Watch 2000 Mules for the geotracking analysis. Very interesting!

I pointed to the most accurate and legally accepted valid evidence....Sorry that fucks with your bullshit lying narrative, but there it is.
Do you suspect a vast conspiracy by all Republican prosecutors and legislators who refuse to indict even one of all those dastards behind the caper contrived in the felon's flick? Or are they merely lax in the pursuit of justice - in contrast to the hundreds of January 6 Trump goons identified, apprehended and prosecuted?

It really looks as if reality prevails in both matters.


Attorney General William Barr laughed off the movie 2000 Mules during recorded testimony played by the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot Monday.
Barr chuckled when asked about the documentary, which had been put together by Dinesh D'Souza and other conservative activists contending that a plethora of ballot-harvesting “mules” funded by Democrats engaged in nefarious activity near election boxes on Election Day.
"I haven't seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the 2000 Mules movie," he said, laughing. "The premise that, you know, if you go buy a box, five boxes or whatever it was, you know that that's a mule is just indefensible."
Do you suspect a vast conspiracy by all Republican prosecutors and legislators who refuse to indict even one of all those dastards behind the caper contrived in the felon's flick? Or are they merely lax in the pursuit of justice - in contrast to the hundreds of January 6 Trump goons identified, apprehended and prosecuted?

It really looks as if reality prevails in both matters.

Attorney General William Barr laughed off the movie 2000 Mules during recorded testimony played by the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot Monday.
Barr chuckled when asked about the documentary, which had been put together by Dinesh D'Souza and other conservative activists contending that a plethora of ballot-harvesting “mules” funded by Democrats engaged in nefarious activity near election boxes on Election Day.
"I haven't seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the 2000 Mules movie," he said, laughing. "The premise that, you know, if you go buy a box, five boxes or whatever it was, you know that that's a mule is just indefensible."
Don't give a flying fuck about what Barr may or may not have said.

Fact remains that the geolocation data, which is the cornerstone of "2000 Mules" , has been deemed accurate and reliable enough to put hundreds of violent criminals behind bars.

That's the fact...So stuff you irrelevant deflections up your ass, sock-o.
Don't give a flying fuck about what Barr may or may not have said.

Fact remains that the geolocation data, which is the cornerstone of "2000 Mules" , has been deemed accurate and reliable enough to put hundreds of violent criminals behind bars.

That's the fact...So stuff you irrelevant deflections up your ass, sock-o.
Silly fellow. None of the poo poo from the felon's fictional flick based on fake claims, anonymous accounts, and wacky analysis of cellphone location data has been deemed credible evidence in indicting a single individual anywhere.

You obviously can't cite a single instance of a court taking it seriously.

The debunked confection by the right-wing nutter who has a history of creating and spreading false conspiracy theories is laughable. This delusion-promoting nonsense claims mysterious, unnamed bad people paid "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots at drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

There has not been a single prosecution based upon the felon's farcical fantasy in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. All their vote totals were certified by them after all loser objections were dismissed.

In the movie, Greg Phillips who conspired with the convicted felon shows a diagram on a tablet computer purporting to show a mule traveling to 28 drop boxes in Atlanta. When that diagram is superimposed over a diagram of actual drop box locations, only some of the purported locations are near actual drop boxes. Phillips told The Washington Post that "the movie graphics are not literal interpretations of our data." Another diagram in the movie purports to show geolocations superimposed over a map of Atlanta, but the map is actually of Moscow!

All recounts, audits, and dozens of legal appeals only affirmed the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. Whiny cry baby losers' vicious attacks on outnumbered police defending Congress and fake elector schemes also fizzled.

Following four years of relentlessly dismal approval numbers, the American People, as would reasonably be expected, dumped the Loser at their first opportunity.

Even the Loser knew he was a loser.

Let's hope your popcorn doesn't go stale before "Trump: The Movie" debuts! Busey will be in the running for an Oscar!

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Silly fellow. None of the poo poo from the felon's fictional flick based on fake claims, anonymous accounts, and wacky analysis of cellphone location data has been deemed credible evidence in indicting a single individual anywhere.

You obviously can't cite a single instance of a court taking it seriously.

The debunked confection by the right-wing nutter who has a history of creating and spreading false conspiracy theories is laughable. This delusion-promoting nonsense claims mysterious, unnamed bad people paid "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots at drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

There has not been a single prosecution based upon the felon's farcical fantasy in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. All their vote totals were certified by them after all loser objections were dismissed.

In the movie, Greg Phillips who conspired with the convicted felon shows a diagram on a tablet computer purporting to show a mule traveling to 28 drop boxes in Atlanta. When that diagram is superimposed over a diagram of actual drop box locations, only some of the purported locations are near actual drop boxes. Phillips told The Washington Post that "the movie graphics are not literal interpretations of our data." Another diagram in the movie purports to show geolocations superimposed over a map of Atlanta, but the map is actually of Moscow!

