War on public opinion


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiDfy1Cxyu8]Crossfire: Are the solutions for climate change just as dangerous? (part 1/3) - YouTube[/ame]

On CNN recently the topic of global warming was tackled. This program on CNN is a concession of sorts that "the facts" are not swaying public opinion as they cite 64% of Americans don't think climate change is a problem.

So the topic at hand comes down to three issues.

1. How can the American people be convinced that the sky is falling?

2. How can people be convinced that the political solutions to these problems will do much about it?

3. Does having the consensus of Americans on board with climate change important? In other words, should we let democracy destroy the planet or are we better off with a totalitarian form of government if the public remains unconvinced?

So what say you? Are you in the majority of Americans who think that climate change is just another way to reach down into your pockets for more change, or are you in the minority who think that climate change is the most important topic to tackle right now?

Of course, it does not help that our political leaders continually lie to us. No matter your party affiliation, you know this to be true of either party. How can any of them be believed about anything?
They will lie about it. This past winter was the shortest and warmest winter on record in the US. Did you know that? Did you experience this short and very warm winter?

How they do it is say that the long bitter cold winter that we really did have was the result of a polar vortex anomaly. Take away that effect, and what is left is a very short and very warm winter. That proves there is global warming.
First it was Global Warming.
WHen the predictions didnt pan out (there has been no warming over a decade) then it became Global Climate Change.
Now its Climate Disruption.

It is basically a religion because it feeds into liberals' preconcieved notions that human beings are a blight on the planet and man's influence is always evil and pernicious. Especially corporations. Yeah, big evil corporations.
I predict that the earth will burn to a crisp in December 2016. If it doesn't happen on that date then it will happen in September of 2019 and if it doesn't happen then it will likely happen in February of 2021. -- signed -- Warmist Loon
They will lie about it. This past winter was the shortest and warmest winter on record in the US. Did you know that? Did you experience this short and very warm winter?

How they do it is say that the long bitter cold winter that we really did have was the result of a polar vortex anomaly. Take away that effect, and what is left is a very short and very warm winter. That proves there is global warming.

They have changed the lingo. No longer is it global warming, it is climate change. In other words, if we slide into another ice age it will be the fault of carbon emissions.

In the video, those that support political legislation to curb carbon emissions point to a couple of events, a highway in NC was moved higher because it was flooded and a town in Alaska was moved that was flooded. However, towns and cities have been reclaimed by the oceans since the dawn of time. The crux of the debate concedes that the hysteria being generated is not convincing anyone, there needs to be more carnage before anyone is convinced.

I think the funniest part of the debate was when someone said that if we do nothing Al Gore said it will cost the US billions more dollars. Then Bill Nye gets a disgruntled look on his face and said that he must have meant trillions more dollars. Then he was corrected again, and said that he in fact said only billions, which Obama probably carries around as pocket change these days.


All I know is, if you like the climate you now have, you can keep it, just so long as you support climate change legislation. Maybe I'll run for public office with that as my slogan.
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Crossfire: Are the solutions for climate change just as dangerous? (part 1/3) - YouTube

On CNN recently the topic of global warming was tackled. This program on CNN is a concession of sorts that "the facts" are not swaying public opinion as they cite 64% of Americans don't think climate change is a problem.

So the topic at hand comes down to three issues.

1. How can the American people be convinced that the sky is falling?

Just wait...more and more are convinced every day.

2. How can people be convinced that the political solutions to these problems will do much about it?

Roll one out and see.

3. Does having the consensus of Americans on board with climate change important? In other words, should we let democracy destroy the planet or are we better off with a totalitarian form of government if the public remains unconvinced?

I guess I'd answer that if I believed that we Americans have a truly functional representation form of government. We do NOT.

So what say you? Are you in the majority of Americans who think that climate change is just another way to reach down into your pockets for more change, or are you in the minority who think that climate change is the most important topic to tackle right now?

