Washington State upholds ban on gay marriage

Abbey Normal said:
Wow. Apart from the sentiments in your first paragraph, I've never heard anyone put it this way. I'm impressed with your logic and writing skills.
Well, to split a hair, I didn't express any sentiments in the first para. Just pointed out what current laws do and don't permit, and how they made no distinction between homosexuals and heterosexuals

But the later paragraphs point out the real reason, IMHO, that same-sex-marriage initiatives keep getting voted down by huge majorities every time they are brought to a vote. People are instinctively repelled by the notion, except for the small minority who are homosexual. And we are no more likely to reverse that trend than to sweep back the tide.

The only way the homosexual advocates will be able to impose their agenda on the public, is thru the back door: by getting courts to misinterpret laws as "providing for unequal rights" or some other such malarkey. Unsurprisingly, this is where their main efforts lie. They know as well as the voters do, that the public will never submit to open homosexuality in public, willingly. Because they just plain DON'T LIKE IT. A feeling unlikely to change, for the reasons I gave above.
If the vote had gone the other way, it would have forced a test of the "full faith and credence" clause in the Constitution. That's the law that says all states must honor contracts made in any other state... such as marriages.

The clasue was first put into the Constitution by the Framers, based on the notion that people in every state generally have the same stndards, more or less, and that something one state found acceptable probably wouldn't be too far out of line for the other states.

That was so only until the gay-marriage thing came around, and homosexual advocates started trying to impost it on states by court decisions against the will of the people.

If Washington had permitted same-sex marriage, gays from all over would have flocked theri for a day to get married and then dispersed back to their home states where same-sex marriages weren't allowed. It might ultimately wind up in another Constitutional amendment, saying the "full faith and credence" clause no longer applied to marriages.

It's sad when people abuse a system. It leads to more restrictions and laws on everybody.

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