Was Adam really the first human and if so...

There was a first human ... but he didn't look like us.

On the other hand ... at some point there must have been a human who first looked like us.

That's just the way things work.

Have there been different species of humans? Was there an evolutionary tree wherein human species diverged and, eventually, some died out and another evolved into us? I think it's plausible, maybe probable.

That's exactly what did happen. There was a time when Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens existed together. Between 100,000 and 40,000 years ago, they fought and had sex. We know this because humans carry certain sequences of Neanderthal DNA.
Also the Denosovans...
But it's the truth if you believe the Bible story

You would believe that only if you didn't read the story.

When the children of adam and eve wanted to find a mate they went to a city...

Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?
You would believe that only if you didn't read the story.

When the children of adam and eve wanted to find a mate they went to a city...

Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?

When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

Didn't you ever see someone, how they acted, and call them a jackass?
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Where in Genesis does it say God created all the people in a city?

If Adam and Eve were the only people created then there were no cities for Kane and Abel to visit to find a wife

Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?

When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve
Ok, so you never read the book.

You might want to take a look before you try to discredit it.

I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?

When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve

Yup. There were plenty of wild women to choose from in the city. And yeah, it doesn't say that God made any other people into living beings , it calls other existing peoples the beasts of the field that the Lord God also made. Just like Adam was an existing animal, taken from the scum of the earth, before he was formed into a living being.

If you thought about Adam being formed into a living being intelligently, you might understand the true subject of the resurrection of the dead.

According to the story a person is not a living being until he tills his own earth and subdues his animal nature.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that a person must be born again, not by the fleshy desire of a human father that forms the body of an animal, but by the spirit of God that forms the mind and produces a new creature, a living- thinking intelligent and rational - "living being".
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...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Sorry my friend, but because the (well-intended) Bible mistakenly implies that the earth is a mere 6000-years-old or so we can't put any faith whatsoever in the "Adam" and "Eve-was-made-from-his-rib" story at all, period. It's like asking "Is Frodo a good person?"....one first has to understand that Frodo is simply not real.

It got "love your neighbor" (awesome!) very right, but got a ton of other stuff very very wrong (the "all-knowing" god still doesn't realize that slavery is wrong!). So we have to SELECTIVELY believe parts of the great Bible/Qur'an, etc.

Science has taught us so much! Taken us out of the dark ages. Darwin etc. have helped the world even more than the great Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Buddha, etc. The future looks bright - if we let science lead the way!
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Well, if Adam was a Homo SEXUAL then god would have had to kill him like Leviticus says. :)

Seriously, though, NO, since the 6000 or so years the Bible implies the earth has been around would obviously NOT be nearly enough time for humans to evolve from homo naledi to where we are today. Please, my friend, don't look towards the Bible for scientific enlightenment. Look to it for entertaining legends, and a few pearls of ethical wisdom, and look past the unscientific and immoral parts.

[PS I love gays, and want Christians to love gays as much as we do, and improve the texts of their religion like we've done.]
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again

But I notice you didn't point me to a page in the bible that says god created millions of more people than just Adam and Eve

"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?

When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve

Yup. There were plenty of wild women to choose from in the city. And yeah, it doesn't say that God made any other people into living beings , it calls other existing peoples the beasts of the field that the Lord God also made. Just like Adam was an existing animal, taken from the scum of the earth, before he was formed into a living being.

If you thought about Adam being formed into a living being intelligently, you might understand the true subject of the resurrection of the dead.

According to the story a person is not a living being until he tills his own earth and subdues his animal nature.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that a person must be born again, not by the fleshy desire of a human father that forms the body of an animal, but by the spirit of God that forms the mind and produces a new creature, a living- thinking intelligent and rational - "living being".

So the beasts of the field were people not deer, mice, wolves, foxes, bobcats. or any insect or bird etc?

That is the most ridiculous rationalization I have ever heard
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

Dude don't you know, haven't you heard . . .

ADAM was a Conan the Barbarian, broad shouldered, rippling muscled six foot seven dude dropped off on planet Earth like two billion years ago into the middle of Dino chaos, who with pointy sticks and smashy stones extincted them tyrant lizards so we all future generations could come to be happily screaming head first into this world.

That's all . . .
"Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

Adam might have called you a dingbat.

So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?

When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve

Yup. There were plenty of wild women to choose from in the city. And yeah, it doesn't say that God made any other people into living beings , it calls other existing peoples the beasts of the field that the Lord God also made. Just like Adam was an existing animal, taken from the scum of the earth, before he was formed into a living being.

If you thought about Adam being formed into a living being intelligently, you might understand the true subject of the resurrection of the dead.

According to the story a person is not a living being until he tills his own earth and subdues his animal nature.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that a person must be born again, not by the fleshy desire of a human father that forms the body of an animal, but by the spirit of God that forms the mind and produces a new creature, a living- thinking intelligent and rational - "living being".

So the beasts of the field were people not deer, mice, wolves, foxes, bobcats. or any insect or bird etc?

That is the most ridiculous rationalization I have ever heard

Yes. But its not a rationalization, its the only answer that resolves every mystery including kosher law, ritual sacrifice, what Jesus was actually doing while living in the wilderness among the wild beasts, etc... The truth, the very truth.

Angels, demons, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, rats, worms, parasites, bottom feeders, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, are all metaphors for people that reflect the heights and depths of human potential in the kingdom of God.
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...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?

The Creation Story is a myth / allegory. That doesn't mean it's useless, however. It's just not what actually happened. Personally, I believe in Intelligent Design.
Yes, I love the Golden Rule and some other Biblical pearls of wisdom - let's follow those every day. But because the Bible has DRAGONS (and don't forget the talking snake) in it we can't take it as more than a very interesting, and occasionally very inspiring and insightful, collection of legends.

