Was McCarthy right after all?


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009
Austin, Texas
What lengths will the left go to? Over the last 28 months we have seen an endless campaign to destroy the election of President Trump, violence, lies, deception, etc..

The Liberal Left has come unglued, the LMSM is the only case of "collusion" I have seen and the "Walkaway" movement is destined to be a rude awakening for the DNC.

I grew up believing Senator McCarthy was a radical, extremist, someone who operated with a devious plot to destroy the freedom our Founders fought and died for, but the current version of the Democrats makes a startling reference to the predictions he feared, its hard to believe he was correct all this time...

Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”

McCarthy was prescient and if anything, vastly understated and underestimated the extent to which the democratic White House was controlled by Uncle Joe Stalin
What lengths will the left go to? Over the last 28 months we have seen an endless campaign to destroy the election of President Trump, violence, lies, deception, etc..

The Liberal Left has come unglued, the LMSM is the only case of "collusion" I have seen and the "Walkaway" movement is destined to be a rude awakening for the DNC.

I grew up believing Senator McCarthy was a radical, extremist, someone who operated with a devious plot to destroy the freedom our Founders fought and died for, but the current version of the Democrats makes a startling reference to the predictions he feared, its hard to believe he was correct all this time...

Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”

Ah more unity from the left........Trump has never said anything close to his, but he's the one responsible for violence? The left is delusional.
The left has an agenda for breaking down sovereignty and moving into one world govt/currency/open borders. This was thwarted two years ago. If they lose the house next week, the seething rage and violence will become white hot. Rs aren't exempt on the one world crap. Daddy Bush was introducing it 30 years ago.
I grew up believing Senator McCarthy was a radical, extremist, someone who operated with a devious plot to destroy the freedom our Founders fought and died for, but the current version of the Democrats makes a startling reference to the predictions he feared, its hard to believe he was correct all this time...
He was both right and wrong.

Right in his accusations.

Wrong in his methods.

Commies are still at it. They never go away.
Of course he was right...but we had a hate America/capitalism media back then just like we do today.....
What lengths will the left go to? Over the last 28 months we have seen an endless campaign to destroy the election of President Trump, violence, lies, deception, etc..

The Liberal Left has come unglued, the LMSM is the only case of "collusion" I have seen and the "Walkaway" movement is destined to be a rude awakening for the DNC.

I grew up believing Senator McCarthy was a radical, extremist, someone who operated with a devious plot to destroy the freedom our Founders fought and died for, but the current version of the Democrats makes a startling reference to the predictions he feared, its hard to believe he was correct all this time...

Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”


The Venona papers validated McCarthy. This country is full of filthy fucking commies.
What lengths will the left go to? Over the last 28 months we have seen an endless campaign to destroy the election of President Trump, violence, lies, deception, etc..

The Liberal Left has come unglued, the LMSM is the only case of "collusion" I have seen and the "Walkaway" movement is destined to be a rude awakening for the DNC.

I grew up believing Senator McCarthy was a radical, extremist, someone who operated with a devious plot to destroy the freedom our Founders fought and died for, but the current version of the Democrats makes a startling reference to the predictions he feared, its hard to believe he was correct all this time...

Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”


The Democrats are all of the things that they profess to abhor.
Of course he was right...but we had a hate America/capitalism media back then just like we do today.....

That's true.

Trump went into the fight having already attacked the media for bias and fake
news. He fostered that during the campaign and allowed the media to make
him a prophet, trying to get at him.

Once elected, his folks already knew he wasn't going to get a fair shake.
But he holds the highest office and he has a twitter account. H talks to the
people daily.

The MSM wishes they had an approval rating as high as his
What lengths will the left go to? Over the last 28 months we have seen an endless campaign to destroy the election of President Trump, violence, lies, deception, etc..

The Liberal Left has come unglued, the LMSM is the only case of "collusion" I have seen and the "Walkaway" movement is destined to be a rude awakening for the DNC.

I grew up believing Senator McCarthy was a radical, extremist, someone who operated with a devious plot to destroy the freedom our Founders fought and died for, but the current version of the Democrats makes a startling reference to the predictions he feared, its hard to believe he was correct all this time...

Actor James Cromwell warns of 'blood in the streets' if Democrats don't win election

“If we don’t stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.”


These celebrity elites are like gods to Democrats. They want to bow and scrape so very bad..and without a real nobility the best they can do is follow the leftards in Hollywood.

And yes Mccarthy was right. That was proven when the Iron Curtain fell. KGB records showed that yes the US government had been infiltrated.
And of course Hollywood was always communist. Even Lucille Ball lent her house to meetings of the Communist Party USA...though she did deny knowing that was doing so. She admitted to being a communist but turned sides and agreed to give sealed testimony about Hollywoods communists.
Lucille Ball - Wikipedia

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