Watch 2000 Mules for the geotracking analysis. Very interesting!

Complete fucking morons.
If you can't believe a hyper-partisan felon convicted for fraud that makes a paranoidal propaganda flick with all the probative substance of a sparrow fart, who can you believe?

The true test of crackpot confections is, "Can the 'evidence' meet minimal standards demanded by our legal system?"

If the delusion festers only on the fringe, reasonable folks draw reasonable conclusions.
It was a free and fair election, the same kind we had in 2016. If Trump had of won in 2020, there would not be a word spoken about this fantasy "election fraud" that the sore loser crybaby keeps whining about, and the propagandists keep lying about.
The election had 0 integrity.
If you can't believe a hyper-partisan felon convicted for fraud that makes a paranoidal propaganda flick with all the probative substance of a sparrow fart, who can you believe?

The true test of crackpot confections is, "Can the 'evidence' meet minimal standards demanded by our legal system?"

If the delusion festers only on the fringe, reasonable folks draw reasonable conclusions.
You just loved it when the FBI used geotracking data to capture every single J6 protestor, but somehow the exact same data analysis is worthless if it reveals something you don't want to believe. What does that say about you?
Complete fucking morons.

If a cellphone went near a drop box more than 10 times and a nonprofit more than five times from Oct. 1 to Election Day, True the Vote assumed its owner was a “mule” — its name for someone engaged in an illegal ballot collection scheme in cahoots with a nonprofit.

The group’s claims of a paid ballot harvesting scheme are supported in the film only by one unidentified whistleblower said to be from San Luis, Arizona, who said she saw people picking up what she “assumed” to be payments for ballot collection. The film contains no evidence of such payments in other states in 2020.

Plus, experts say cellphone location data, even at its most advanced, can only reliably track a smartphone within a few meters — not close enough to know whether someone actually dropped off a ballot or just walked or drove nearby.

“You could use cellular evidence to say this person was in that area, but to say they were at the ballot box, you’re stretching it a lot,” said Aaron Striegel, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Notre Dame. “There’s always a pretty healthy amount of uncertainty that comes with this.”

What’s more, ballot drop boxes are often intentionally placed in busy areas, such as college campuses, libraries, government buildings and apartment complexes — increasing the likelihood that innocent citizens got caught in the group’s dragnet, Striegel said.

Similarly, there are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might be visiting both a nonprofit’s office and one of those busy areas. Delivery drivers, postal workers, cab drivers, poll workers and elected officials all have legitimate reasons to cross paths with numerous drop boxes or nonprofits in a given day.
Between 12 AM to 5 AM in the morning? Nope. There is data that shows 262(?) people made over 5,000 trips to the same boxes over and over in that time period.
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You just loved it when the FBI used geotracking data to capture every single J6 protestor, but somehow the exact same data analysis is worthless if it reveals something you don't want to believe. What does that say about you?

The evidence against Trump's January 6 goons resulted in nearly nine-hundred arrests.

The felon's propaganda flick contrived no credible evidence to prosecute anybody.
As expected, hardcore Democrats showed up to mock a short documentary rather than just watch it and then report WHY they think 2000 Mules is flawed. It's so much easier to let other people tell you what to think.
So, you follow Bill Barr. Been a fan long?
I am cognizant of prominent officeholders, including Trump toadies who can't keep from laughing at a felon's feeble propaganda flick.

Of course, the true test of intimations of of fraud is, "Is there any credible evidence that is sufficient for prosecutors to bring actual charges in a court of law, or is it just blowing gas to activate the bobbleheads?"
If you can't believe a hyper-partisan felon convicted for fraud that makes a paranoidal propaganda flick with all the probative substance of a sparrow fart, who can you believe?

The true test of crackpot confections is, "Can the 'evidence' meet minimal standards demanded by our legal system?"

If the delusion festers only on the fringe, reasonable folks draw reasonable conclusions.
His evidence meets the standards so well, that it has been used to put murderers, rapists, and other violent knuckle draggers behind bars.

So suck on that, assclown.
His evidence meets the standards so well...

So suck on that, assclown.
Prithee, Buttercup, what, specifically, are the judicial and legislative actions that rabid Trumpy partisans have initiated predicated upon the felon's laughable flick? Just list a few.
Prithee, Buttercup, what, specifically, are the judicial and legislative actions that rabid Trumpy partisans have initiated predicated upon the felon's laughable flick? Just list a few.
Trump isn't the issue, dipschitt.

The geotracking information used in "2000 Mules" was good enough to put J6 trespassers in specific rooms in the Capitol...As mentioned, it's strong enough evidence to put away murderers for life.

You asked the question, you got the answer....So make like a tree and fuck off.
The geotracking information used in "2000 Mules" was good enough to put J6 trespassers in specific rooms in the Capitol...As mentioned, it's strong enough evidence to put away murderers for life.
I already knew that you could not point to any evidence from the felon's fantastical flick that had the credibility to trigger any charges against anyone.

It's airy-fairy propaganda poo poo, and no court in the land would take it seriously, Sunshine.
I already knew that you could not point to any evidence from the felon's fantastical flick that had the credibility to trigger any charges against anyone.

It's airy-fairy propaganda poo poo, and no court in the land would take it seriously, Sunshine.
I pointed to the most accurate and legally accepted valid evidence....Sorry that fucks with your bullshit lying narrative, but there it is.

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