Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Evangelical Christians, while idiots, aren't running around strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up shopping malls or gunning down people over cartoons. I stand by my opinion, whether you like it or not.
I say end ALL immigration, accept no Islamic so-called refugees and deport all who call for Sharia Law and the Hadith.

.........You are thereby fully indoctrinated in the Pamela Geller's neo-apartheid movement. Now, how do we round up those millions of "intolerant" Muslims and deport them (and once we do that let's work on all those Hispanics/Latinos.)

Pamela Geller demonstrated once again

that islam is dangerous and not well rounded
And though it wasn't intended, she also demonstrated that Leftists are dangerous too and are accomplices to Islamic violence at every opportunity.
So if Jesse Jackson goes into to a venue that had recently hosted a KKK event and he throws an event ragging on the KKK and KKK white supremacists show up and start violent shit do you really believe the media would blame Jackson?

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