War on Police rhetoric is most responsible for Justine Damond.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
There are a lot of contributing factors, but we are certain of one thing. The cops in the car, both Noor and Harrity were well aware of the nonexistent war on police. The rhetoric from that which is used to justify any brutality, any over-reaction, is once again raising it's ugly head.

The Latest: Lawyer says officer ambush worry was reasonable

It's the war on police that had a nervous and jumpy cop on edge. Yeah. Noor is described by people who have dealt with him in his official capacity as being jumpy and on edge.

No Cookies | Daily Telegraph

The cops were perfectly right to be worried about an ambush you see. It's the war on cops. It's a really dangerous time, and there are more cops being killed now, than ever before.

Well, no there aren't. But the media which runs with this war on police, along with all the usual suspects who rush to point to every cop who dies from a heart attack as a victim in the war on police are responsible.

In The Post-Ferguson World, Cops Are Now Victims And It's The Public That's Going To Pay The Price

The cops aren't dying in mass numbers, and they aren't dying in larger numbers than ever before. In fact, it's safer to be a cop now than just about anytime in our history.


Hmm. Well, I guess it was more dangerous in the old days, but still, war on Cops man, they're targeted like nobody else is.

Yet, that isn't true either. The war on cops nonsense has the jumpy and nervous cops, which is most of them, even jumpier. It would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.

Now, we aren't going to end the rhetoric, the cops and their spokesmen, and of course the legion of supporters will keep it up screaming war on police whenever some cop stubs his toe. It is a great excuse, it justifies the indefensible. It legitimizes the intolerable. The cops have to react with such out of proportion violence, war on police baby. The police have to be able to shoot first and ask questions later, there is a war on them man.

Where we are now is a bad place. The police are not trained like they were, like they should be. I was talking about it with a friend. In the old days, the cops would practice shoot and don't shoot scenarios by having targets pop up that had pictures, or drawings of people. Some were holding a grocery bag, you weren't supposed to shoot them. Some had a gun, you were supposed to shoot them.

Now, it's all about the quick draw and fire as much as possible. If you can't empty your magazine in a handful of seconds, you're a dead man you are taught. It's all about spray and pray. It wasn't back in the old days, it was about minimizing the chance of a mistake, of an innocent getting hurt or killed. Now, not so much.

Now, the idea is if you kill an innocent, well, it's all right, you were afraid for your life, and there is a war on cops. All you have to do to get away with murder is stick to the story. You were afraid for your life, and you killed an innocent person, because there is a war on cops.


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Mebbe he thought she was shootin' at`em?...

Warrant: Cruiser 'Slapped' Before Shooting
July 26, 2017 - A woman, possibly Justine Damond, slapped the police vehicle behind her Minneapolis home shortly before an officer inside the SUV shot and killed her, according to newly submitted court documents.
In an application for a search warrant filed in Hennepin County District Court and made public near the end of Monday’s business day, a state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) homicide investigator wrote that about 11:30 p.m. on July 15 police responding to a 911 call arrived in the alley behind the 5000 block of Washburn Avenue S. and “a female ‘slaps’ the back of the patrol squad.” The filing continued, “After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley, approximately 10 to 20 feet north of 51st St.” after being shot by responding officer Mohamed Noor, a passenger in the squad.

The other officer in the squad, Matthew Harrity, has told investigators that he was startled by a loud sound near the vehicle before Noor opened fire. A cellphone was found near Damond’s body, the filing notes. The family of the 40-year-old Damond and authorities have said that she called 911 to report a possible sexual assault in progress.


A woman, possibly Justine Damond, slapped the police vehicle behind her Minneapolis home shortly before an officer inside the SUV shot and killed her, according to newly submitted court documents.​

The search of the shooting scene roughly seven hours after the shooting yielded items that may help authorities better understand the circumstances leading to Noor shooting Damond, who was unarmed at the time. Submitted for forensic examination are a 9 mm cartridge shell, the cellphone found near Damond, blood from the rear driver’s side door of the squad car, fingerprint evidence from the rear of the squad car and other spots on the vehicle’s exterior.

Investigators also were granted court permission to search Damond’s home. No evidence was taken from the residence, a filing in that search said. The death of Damond, a bride to be who grew up in Australia, has attracted international attention and led to the resignation of Police Chief Janee Harteau.

Warrant: Woman 'Slapped' Cruiser Before Shooting | Officer.com
Mebbe he thought she was shootin' at`em?...

Warrant: Cruiser 'Slapped' Before Shooting
July 26, 2017 - A woman, possibly Justine Damond, slapped the police vehicle behind her Minneapolis home shortly before an officer inside the SUV shot and killed her, according to newly submitted court documents.
In an application for a search warrant filed in Hennepin County District Court and made public near the end of Monday’s business day, a state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) homicide investigator wrote that about 11:30 p.m. on July 15 police responding to a 911 call arrived in the alley behind the 5000 block of Washburn Avenue S. and “a female ‘slaps’ the back of the patrol squad.” The filing continued, “After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley, approximately 10 to 20 feet north of 51st St.” after being shot by responding officer Mohamed Noor, a passenger in the squad.

The other officer in the squad, Matthew Harrity, has told investigators that he was startled by a loud sound near the vehicle before Noor opened fire. A cellphone was found near Damond’s body, the filing notes. The family of the 40-year-old Damond and authorities have said that she called 911 to report a possible sexual assault in progress.


A woman, possibly Justine Damond, slapped the police vehicle behind her Minneapolis home shortly before an officer inside the SUV shot and killed her, according to newly submitted court documents.​

The search of the shooting scene roughly seven hours after the shooting yielded items that may help authorities better understand the circumstances leading to Noor shooting Damond, who was unarmed at the time. Submitted for forensic examination are a 9 mm cartridge shell, the cellphone found near Damond, blood from the rear driver’s side door of the squad car, fingerprint evidence from the rear of the squad car and other spots on the vehicle’s exterior.

Investigators also were granted court permission to search Damond’s home. No evidence was taken from the residence, a filing in that search said. The death of Damond, a bride to be who grew up in Australia, has attracted international attention and led to the resignation of Police Chief Janee Harteau.

Warrant: Woman 'Slapped' Cruiser Before Shooting | Officer.com

He was described as nervous and jumpy. But hey, War on cops man. Sure fewer are dying now than thirty years ago. But still. War on cops. Come on Walt. Give us the happy rhetoric. An innocent woman, one of hundreds is dead. But War in cops!

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