Walmart's Philosophy of Screwing Workers

If you hate Wal-Mart so much you can always take it out on the 71 year old greeter like this cop did... [ame=]Walmart greeter assaulted - YouTube[/ame]
Surely the country needs government run, non-profit, retail establishments with price caps, highly paid entry level unionized civil servants, competition protections, and taxpayer subsidies to cover the overwhelming losses.............

For the common

Sorry comrade, we have no bread today. :lol:
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For every single employee at every single WalMart store in the world...that job is the best employment option they have available to them. Otherwise they would not be there.

WalMart is not my favorite place to shop (Sam's Club is near the top of my list, though), but I have never experienced any problems with empty shelves, a lack of registers, or a lack of good order and cleanliness within the store.
Surely there is a local , resource based, socialist village and crafts festival where leftist imbeciles can barter for their goods............
If the radical left spent more time worrying about Obama's failed policies and less about alleged corporate wealth the Country might be on the right track.

I'd agree there. I no longer have a stake in the outcome who our politicians are, but for God's sake, if they're going to make us a Third World Nation and WalMart our "shining light" of corporate "success," can't they at least ask people who go in there to pull their fuckin' pants up? I seen more crack at WalMart than at a Charlie Sheen party..............
Staffing shortages are sending customers fleeing to rival retailers

She points out that rival chains like Costco and Trader Joe's pay and treat their employees better, leading to higher productivity and happier customers and workers.

Why Walmart's shelves are empty

It's called the free market at work. Assuming this is true, Walmart will have to respond in kind by paying people more and/or providing better benefits.

There's nothing "Free Market" about you and me having to subsidize the workforce of a profitable company through our tax dollars. Costco and Trader Joe's don't require us to do that.
For every single employee at every single WalMart store in the world...that job is the best employment option they have available to them. Otherwise they would not be there.

WalMart is not my favorite place to shop (Sam's Club is near the top of my list, though), but I have never experienced any problems with empty shelves, a lack of registers, or a lack of good order and cleanliness within the store.

Walmart is for people who want to get work experience and can then move up to a better paying job if they want to in sales.
It's called entry jobs. Not meant to be a career job.
Just like jobs a fast food restaurants.
You get your training there, then you have the resume needed to get a better paying job.
Some are very happy to work there, rather than driving a longer way to another type of job.
These marxist peons obsession with walmart is comical...............

Not liking WalMart's treatment of employees, ah, "associates," makes one a Marxist? Yours is a wide tent!

Actrually, no.

What makes one a marxist is believing that an employee MUST stay with an employer no matter how unhappy such em,ployee may be.

In a free world?

One can quit.

Why do you think those workers cant simply quit? Do you think like a marxist?
Goose are you being paid by SEIU to keep posting this crap? Twice in one week makes you obsessed or is there a profit motive?

He's just bitter since he quit when they refused to pay him $25/hour to chase carts in the parking lot.

Not at all. I'm just tired of my tax dollars being used to subsidize a supposedly "successful" work force and you guys thinking that it's ok for our tax dollars to be used that way.

If that's your definition of successful no wonder you're trying to drag the rest of the work world down to Walmart's level.
For every single employee at every single WalMart store in the world...that job is the best employment option they have available to them. Otherwise they would not be there.

WalMart is not my favorite place to shop (Sam's Club is near the top of my list, though), but I have never experienced any problems with empty shelves, a lack of registers, or a lack of good order and cleanliness within the store.

Walmart is for people who want to get work experience and can then move up to a better paying job if they want to in sales.
It's called entry jobs. Not meant to be a career job.
Just like jobs a fast food restaurants.
You get your training there, then you have the resume needed to get a better paying job.
Some are very happy to work there, rather than driving a longer way to another type of job.

Tell that to Costco workers who are paid much better and much happier working for a company who sells things just as cheap (or cheaper) and outperforms Walmart on Wall Street.
No problem with the Walmart's in my area. Shelves are stocked well and they seem to have every thing I go there to buy. I have no problem with Walmart. I'm very happy to shop at a "non-union" establishment.
Goose are you being paid by SEIU to keep posting this crap? Twice in one week makes you obsessed or is there a profit motive?