BOTH,. I think the masters ARE using climate change to stick their hands in our pockets, and I ALSO think that climate change is real.

There's no conflict in thinking BOTH can be true. Show me any disaster where those who could didn't make money off it.

Of course, it does not help that our political leaders continually lie to us. No matter your party affiliation, you know this to be true of either party. How can any of them be believed about anything?

The proof is in the pudding.
They always claim that man made Global Warming/Climate Change is settled science, no argument about it, anyone who dares to claim otherwise is fool, and they never miss the opportunity to bring up CONSENSUS of 95 or so percent of scientists agree that it is real.

Way back when it was settled science and consensus that the Earth is flat.

Then it was settled science and consensus that the Earth is the center of the universe and all heavenly bodies revolve around it. They were ready to burn Galileo on the stake for daring to believe otherwise.

Modern day bishops and popes of the new religion of Global Warming/ Climate Change would be just as happy and eager to burn anyone who disagrees with them.
They always claim that man made Global Warming/Climate Change is settled science, no argument about it, anyone who dares to claim otherwise is fool, and they never miss the opportunity to bring up CONSENSUS of 95 or so percent of scientists agree that it is real.

Way back when it was settled science and consensus that the Earth is flat.

Then it was settled science and consensus that the Earth is the center of the universe and all heavenly bodies revolve around it. They were ready to burn Galileo on the stake for daring to believe otherwise.

Modern day bishops and popes of the new religion of Global Warming/ Climate Change would be just as happy and eager to burn anyone who disagrees with them.

The American people have just undergone a change in their health care system where they were promised that it was not a tax, and that their premiums would go down, and that they could keep their own health coverage. People just don't believe their crap anymore. In the video, we see Van Jones say that the cost to the American people will only be a postage stamp a day. He says this even though Obama is on tape saying that energy prices would necessarily skyrocket.

What we have here is a failing Obama economy. People are hurting and the government over the years have continued to wage war on the Middle Class and the American dream through their various policies, well before Obama came on the scene.. This is why Congress only has a 10% approval rating. More and more support for the government wanes as Americans are stripped of their wealth and freedoms. No wonder federal agencies, like the IRS, are arming themselves with automatic weapons. I think at some point they may need them unfortunately.
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First it was Global Warming.
WHen the predictions didnt pan out (there has been no warming over a decade) then it became Global Climate Change.
Now its Climate Disruption.

It is basically a religion because it feeds into liberals' preconcieved notions that human beings are a blight on the planet and man's influence is always evil and pernicious. Especially corporations. Yeah, big evil corporations.

So, as a public service, we gathered eight of the most common of these pseudoscientific arguments and asked some serious climate scientists — all working climatologists who have been widely published — to help us understand what makes these claims so misleading.

1. No, the Earth Hasn’t Stopped Warming Since 1998 (or 1996 or 1997)

This claim was popularized by “Lord” Christopher Monckton, a prominent British climate “skeptic” with no scientific background who presented himself as a member of the House of Lords until the Parliament published a cease and desist order demanding that he stop. His so-called “research” relies on people’s confusion about the difference between weather, which fluctuates all the time, and climate, which speaks to long-term trends. With some careful cherrypicking of data, you get the argument that there’s been “no global warming for 17 years, 3 months.”

Kevin Trenberth
Distinguished senior scientist, Climate Analysis Section, National Center for Atmospheric Research
What’s going on? “1998 was the warmest year in the last century,” explains Kevin Trenberth, a distinguished senior scientist in the Climate Analysis Section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. “There was a big El Niño event in 1997 and 1998, and we have a lot of evidence that there was a lot of heat coming out of the ocean at that time. So that’s the real anomaly — the fact that we had what was perhaps the biggest El Niño event on record.”

