Watching Last Night Will Make Anyone With Half A Brain Fear For Their Security And Their Future

There is truth in that.
What occurred to me last night is how it took Sweden 15 years to overcome the damage done when they elected leftist government. It will take Greece generations.
You cannot have a system where the bottom 40% of the country pays nothing out, and gets everything free.
What are you talking about? What leftist government and what 15 years are you referring to? What was overcome and whose bottom 40% and everything free do you think you are speaking about? Did you make this all up in your head?

School starts pretty soon... you should pay attention more.
"School"? Is that where you heard all of those lies about socialism and Sweden?

What other credentials do you possess? I myself am Swedish.
Sweden is not socialist.... so...
but they do have school choice. funny that the socialist left want to use the Sweden model that has school choice. and glasnot says they're soooo much smarter than us because of it. look at his post #48. too funny.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Welfare recipients don't pay into Social Security.
Yes, they do.

Refugees collecting Welfare won't be paying any taxes
Yes, they do.

This system is set up because we must take care of all of the CHILDREN that are being trafficked into the US from Central America.
Whos is talking about the U.S? If your Socialist principles in the U.S. adhere to the things you've written above then that is not the fault of Socialism and .....what does it have to do with Sweden?
Welfare recipients don't pay income tax or social security tax....if they aren't working.
If it is a suppliment to small income, you only pay FICA taxes on that amount. But most don't reach a taxible level on their income taxes.

However, illegals applying for asylum aren't taxed on their benefits, and most people from Honduras or El Salvador do whatever they can to find work that isn't taxed or under the table. So they become a burden on the system rather than an asset.
He claims to be a Swede who thinks Sweden is socialist, and thinks he knows more about our tax system then we do.
I love how the one dumb broad said the first thing she would do is Clorox the oval office. Have they not already cleaned up Bill Clinton's nasty mess or was that a racial slur flung at Obama?
She probably thinks she can be as nasty on air as they claim Trump is on Twitter.
Truth is most of the nastiest comments aren't Trump but the angry responses to his tweets.

Sanders cracked me up, "I wrote the damn bill" :aargh: these Dem's are unstable.
if he wrote the bill, why is he wanting to change it/ eliminate it? isn't that what the repubs wanted to do that they couldn't get him to discuss? funny humans the left.
Sanders hasn't accomplished much in Washington.
He has talked about stuff, but making things work is difficult when most of your ideas end up being voted down because they know the effects would be devastating.
I love how the one dumb broad said the first thing she would do is Clorox the oval office. Have they not already cleaned up Bill Clinton's nasty mess or was that a racial slur flung at Obama?
She probably thinks she can be as nasty on air as they claim Trump is on Twitter.
Truth is most of the nastiest comments aren't Trump but the angry responses to his tweets.

Sanders cracked me up, "I wrote the damn bill" :aargh: these Dem's are unstable.
if he wrote the bill, why is he wanting to change it/ eliminate it? isn't that what the repubs wanted to do that they couldn't get him to discuss? funny humans the left.
Sanders hasn't accomplished much in Washington.
He has talked about stuff, but making things work is difficult when most of your ideas end up being voted down because they know the effects would be devastating.
actually, it points to his inability to compromise to get a deal done.
I love how the one dumb broad said the first thing she would do is Clorox the oval office. Have they not already cleaned up Bill Clinton's nasty mess or was that a racial slur flung at Obama?
She probably thinks she can be as nasty on air as they claim Trump is on Twitter.
Truth is most of the nastiest comments aren't Trump but the angry responses to his tweets.

Sanders cracked me up, "I wrote the damn bill" :aargh: these Dem's are unstable.
if he wrote the bill, why is he wanting to change it/ eliminate it? isn't that what the repubs wanted to do that they couldn't get him to discuss? funny humans the left.
Sanders hasn't accomplished much in Washington.
He has talked about stuff, but making things work is difficult when most of your ideas end up being voted down because they know the effects would be devastating.
actually, it points to his inability to compromise to get a deal done.
Getting things done would eliminate his job.
Angry commie Jew Bastard from Brooklyn
Welfare recipients don't pay income tax or social security tax....if they aren't working.
If it is a suppliment to small income, you only pay FICA taxes on that amount. But most don't reach a taxible level on their income taxes.

However, illegals applying for asylum aren't taxed on their benefits, and most people from Honduras or El Salvador do whatever they can to find work that isn't taxed or under the table. So they become a burden on the system rather than an asset.
Look, in the OP to this discussion, Sweden was mentioned and some stupid comments were made about paying taxes and a lot of other crazy things. I asked for clarifications on the main points but he has not addressed them. Now you are talking about the U.S. Socialism isn't made from a mould that every country must adhere to.
I think Sweden has school choice correct?
So we should have school choice correct?
Americans should be offered a good education. More studies on the things the population need to know about the world ..... and less American propaganda. If there are no schools like that then choosing your own school won't matter.
who are you to make that judgement? it's up to the parents for the curriculum. you are a strange breed, different universe thingy eh?
You asked me a question that cannot be answered without proper background info but you insist on a "yes" or "no" answer? I didn't make any "judgment". That is exactly what I did not do. I was stating 'fact of a circumstance' and what I said is true. It is you who can sift through it and see if the circumstances are one way or another way. What do want from me? How can I say that I think the U.S. should do "this" or do "that" if you haven't set up the parameters? I gave you free-range and you are going to rebuff me for it? If you do not want to know what I think then next time don't ask me. You Americans are stupid people.
Welfare recipients don't pay income tax or social security tax....if they aren't working.
If it is a suppliment to small income, you only pay FICA taxes on that amount. But most don't reach a taxible level on their income taxes.