He's just bitter since he quit when they refused to pay him $25/hour to chase carts in the parking lot.

Not at all. I'm just tired of my tax dollars being used to subsidize a supposedly "successful" work force and you guys thinking that it's ok for our tax dollars to be used that way.

If that's your definition of successful no wonder you're trying to drag the rest of the work world down to Walmart's level.

what a freaking whiner you are.

"the whole world is filled with very very bad people and no ones sees it"

No Da Goose....there is no evil monkey in your closet and no boogey man under your bed

Suck it up and post like a man.

Stop the childish whimpering.
For every single employee at every single WalMart store in the world...that job is the best employment option they have available to them. Otherwise they would not be there.

WalMart is not my favorite place to shop (Sam's Club is near the top of my list, though), but I have never experienced any problems with empty shelves, a lack of registers, or a lack of good order and cleanliness within the store.

Walmart is for people who want to get work experience and can then move up to a better paying job if they want to in sales.
It's called entry jobs. Not meant to be a career job.
Just like jobs a fast food restaurants.
You get your training there, then you have the resume needed to get a better paying job.
Some are very happy to work there, rather than driving a longer way to another type of job.

Tell that to Costco workers who are paid much better and much happier working for a company who sells things just as cheap (or cheaper) and outperforms Walmart on Wall Street.

if such is true, wlamart will be the victim of a failed business model and go out of business.

You know...the way it is supposed to work.

Now...stop your childish ranrting and act like an adult.
For every single employee at every single WalMart store in the world...that job is the best employment option they have available to them. Otherwise they would not be there.

WalMart is not my favorite place to shop (Sam's Club is near the top of my list, though), but I have never experienced any problems with empty shelves, a lack of registers, or a lack of good order and cleanliness within the store.

Walmart is for people who want to get work experience and can then move up to a better paying job if they want to in sales.
It's called entry jobs. Not meant to be a career job.
Just like jobs a fast food restaurants.
You get your training there, then you have the resume needed to get a better paying job.
Some are very happy to work there, rather than driving a longer way to another type of job.

Tell that to Costco workers who are paid much better and much happier working for a company who sells things just as cheap (or cheaper) and outperforms Walmart on Wall Street.

So.....oh, great seer, what is you analysis of these poor saps who where tricked into ambling into Wal-Mart, seduced into filling out a job application, cajoled into passing that open portal and not fleeing....

....and even appearing almost daily at the same salt mine?

This should be good.
Walmart is for people who want to get work experience and can then move up to a better paying job if they want to in sales.
It's called entry jobs. Not meant to be a career job.
Just like jobs a fast food restaurants.
You get your training there, then you have the resume needed to get a better paying job.
Some are very happy to work there, rather than driving a longer way to another type of job.

Tell that to Costco workers who are paid much better and much happier working for a company who sells things just as cheap (or cheaper) and outperforms Walmart on Wall Street.

if such is true, wlamart will be the victim of a failed business model and go out of business.

You know...the way it is supposed to work.

Now...stop your childish ranrting and act like an adult.

With empty shelves and long check-out lines it sounds like they ARE starting to fail.

And I have your "adult" right here moron. The only thing dumber than whining is complaining about someone whining. You're a dipshit.
There has been legitimate criticism over Wal-Mart's employment practices, but it would be shortsighted to claim that is the reason business is declining. For every disgruntled worker I'm sure there is a worker just happy to be employed.

The entire retail landscape is changing. The fact that Wal-Mart has consistently been ranked at the bottom of retail stores in customer service for years probably doesn't help. It also used to be convenient to shop at Wal-Mart because they are everywhere. Now that an increasing number of people do their shopping online, choosing another store is as easy as typing in a different web address. I don't see Wal-Mart as a failing business model. I see them as similar to a company like Netflix. They experienced a boom, but competitors are slowly closing the gap.

It's called the free market at work. Assuming this is true, Walmart will have to respond in kind by paying people more and/or providing better benefits.

There's nothing "Free Market" about you and me having to subsidize the workforce of a profitable company through our tax dollars. Costco and Trader Joe's don't require us to do that.

Wal Mart has nothing to do with that, if you got a bitch about where your tax dollars go talk to your reps. they make those decisions.

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