“That’s one of the cherrypicking points for deniers — they take the highest value and then compare it” with lower points in the natural temperature fluctuation we know as “weather.” “If you choose the highest value,” says Trenberth, “then the odds are that all the other values are going to be lower — even in the presence of an overall warming climate.”

Eight Pseudoscientific Climate Claims Debunked by Real Scientists | Connecting the Dots | BillMoyers.com
Crossfire: Are the solutions for climate change just as dangerous? (part 1/3) - YouTube

On CNN recently the topic of global warming was tackled. This program on CNN is a concession of sorts that "the facts" are not swaying public opinion as they cite 64% of Americans don't think climate change is a problem.

So the topic at hand comes down to three issues.

1. How can the American people be convinced that the sky is falling?

Just wait...more and more are convinced every day.

Roll one out and see.

I guess I'd answer that if I believed that we Americans have a truly functional representation form of government. We do NOT.

BOTH,. I think the masters ARE using climate change to stick their hands in our pockets, and I ALSO think that climate change is real.

There's no conflict in thinking BOTH can be true. Show me any disaster where those who could didn't make money off it.

Of course, it does not help that our political leaders continually lie to us. No matter your party affiliation, you know this to be true of either party. How can any of them be believed about anything?

The proof is in the pudding.

When you stop to look at the microscopic threads the deniers grasp at
While everyone else is looking at hard, peer-reviewed science

you begin to get the picture.
When you stop to look at the microscopic threads the deniers grasp at
While everyone else is looking at hard, peer-reviewed science

you begin to get the picture.

I don't deny that the climate is changing. In fact, it always has. In Mid Evil times the whether was much warmer on average than it is now. (Shrug)

I won't even deny that life in general on earth influences climate to some degree. The real issue is, how much is it altering the climate and how much good is what is being proposed to change that is effective enough to pursue? Cap and trade is like a bandaid on a cancer if what they are suggesting is true. It will only further destroy the economy and help sink us further into oblivion.

In the video they said that cows emit far more carbon than say millions of cars. If so, then who not tell people to reduce meat intake? In fact, why not make legislation to this effect? It makes far more sense than killing the economy. The only thing that I can come up with is that Progressives want to kill the economy. They wish to reduce our numbers and begin to control us rather than let us breed like rats as we use up their precious natural resources. They would rather put us back in chains than let us have a free economy and self determination.
When you stop to look at the microscopic threads the deniers grasp at
While everyone else is looking at hard, peer-reviewed science

you begin to get the picture.

I don't deny that the climate is changing. In fact, it always has. In Mid Evil times the whether was much warmer on average than it is now. (Shrug)

I won't even deny that life in general on earth influences climate to some degree. The real issue is, how much is it altering the climate and how much good is what is being proposed to change that is effective enough to pursue? Cap and trade is like a bandaid on a cancer if what they are suggesting is true. It will only further destroy the economy and help sink us further into oblivion.

In the video they said that cows emit far more carbon than say millions of cars. If so, then who not tell people to reduce meat intake? In fact, why not make legislation to this effect? It makes far more sense than killing the economy. The only thing that I can come up with is that Progressives want to kill the economy. They wish to reduce our numbers and begin to control us rather than let us breed like rats as we use up their precious natural resources. They would rather put us back in chains than let us have a free economy and self determination.

Reducing the meat intake will leave more cattle to roam around and fart. You need to increase intake which would help cattle ranchers like myself. :)

So the topic at hand comes down to three issues.

1. How can the American people be convinced that the sky is falling?

Americans ARE convinced that the sky is falling but Global Warming isn't the reason they believe it.

2. How can people be convinced that the political solutions to these problems will do much about it?

Americans are wise enough to know that "politics" is never a solution.

3. Does having the consensus of Americans on board with climate change important? In other words, should we let democracy destroy the planet or are we better off with a totalitarian form of government if the public remains unconvinced?

America is a government "by the People" so it is VERY important what Americans think. It's what the Global whiners and fear mongers scream about that doesn't matter.

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