Washington Needs To Get A DACA/Wall Deal Done!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
On the topic of passing legislation that continues funding the federal government both Parties are on the wrong path. This incident where President Trump used language insulting people from Haiti, El Salvador and Africa both parties aren't handling it well. What Senator Durbin did disclosing what President Trump said here was wrong there is an unspoken rule amongst politicians amongst people in general which good people recognize that in government and business settings where people are having private meetings the participants don't go publicly repeating verbatim details of the communications that took place which are inappropriate if directly spoken publicly. Otherwise people will be reticent to talk to one anther and always be extremely guarded which reduces channels of communication between people or government officials which isn't good this is especially the case with many leaders in business and government that commonly use vulgar and foul language. On the other hand, it would have been perfectly fair for Senator Durbin to have come out and publicly say that President Trump rejected the bi-partisan agreement to stop the approaching deportation and/or removal of tens of thousands of people from Haiti and El Salvador precipitated by the White House because President Trump thinks these people are from undesirable countries President Trump's values are that he divides countries into two categories countries whose citizens are appealing as immigrants like Norway and countries whose citizens are unappealing. And frankly these values of President Trump are troubling and disgraceful and if disclosed in this fair way would have brought about the same international condemnation the American people have seen although not as emotionally charged. For this reason Republicans need to get past this issue stop letting this issue hang them up in getting a DACA/Wall deal with the Democrats.

Republicans need to have a reconsideration on their stance for such a deal they talk like their demands are perfectly fine these demands that the Democrats agree to changes in America's immigration laws that dramatically curtail foreigners lawfully working in America from being able to bring their spouse and children to America to live with them or to end the diversity immigration lottery because Republicans only want skilled or wealthy immigrants that will make a significant economic impact to the U.S. economy. The American people think that the Republicans are wrong on these matters these are bad things the Republicans are trying to do here and if there is a government shut down because of this DACA/Wall deal impasse caused by these bad demands and it last a significant length of time these Republican leaders are going to learn firsthand in a painful manner the American people's opposing views here when they become committed to penalizing Republicans over the shutdown in the 2018 mid-term elections!
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Here's an idea... Let's build the wall first then we'll discuss if any dreamers are allowed to stay.

After all the last couple of times it went the other way and we all see how that worked out.



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