Was it Tucker's anti-Trump emails that cost him his job at Fox? Newsmax folks weigh in


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

I'm sure Fox didn't appreciate how Tucker's "private" (ha ha... please) emails became known world-wide as a result of the dominion lawsuit. But ws that the reason he got rid of him?

In any case, Megan Kelly who used 2 work for Fox, has some comments about this situation, esp RE how it cost Fox viewers.

What? They didn't know that would happen? I don't get that one. They knew Tucker brought in millions of viewers. Now that time slot at Fox doesn't bring in half, apparently.

There was always something... couldn't always put my finger on it.. that bugged me about Tucker. But he spoke truths that others didn't want to utter, much less face.

Maybe I now know what that something was I couldn't put my finger on. If he in his heart thought Trump was a demonic force... OMG

What the hell does a person have to do to show he is on the side of GOD? Trump helped get pro-Constitution justices on scotus and then Roe was o/turned.


and he protected Americans from invaders/criminals... hostile foreign nations


Tucker did not seem to know what Demonic really means... :oops:
No. Owners at Fox News probably agree with him.

I always thought MOST people working at Fox were pro-Trump.

Certainly they are now --they are likely ALL at least pro-ANY-Republican, just any R... (due to the train wreck currently in Admin/WH)
wow... looks like there aren't many Tucker fans here

I know someone who watched only his show and (that I know of) nothing else on Fox.. He's probably livid...
Why would Newsmax "weigh in" with an opinion about Tucker and Fox? Nobody seems to care about CNN dumping Don Lemon. Isn't there enough news out there?
Why would Newsmax "weigh in" with an opinion about Tucker and Fox? Nobody seems to care about CNN dumping Don Lemon. Isn't there enough news out there?
well, news that baffles is always interesting

Why would Fox get rid of a cash cow like Tucker?

Inquiring (suspicious) minds want to know

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