Also, because God/Jesus accepts slavery, we have to be very SELECTIVE as to what parts of the Bible/Qur'an to use as an ETHICAL role model. If it passes the common sense test ("love your neighbor"...awesome) then yes, if if doesn't (kill gays), then obviously no.

Also, the best religion of all time would COMBINE the very best of many other religions, but not bring forward the worst of each. Doesn't your family deserve a religion that understands that slavery is dead wrong? Love them so much that you answer "yes!" to that question.
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
So the talking snake is, uh, real??
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
So the talking snake is, uh, real??

Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
...did he look like us? And if the answer is "yes", then what is or was Homo naledi?
Adam and Eve could have been the first "humans" genetically modified by aliens. We were dumb apes for million of years, and then around 100,000 years ago we started to get really smart.
So he created Adam like I said and you'll notice that you quoted "the man" meaning there was only one
He created Eve like I said

Eve had 2 kids like I said

YOU said Eve's kids went to a city to find wives

Where in the bible does it say god created more people than Adam and Eve in numbers large enough to make a city possible?

When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve

Yup. There were plenty of wild women to choose from in the city. And yeah, it doesn't say that God made any other people into living beings , it calls other existing peoples the beasts of the field that the Lord God also made. Just like Adam was an existing animal, taken from the scum of the earth, before he was formed into a living being.

If you thought about Adam being formed into a living being intelligently, you might understand the true subject of the resurrection of the dead.

According to the story a person is not a living being until he tills his own earth and subdues his animal nature.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that a person must be born again, not by the fleshy desire of a human father that forms the body of an animal, but by the spirit of God that forms the mind and produces a new creature, a living- thinking intelligent and rational - "living being".

So the beasts of the field were people not deer, mice, wolves, foxes, bobcats. or any insect or bird etc?

That is the most ridiculous rationalization I have ever heard

Yes. But its not a rationalization, its the only answer that resolves every mystery including kosher law, ritual sacrifice, what Jesus was actually doing while living in the wilderness among the wild beasts, etc... The truth, the very truth.

Angels, demons, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, rats, worms, parasites, bottom feeders, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, are all metaphors for people that reflect the heights and depths of human potential in the kingdom of God.
I appreciate your posting, but (no offense) I find that harder to believe than even the explanations for "why didn't Frodo just ride the giant eagles to Mordor in the FIRST damn place - Jeez!?"

Have a great week.
When Adam was taken from the dust of the earth and formed into a living being everyone else was living like animals. They built cities, but they were unthinking brute beasts and lowlifes.

"Now the (talking) serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. "

When adam was shown every beast that the Lord God also made he gave them names. When he was shown a conman he called it a serpent.

So Eve's sons took "beasts of the fields" as wives?

Nowhere does it say god made any other people than Adam and Eve

Yup. There were plenty of wild women to choose from in the city. And yeah, it doesn't say that God made any other people into living beings , it calls other existing peoples the beasts of the field that the Lord God also made. Just like Adam was an existing animal, taken from the scum of the earth, before he was formed into a living being.

If you thought about Adam being formed into a living being intelligently, you might understand the true subject of the resurrection of the dead.

According to the story a person is not a living being until he tills his own earth and subdues his animal nature.

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that a person must be born again, not by the fleshy desire of a human father that forms the body of an animal, but by the spirit of God that forms the mind and produces a new creature, a living- thinking intelligent and rational - "living being".

So the beasts of the field were people not deer, mice, wolves, foxes, bobcats. or any insect or bird etc?

That is the most ridiculous rationalization I have ever heard

Yes. But its not a rationalization, its the only answer that resolves every mystery including kosher law, ritual sacrifice, what Jesus was actually doing while living in the wilderness among the wild beasts, etc... The truth, the very truth.

Angels, demons, the living and the dead, talking serpents, talking donkeys, wolves, sheep, goats, cattle, rats, worms, parasites, bottom feeders, swine that do not ruminate, teeming vermin who go down on all fours, are all metaphors for people that reflect the heights and depths of human potential in the kingdom of God.
I appreciate your posting, but (no offense) I find that harder to believe than even the explanation for "why didn't Frodo just ride the giant eagles to Mordor in the FIRST damn place - Jeez!?"

Have a great week.
Ok, so thinking deeply isn't your strong suit. no offense.. lol...

I can live with that..
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
So the talking snake is, uh, real??

Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
Cute. Yes, one reason I can't be a Catholic is that I feel like a vampire when I drink someone's blood, and a zombie when I eat someone's flesh. I believe I can do better than being a vampire zombie.
Ok, just kidding. :04:
I read it years ago and found it not worth reading again
As Jews have said for centuries: The Bible is not meant to be read. It is meant to be studied. When studied--especially in the original language--it is easy to understand the original story is not even close to what atheists (as well as others) claim it is saying.

If nothing else, stop looking at it as an encyclopedia of knowledge. It is a book of lessons--a lot of oral history that was presented in story form.
So the talking snake is, uh, real??

Hasn't anyone ever tried to get you to eat Jesus in the form of a handy snack food?
Cute. Yes, one reason I can't be a Catholic is that I feel like a vampire when I drink someone's blood, and a zombie when I eat someone's flesh.
Ok, just kidding. :04:
Doesn't "celebrating" the torture and death of Jesus every other sunday and high holiday seem strange too?

Careful there, this meriweather character is very subtle and might try to get you to believe that it is a holy obligation..

And some people don't believe in talking serpents..

Imagine that!

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