Always fun to look back at actual historical data. The libs would have us believe Bush was the worst president, leaving office in a firestorm of failure and odium. Maybe Richard Nixon was worse. Maybe. But no one supported Bush. All through his 2 terms his support was only tepid. After all he won the 2000 election with a minority of popular votes cast. Right?
In fact of the post war presidents Bush enjoyed the highest level of support at any given point, 90% approval. When he left office he did not have the lowest level of support. Not even Nixon had the lowest level. The holder of that record was Democrat hero Harry S Truman, at 22% approval. Nixon was at 24% and Bush at 25%.
In contrast Obama's top number was 68%, when he got into office. It's largely been downhill since there, to 43% currently. All of this is Gallup's polling.
Presidential Approval Ratings | Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends
In fact of the post war presidents Bush enjoyed the highest level of support at any given point, 90% approval. When he left office he did not have the lowest level of support. Not even Nixon had the lowest level. The holder of that record was Democrat hero Harry S Truman, at 22% approval. Nixon was at 24% and Bush at 25%.
In contrast Obama's top number was 68%, when he got into office. It's largely been downhill since there, to 43% currently. All of this is Gallup's polling.
Presidential Approval Ratings | Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends