War in Ukraine - News and More

No, Ukraine can trade via Poland, Germany, ect. That is what they are currently planning. It looks like taking back the territories is not an option. It is simply not possible. Some told that before. But they want Putin to lose, no matter how many soldiers have to die. Their true face (fratze) has been exposed.

It's the shipping lanes that matter not rail lines. With shipping Ukrainian products can go anywhere in the world without any intermediary. (Usually Africa)

With Russia controlling Sevastopol and Crimea this is not happening....or happening with a mob boss wanting his cut. (Which was happening before.) And Russia controlling ALL of Ukranian's trade and those who wanted to invest in Ukraine with factories.

And there won't be any lasting peace.

Ukraine is uniquely shaped and formed. Currently Russia occupies lands that accounts for over half of Ukraine's economy by holding the valuable mining operations. The remaining economy comes from agricultural products that Ukraine had poised in its ports to get shipped out but Russia (like normal) refused to allow the ships to leave port and eventually blew up the silos in the ports.

So Ukraine will continue to destroy Russian oil tankers.
It's the shipping lanes that matter not rail lines. With shipping Ukrainian products can go anywhere in the world without any intermediary. (Usually Africa)

With Russia controlling Sevastopol and Crimea this is not happening....or happening with a mob boss wanting his cut. (Which was happening before.) And Russia controlling ALL of Ukranian's trade and those who wanted to invest in Ukraine with factories.

And there won't be any lasting peace.

Ukraine is uniquely shaped and formed. Currently Russia occupies lands that accounts for over half of Ukraine's economy by holding the valuable mining operations. The remaining economy comes from agricultural products that Ukraine had poised in its ports to get shipped out but Russia (like normal) refused to allow the ships to leave port and eventually blew up the silos in the ports.

So Ukraine will continue to destroy Russian oil tankers.
Problem is for Ukraine that the east is pro-Russian and separatist. It didn´t have to happen but they opted for oppressing the Russian population. This are the consequences. The West thinks they can exhaust the Ukrainian military by imposing this offensive on them and prevent Russian counter attacks with empty words. I guess it will result in Russia taking more.

And as long as the West occupies eastern Syria, we don´t need to talk about international law.
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Problem is for Ukraine that the east is pro-Russian and separatist. It didn´t have to happen but they opted for oppressing the Russian population. This are the consequences. The West thinks they can exhaust the Ukrainian military by imposing this offensive on them and prevent Russian counter attacks with empty words. I guess it will result in Russia taking more.

And as long as the West occupies eastern Syria, we don´t need t talk about international law.
It isn't so much the Russian speaking population as it was the settlements full of Russian loyalists that the UAF began "oppressing" at the urging of the native population. These settlements began destabilizing the area and influencing the elections. As a rather new nation of only roughly 40 years old....the corrupt government did nothing to stop the settlements until Zelensky who vowed to clean up the corruption. And he has been working diligently on this even during this war. Zelensky has fired and imprisoned many for corruption....even former friends.

The West doesn't want to give Ukraine more weapons than they can handle. (Training takes time)
Also NATO weapons and tactics are not offensive in nature. For offensive tactics and weapons training the Ukranians have to go to individual nations that have the capability for offensive tactics and weapons. (Which isn't NATO)

True offensive tactics are highly integrated with several branches of Forces working in unison together in coordination. NATO has these tactics down defensively but not offensively. NATO also doesn't have the weapons for offensive tactics either.
(Despite the long winded whining claims of Russia)

For those outside of having a military background....there's a HUGE difference between offensive forces and defensive forces.
It isn't so much the Russian speaking population as it was the settlements full of Russian loyalists that the UAF began "oppressing" at the urging of the native population. These settlements began destabilizing the area and influencing the elections. As a rather new nation of only roughly 40 years old....the corrupt government did nothing to stop the settlements until Zelensky who vowed to clean up the corruption. And he has been working diligently on this even during this war. Zelensky has fired and imprisoned many for corruption....even former friends.

The West doesn't want to give Ukraine more weapons than they can handle. (Training takes time)
Also NATO weapons and tactics are not offensive in nature. For offensive tactics and weapons training the Ukranians have to go to individual nations that have the capability for offensive tactics and weapons. (Which isn't NATO)

True offensive tactics are highly integrated with several branches of Forces working in unison together in coordination. NATO has these tactics down defensively but not offensively. NATO also doesn't have the weapons for offensive tactics either.
(Despite the long winded whining claims of Russia)

For those outside of having a military background....there's a HUGE difference between offensive forces and defensive forces.
The Nato of course has the full spectrum of weapons, defensive and offensive. Is a carrier a defensive weapon? No it isn´t. Is a tank defensive? No, it is neither defensive nor offensive but both.

As soon as the putsch took place in Ukraine, the anti-Russian politics began. TV-channels, parties, even social networks were banned. vkontakte was the largest social network in Ukraine, until it got banned. Nazi gangs were established from 2013. They conducted the putsch and created an environment of fear.

The gangs are directly controlled by the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior and act as a police force with the sole purpose of oppressing the Russian population:

There was no need for Russian agents.
The Nato of course has the full spectrum of weapons, defensive and offensive. Is a carrier a defensive weapon? No it isn´t. Is a tank defensive? No, it is neither defensive nor offensive but both.
And yet even though you understand nothing about military you see fit to judge the situation completely.

With a straight face thinking your logic is supreme.

In case you ever wondered about the definition of hubris....this is it.
And yet even though you understand nothing about military you see fit to judge the situation completely.

With a straight face thinking your logic is supreme.

In case you ever wondered about the definition of hubris....this is it.
I have been 100 % correct on the development of the war so far. I even told you people in here that the war is coming:

You on the other hand are just parroting the Nato narrative of being defensive, while its members were busy to raid countries during the decades. Now you come up with some "deep truth" that carriers are somehow defensive. But that makes no sense. Carriers are by definition made to enable a military to make war anywhere. That makes them 80 % offensive and 20 % defensive.
I have been 100 % correct on the development of the war so far. I even told you people in here that the war is coming:

You on the other hand are just parroting the Nato narrative of being defensive, while its members were busy to raid countries during the decades. Now you come up with some "deep truth" that carriers are somehow defensive. But that makes no sense. Carriers are by definition made to enable a military to make war anywhere. That makes them 80 % offensive and 20 % defensive.
So what nation are you from?
Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Albana?
Nato membership as a compensation for lost territories?

"Some Western officials have offered Ukraine territorial concessions to end the war, but they do not meet the goals of both Kyiv and Moscow.

This is reported by The Wall Street Journal with reference to unnamed officials in the West

Among them are fears, writes The Wall Street Journal, that Ukraine's "maximalist goals" guarantee endless war, and so they would like to offer Ukraine a deal so that it accepts the actual loss of some territory in exchange for membership in NATO or the EU or promises of long-term military and economic assistance."

Litwin, any opinion on this?
Litwin doesn´t have an opinion on this but the Ukrainian President does.

"We do not exchange our territories for any membership in any union - the President of Ukraine"​

He also announced an effort to create another security union:

"Diplomats are tasked with preparing a security union of the Black Sea coast countries - not in opposition to NATO, don't think: it is also together with NATO countries. So that we have a joint defense of the Black Sea and Azov coasts against Russian aggression. I would say more: the Azov, Black Sea and Baltic regions," said the Head of State.

Allthogh there is still no official confirmation there is little doubt that Prigoshin has died.

Spontaneous remembrance near the Wagner office in St. Petersburg:


A sledgehammer has been attached to the adjuncts. It is said that enemies of Russia and the Russian people will get such a hammer. Apparently, his "march of justice" is not appreciated by many.


Prigoshin´s image among the people was bad, they considered him "evil and gloomy", yet he was respected for his military expertise. He also treated his fighters respectfully and also talked in a respectful way about the Ukrainian forces he fought in Bakhmut. He also addressed the Ukrainian President Selensky in a respectful way when he requested him to surrender the city when it was obvious that the Ukrainians would lose this battle.

"Poland summoned Kyiv's envoy to the foreign ministry on Wednesday, after comments by Ukraine's president on a ban on grain imports angered the government in Warsaw, which is toughening its stance ahead of October elections.

Ukraine's foreign ministry called for calm in the dispute pitting Kyiv against three of its neighbours over their decision to impose unilateral ban on Ukrainian farm imports.

Poland has been one of Kyiv's staunchest allies since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, but the countries are now embroiled in a conflict over imports. Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have extended a ban on Ukrainian grain imports.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told the United Nations General Assembly Kyiv was working to preserve land routes for grain exports, but added that the "political theatre" around grain imports was only helping Moscow.

Poland's foreign ministry said Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski had "conveyed the Polish side's strong protest against the statements made by President V. Zelenskiy at the U.N. General Assembly yesterday, alleging that some EU countries feigned solidarity while indirectly supporting Russia"."

Some insight into the Ukrainian-Polish relationship:


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