicanism requires robust private and civil sectors in which citizens pursue their own aims backed by a public sphere limited to Enumerated powers. Socialism, like monarchism, depends on a robust and sovereign public sphere overseeing rump private and civil sectors in which people have limited scope of action.
Stupid liberal fucks(I know redundant statement) like you are clueless about this government, which is why you call it a Democracy. Bunch of dumbasses coming out of public education of late.
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?

He needs only to type "US CONSTITUTION" into his browser, choose a site and read very slowly.
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?

He needs only to type "US CONSTITUTION" into his browser, choose a site and read very slowly.

That's not really an answer is it?
Sounds like something Sarah Palin would come up with

Where in the Constitution does it discuss economic policy?
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?
You noticed that too. Plenty of juvenile name calling but not one answer as to what in the Constitution prevents us from being a socialist country? They know a little bit about the 2nd amendment but they think it exists to shoot people who don`t agree with them politically. That`s it.
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?

He needs only to type "US CONSTITUTION" into his browser, choose a site and read very slowly.

That's not really an answer is it?
Sounds like something Sarah Palin would come up with

Where in the Constitution does it discuss economic policy?

Ask August West.
The only reason the Deep State is pushing the phony "Russian hax" narrative on their mindless zombies is because Russia is preparing to adopt a gold backed currency
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?

He needs only to type "US CONSTITUTION" into his browser, choose a site and read very slowly.

That's not really an answer is it?
Sounds like something Sarah Palin would come up with

Where in the Constitution does it discuss economic policy?

Ask August West.
Why ask me? I`m not the one who made the silly statement that we`re forbidden by the Constitution to be socialist. You really should quit while you`re behind and stop making an ass of yourself.
Any time that you think you can debate me or discuss something that you disagree with me about? Bring it on....thus far I haven't found any pseudo-liberals that can hang.
LOL A right wing nut conspiracy theorist that thinks he knows everything with just a third grade education. LOL No, people just give up trying to point out to you that your alternative universe fails to intersect with reality at any point. LOL

":CONSPIRACY"??? Like how your leftard hordes believe the Rooskies conspired to hack the DNC's e-mails and John Podesta's account showing what a lying, corrupt sack of shit the political party you align yourself with? How they are neck deep in shit when it comes to human trafficking????? Be proud, Old Fucks....be VERY proud....make sure and wave that little demcrat rainbow colored flagand raise it high!!! (snicker)
Shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?

Shouldn't you be cleaning your room? Momma ain't gonna be happy that her "out of work" freeloader hasn't bothered to put his bong away and all the empty Budweiser cans.....just trying to help ya out. (snicker)
yeah. I'm sixty years old, I have owned my home for 27 years and I'm the county Building Inspector. I earned my degree from The Ohio State University in 1980. I'm out of your league.
Oh wow. A government worker, doesn't get any higher browed than that. I see lots of things inspectors miss though, so pardon my lack of awe.
Putin is preparing the Conservatives to fight his battle against Democracy

Step 1: Get Trump elected
This Country isn't a fucking Democracy you worthless buffoon, but your side had been fighting against the US constitution when it was found out, that the Constitution wont allow your worthless side to turn US all socialists. Thank God for the 2nd amendment, it keeps your liberal political hacks from trying to destroy it.
What is in the Constitution that prevents us from being socialists? NOTHING!

The most ignorant post I've ever read here. Congratulations.

Is your stupidity the product of deprivation, or merely willful?

Why don't you show him where it is and really embarrass him?
You noticed that too. Plenty of juvenile name calling but not one answer as to what in the Constitution prevents us from being a socialist country? They know a little bit about the 2nd amendment but they think it exists to shoot people who don`t agree with them politically. That`s it.

The Constitution sets process and authority for the government model, and guarantees individual rights. It does not support a collective entity aside from a few powers with extreme limitations agreed to in the document by the signatories.

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