Why are we so afraid to admit the obvious?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
If the majority of Americans belong to neither as you have said....who is our own tribe?
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

A Trump supporter Sent packages through the mail that contained bombs. Another idiot was so enraged by the hysteria preached by the blob about the migrants heading northward that he shot a dozen people in Pittsburgh.

No dumbass. Both sides aren’t right.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

What specifically are you pointing at? Which statements led to which acts of violence where?
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Because one side is promoting violence and only condemns one side.....the other side (mine) condemns violence from anyone and does not promote it. so to fix the problem, you need to stop promoting violence and start condemning anyone who does it.....it's pretty clear who needs to do that (not my side, they already do that)

For example, actor Jame Cromwell just said if the dems don't win, there will be blood in the streets....Trump has never said anything close to that.....both sides are not the same.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Because one side is practicing violence and only condemns one side.....the other side (mine) condemns violence from anyone and does not promote it. so to fix the problem, you need to stop promoting violence and start condemning anyone who does it.....it's pretty clear who needs to do that (not my side, they already do that)
Both sides promote violence, so you have failed to see the truth.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

A Trump supporter Sent packages through the mail that contained bombs. Another idiot was so enraged by the hysteria preached by the blob about the migrants heading northward that he shot a dozen people in Pittsburgh.

No dumbass. Both sides aren’t right.
It was a leftie who shot up the Republican baseball team. It wasn't a right winger that sent ricin to Pres Trump. In both of the "tribes" are violent extremists. Denying that won't help. I would never have called anyone so much as an "idiot" before I came here, but I've been insulted so much I'll say a lot worse than that, at times. You're not like that, so I'm not pointing this at you personally, but saying the left doesn't do it--is not accurate.
Perhaps you can try to answer my question.

And I dont suppose you would extend that same courtesy to me? You speak nonsense. Are you going to claim that the majority of Americans arent affiliated with either "wing" then demand we form some kind of tribe with them in order to denounce them? What insanity is this?

"DENOUNCE!" I think I remember Hillary demanding the same thing.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?
Because one side is practicing violence and only condemns one side.....the other side (mine) condemns violence from anyone and does not promote it. so to fix the problem, you need to stop promoting violence and start condemning anyone who does it.....it's pretty clear who needs to do that (not my side, they already do that)
Both sides promote violence, so you have failed to see the truth.
No both sides do not. Give me an example of a credible right winger promoting that
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

A Trump supporter Sent packages through the mail that contained bombs. Another idiot was so enraged by the hysteria preached by the blob about the migrants heading northward that he shot a dozen people in Pittsburgh.

No dumbass. Both sides aren’t right.
No, they just shoot congressmen, send poison in the mail and harass the fuck out of people.....oh and they try and storm buildings like a ......what's that called......oh.... a MOB.
Given the spate of recent violence, the board is understandably abuzz with threads and comments about who is to "blame". And of course, each end is essentially putting 100% of the blame on the other end. Each end is laying out a long list of examples of violence, rhetoric and incitement by the other end.

Guess what? They're both right. Facts are facts.

I have a great deal of respect for the power of ideology. It can make people say and do insane things. It can absolutely blind a person to the obvious. But is it so strong that we'd rather see this country burn down than challenge our own tribe to stop the madness?

When the hate is flowing from both ends like water from a fire hose, does it really matter which end is "worse"?

What is so terrifying about just admitting the obvious?

A Trump supporter Sent packages through the mail that contained bombs. Another idiot was so enraged by the hysteria preached by the blob about the migrants heading northward that he shot a dozen people in Pittsburgh.

No dumbass. Both sides aren’t right.
It was a leftie who shot up the Republican baseball team. It wasn't a right winger that sent ricin to Pres Trump. In both of the "tribes" are violent extremists. Denying that won't help. I would never have called anyone so much as an "idiot" before I came here, but I've been insulted so much I'll say a lot worse than that, at times. You're not like that, so I'm not pointing this at you personally, but saying the left doesn't do it--is not accurate.

The left leads it. They resort to violence when they lose an election which is inexcusable. But the real elephant in the room is that the left has a stranglehold on the media, on corporate power and on money flows. When people find they are stymied in their political voice and their votes are ignored I do expect the result to be violence. What other choice is there?
This is the "populism" the worlds elites spend so much time denouncing. Its the rage of people who played by the rules and still have no voice.

You havent seen it yet. A nut sending fake bombs to liberals isnt it. Its just an excuse for them to crack down. Its going to be nasty when it comes. But it wont be amiss.
Trying to talk sense into either side on this issue is totally pointless Moonglow.
Kids on the playground, sniveling "He started it!"
Mac's got a good question. WHY? Are we responsible adults or not?
Trying to talk sense into either side on this issue is totally pointless Moonglow.
Kids on the playground, sniveling "He started it!"
Mac's got a good question. WHY? Are we responsible adults or not?
I think it's a symptom of being controlled by an ideology. It makes people terrified to give an inch.

Additionally, I think it's possible that an ideologue really doesn't see most, if not all, the sins of their side. That's another symptom: Myopia. So when they ask for examples of what should be screamingly obvious, it may be that they really don't know what you're talking about.

That's how powerful this stuff is.

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