However, illegals applying for asylum aren't taxed on their benefits, and most people from Honduras or El Salvador do whatever they can to find work that isn't taxed or under the table. So they become a burden on the system rather than an asset.
Look, in the OP to this discussion, Sweden was mentioned and some stupid comments were made about paying taxes and a lot of other crazy things. I asked for clarifications on the main points but he has not addressed them. Now you are talking about the U.S. Socialism isn't made from a mould that every country must adhere to.
I don't know how things work in Sweden. I was speaking on what I know about American welfare.
I lived in FGR for a couple of years before the wall came down and they had a good system then, but it had weaknesses. Not having much of a defense budget frees up alot of cash, but America doesn't have that luxury. But flooding the country with welfare cases and the whole thing goes to shit. Before the EU just the East Germans coming back ate thru most of their benefits. Germany doesn't have the funds to pay for millions of new welfare cases.
I think Sweden has school choice correct?
So we should have school choice correct?
Americans should be offered a good education. More studies on the things the population need to know about the world ..... and less American propaganda. If there are no schools like that then choosing your own school won't matter.
who are you to make that judgement? it's up to the parents for the curriculum. you are a strange breed, different universe thingy eh?
You asked me a question that cannot be answered without proper background info but you insist on a "yes" or "no" answer? I didn't make any "judgment". That is exactly what I did not do. I was stating 'fact of a circumstance' and what I said is true. It is you who can sift through it and see if the circumstances are one way or another way. What do want from me? How can I say that I think the U.S. should do "this" or do "that" if you haven't set up the parameters? I gave you free-range and you are going to rebuff me for it? If you do not want to know what I think then next time don't ask me. You Americans are stupid people.
you presented mumbo jumbo with rice. if you don't believe parents should have school choice, then you are a fool and a kkk lover. cause the impact is for blacks. so denying them the opportunity is what leftists love to do. The answer is a 'yes' or 'no'
... glasnot says they're soooo much smarter than us because of it. look at his post #48. too funny.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Your problem is that you read my post #48 but you don't understand English. So the information in that post went way over your head ..... but here you making comment on it.
Should be a no brainer in 2020. Democrats will let in the invaders from the south.
you presented mumbo jumbo with rice. if you don't believe parents should have school choice, then you are a fool and a kkk lover. cause the impact is for blacks. so denying them the opportunity is what leftists love to do. The answer is a 'yes' or 'no'
You forgot your hat.
Is it even possible for the U.S. to have a President Hickenlooper?

Gov. Hickenlooper is one of the most adult, qualified people in the race for the Democrat nomination.

And his claim to fame was going to XXX Adult features with his mother.

Back in the day, engaging in monkey business on a boat called the USS Monkey Business was enough to get someone chucked out of the race for the D nomination. Nowadays, the bar is a lot lower.
Is it even possible for the U.S. to have a President Hickenlooper?

Gov. Hickenlooper is one of the most adult, qualified people in the race for the Democrat nomination.

And his claim to fame was going to XXX Adult features with his mother.

Back in the day, engaging in monkey business on a boat called the USS Monkey Business was enough to get someone chucked out of the race for the D nomination. Nowadays, the bar is a lot lower.
Is that really all true?
Is it even possible for the U.S. to have a President Hickenlooper?

Gov. Hickenlooper is one of the most adult, qualified people in the race for the Democrat nomination.

And his claim to fame was going to XXX Adult features with his mother.

Back in the day, engaging in monkey business on a boat called the USS Monkey Business was enough to get someone chucked out of the race for the D nomination. Nowadays, the bar is a lot lower.
Is that really all true?

Yes it is, and the source of the story is Hickenlooper himself. The Monkey Business candidate was Gary Hartpence back in 1984 or 1988.

John Hickenlooper held a really weird town hall where he talked about watching porn with his mom
How can any self-respecting Democrat watch that garbage last night and not be completely ashamed to call themselves a Democrat. What a clown show.

I guess the same could be said about the 2016 republican so called debates which really nothing was debated over trumps loud mouth and ridiculing every other candidate on stage.

No, the same thing can't be said. While the 2016 Republican candidates we're discussing policy, Democrats had already handed the nomination to Hillary. 2020 Democrats only play the race card because they know they can't dispute the great economy and record low unemployment. They can't bring up the low gas prices. They can't dispute the rat-infested, crime-ridden Democratic run cities. All they can do is play the race card. How sad. Democrats are a disgrace.

What debates did you see? They only fielded trump insults, Trump didn't know what a fucking policy was until Mitch told him. I guess they could have brought up the rat infested trump restaurants and kushner's slums. But they were not the lowlife the right is.
Is it even possible for the U.S. to have a President Hickenlooper?

Gov. Hickenlooper is one of the most adult, qualified people in the race for the Democrat nomination.

And his claim to fame was going to XXX Adult features with his mother.

Back in the day, engaging in monkey business on a boat called the USS Monkey Business was enough to get someone chucked out of the race for the D nomination. Nowadays, the bar is a lot lower.
Is that really all true?

consider the source.