Warm Tumeric Milk


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I don't know about you, but this looks good! Perfect for cold weather, too.

Posted by Teresa Cutter on Sunday, July 19, 2015 · 8 Comments

This time of year, our immune system needs some TLC to help ward off colds and flu. I head straight to the kitchen and make restorative drinks that provide me with a concentrated source of nutrients that the body can easily absorb. I include anti-inflammatory ingredients such as turmeric and ginger which play a starring role and are potent aromatics that help the body eliminate toxins, stimulate circulation, aid digestion and boost immune function. One restorative drink that I often make is my turmeric milk. I enjoy it hot or cold depending on the weather and how I feel. I drink it warm when the weather is cold and enjoy it icy cold made with frozen banana and Healthy Chef Protein in the summer time.

What’s Great About It:
Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric, responsible for the distinct yellow colouring and the impressive list of health properties. Turmeric has been linked to the prevention of cancer cell growth and management of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, eczema and inflammatory bowel disease. It is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in manganese, zinc, B group vitamins and iron. Ginger has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It helps to boost immune function and combat cellular damage. Almond milk is high in the minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium as well as vitamin E so nourishes the immune system.

2 cups almond milk (or your choice of milk, rice, dairy, oat etc…)
1 teaspoon honey (optional)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
1/2 teaspoon ground turmerichttps://secure.thehealthychef.com/shop/product/natural-immune-support
pinch of ground ginger
pinch of ground cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

Combine milk, honey, vanilla, turmeric, ginger and cinnamon
Place over a low heat and whisk until combined.
Heat the milk and aromatics gently stirring with a spoon until hot. 65 C.
Pour the milk into 2 serving cups and enjoy.

Notes + Inspiration
Add 1/2 teaspoon Natural Immune Support

Serve hot or cold.
Blend cold turmeric milk ingredients with frozen banana, peeled orange, Healthy Chef Protein and Natural Immune Support for an energising healthy breakfast.
Add a spoonful of tahini will give your body a good boost of calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, and dietary fibre.

- See more at: Warm Turmeric Milk : The Healthy Chef – Teresa Cutter
Imma gonna try it too! At first, I kinda went eww with the tumeric in milk...but what about almond milk or coconut milk? I like cow milk too, but then I read the rest of the ingredients and thought...oh yeah! Nanners! Nilla! Honey! This I can do! And tumeric is wonderful for arthritis!
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I think cow milk is terrible for health. I had constant sinus infections while I was still drinking milk. I also think it contributes to osteoporosis and actually increases calcium loss from the bones.

I only drink almond, soy, and rice milk. :)
My own recipe for eating more veggies....which I am not fond of. But I found a happy medium and it corresponds with my attempt at a mediterraineon diet which calls for lots of veggies..and fruits. I have made this concoction for gluten free pizza toppings and just as a side dish and both Mr Gracie and I LOVE it.

Some mini bell peppers (the package with the red,orange and yellow small peppers in it), sliced thick or thin.

Green olives, sliced or chopped. (Mine are stuffed with pimiento).

Artichoke hearts.

Broccoli or Cauliflower or both.

onions, chopped.

Parmesean cheese.

feta cheese.

cherry tomatoes sliced or chopped.

Extra virgin olive oil.

Fry ALL of it in a fry pan until the peppers start to lightly brown, drain any leftover olive oil off, sprinkle with Mrs Dash, garlic powder (or use fresh), 1 tablespoon Italian Zesty dressing, toss, then sprinkle the feta cheese and parmesan on top. serve warm. Or add chopped up left over chicken and lay on a pizza pie. (I use gluten free Udi pizza).

It is DELISH as a side dish or on the pizza or rolled in a tortilla or stuffed in a pita pocket!

The trick to tie it all together is the Italian dressing mixed in, LIGHTLY. Yum yum!

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