All recounts, audits, and dozens of legal appeals only affirmed the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. Whiny cry baby losers' vicious attacks on outnumbered police defending Congress and fake elector schemes also fizzled.

Following four years of relentlessly dismal approval numbers, the American People, as would reasonably be expected, dumped the Loser at their first opportunity.

Even the Loser knew he was a loser.

Let's hope your popcorn doesn't go stale before "Trump: The Movie" debuts! Busey will be in the running for an Oscar!

"Silly" nothing, asshole.

Geolocation technology is accurate enough to be used as court evidence....Period, end of discussion.

So take your punk-ass condescending bullshit and jam it up your sock puppet ass.

P.S.....Suck on this, faggot....

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"Silly" nothing, asshole.

Geolocation technology is accurate enough to be used as court evidence....Period, end of discussion.

P.S.....Suck on this, faggot....
Oh, my. You are so peevish just because you can't cite a single instance of the felon's flick providing any credible evidence to prosecute anyone anywhere.

(Don't be upset, but that Willy Wonka movie was made up, too.)

Oh, my. You are so peevish just because you can't cite a single instance of the felon's flick providing any credible evidence to prosecute anyone anywhere.

(Don't be upset, but that Willy Wonka movie was made up, too.)

I'm not peevish and you are a willfully ignorant asshole.

I have stated actual legal facts....You don't have so much as a popcorn fart.


I'm not peevish and you are a willfully ignorant asshole.

I have stated actual legal facts....You don't have so much as a popcorn fart.
You seem to be in a snit because you cannot cite the indictment of a single individual anywhere based upon the felon's bogus flick.

Credible evidence is required to indict someone.

You would be better off sharing a hardy laugh with Trump's Attorney General about the ridiculous propaganda movie.
Silly fellow. None of the poo poo from the felon's fictional flick based on fake claims, anonymous accounts, and wacky analysis of cellphone location data has been deemed credible evidence in indicting a single individual anywhere.

You obviously can't cite a single instance of a court taking it seriously.

The debunked confection by the right-wing nutter who has a history of creating and spreading false conspiracy theories is laughable. This delusion-promoting nonsense claims mysterious, unnamed bad people paid "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots at drop boxes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

There has not been a single prosecution based upon the felon's farcical fantasy in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. All their vote totals were certified by them after all loser objections were dismissed.

In the movie, Greg Phillips who conspired with the convicted felon shows a diagram on a tablet computer purporting to show a mule traveling to 28 drop boxes in Atlanta. When that diagram is superimposed over a diagram of actual drop box locations, only some of the purported locations are near actual drop boxes. Phillips told The Washington Post that "the movie graphics are not literal interpretations of our data." Another diagram in the movie purports to show geolocations superimposed over a map of Atlanta, but the map is actually of Moscow!

All recounts, audits, and dozens of legal appeals only affirmed the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. Whiny cry baby losers' vicious attacks on outnumbered police defending Congress and fake elector schemes also fizzled.

Following four years of relentlessly dismal approval numbers, the American People, as would reasonably be expected, dumped the Loser at their first opportunity.

Even the Loser knew he was a loser.

Let's hope your popcorn doesn't go stale before "Trump: The Movie" debuts! Busey will be in the running for an Oscar!

If the geotracking data and analysis presented in 2000 Multes has been "debunked" then the FBI's use of geotracking data should be thrown out and all J6 protestors who were tracked down using geotracking data should be released. Don't you agree?
Whatever you think happened in the 2020 election, it's worth watching 2000 Mules for the data and geo-tracking analysis they did, how they acquired the data, and what they proved with the data. Draw your own conclusion but if you have an interest in actual analysis, have a look.

Its geo tracking analysis is laughable dogshit. The movie used maps of moscow in their 'geotracking' presentation, predicated on an enormous and fact free series of nested assumptions.

That the 'democrat non-profit' had fake or stolen ballot (zero evidence)
That the imaginary 'mules' dropped off at least 380,000 fake or stolen ballots (zero evidence)
That their geotracking analysis proves they dropped off a ballot (it triggered if you passed within 100' of a ballot box, most in public places like libraries.)
That the 'fake or stolen' ballots existed (zero evidence)
That their analysis was accurate (zero evidence)

The makers of this tinfoil porn have *refused* to turn over their 'analysis' or their data to law enforcement.

"But the moviemakers have since refused to release any of their supposed data to law enforcement groups even after promising to do so, the Attorney General's Office said in the two-page letter Friday."

If you have a smoking gun of massive crimes, you don't refuse to turn it over to law enforcement. If you're pitching outrage porn to guilliable dipshits, this is exactly what you do.
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