Wall $treet's Role in $yria

Any criminal could say the same thing to georgephillip. Have you started practicing your perp walk yet? And the problems in Russia were more Russian than Communist.
What's yer point?

Your point is that you didn't get the answer you've been programmed to reply to, so your artificial mind blows a fuse.
No problem. Senior moments happen and I have no idea what you're talking about, Dr Freud.
Is capitalism to blame for Obama's illegal threat to bomb Syria?

"It’s true that AIPAC also has an independent power of politically influential lobbyists, with a limitless pocketbook — the nation of Israel —with which it can enact promises (bribes) of all kinds. And it’s true that Israel has a special place in U.S. geopolitics, essentially acting as a giant military base for U.S. foreign policy in the oil rich region.

"But the bigger picture is that the infamous AIPAC lobbyists are connected in myriad ways to the banking industry, weapons manufacturers and other giant corporations, and therefore should be viewed as an important member of the pro-war coalition led by the big banks.

"Ultimately, however, the U.S. empire existed before the nation of Israel was even born, and would continue if Israel no longer existed. Obama’s administration is not full of AIPAC lobbyists, but wealthy bankers."

Is Capitalism to Blame For the Syrian War Drive? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.
Some confuse initiative with blind obedience to authority which probably explains why Hossie constantly deflects from his own personal contributions to the misery inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World and its loyal kosher minion in the Middle East.

"President Obama is using the same tactics as President Bush did before the Iraq War. When the UN Security Council would not support the U.S. war, Bush turned to the U.S. Congress for a war vote giving him 'all necessary means'.

"Ten years later Iraq lay in ruins.

"A million Iraqis died, millions became refugees. More than 1.5 million US soldiers were deployed to Iraq. Today thousands of U.S. and NATO soldiers are disabled, traumatized and 1/3 will suffer from PTSD.

"Just as in Iraq, Afghanistan and earlier in Vietnam this is again a U.S. war based on lies.

"Bombing Syria is NOT a ‘humanitarian intervention’.

"It is another war for Wall Street Profit!

"This time there is a risk of global confrontation or even world war.

"This war will only serve the billionaires and militarists who profit from war and conquest.

"The workers and poor will pay, in Syria and here in the U.S."

Why is it, Hossie, some slaves will serve the rich until the day they die?

Hands off Syria! Not another war! September 7 Demonstrations,
Who do you think you are fooling, Georgie Boy? If you had had the opportunity to work for those you hate and had earned a big salary, you would have been, as you call it, a slave to them, Since you didn't have the smarts to get a job with them, even though Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity was in place at the time, you get back by constantly dissing them on forums. By the way, I doubt anyone on these forums wants to see the U.S. involved in Syria. Perhaps a "brilliant" fellow like you can come up with some plan to get the extremists to leave Syria regardless if they think that Syria is the stepping stone to spreading Islam throughout the world.
Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com
Any criminal could say the same thing to georgephillip. Have you started practicing your perp walk yet? And the problems in Russia were more Russian than Communist.
What's yer point?

Your point is that you didn't get the answer you've been programmed to reply to, so your artificial mind blows a fuse.
Perhaps it is you who is programmed. Better see a therapist who can deprogram you. Is there anyone stopping you from questioning Russians now living in the U.S. whether they prefer Communism or Capitalism? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, can get out of his apartment and find a Trader Joe's where many Russians, Ukrainians, etc. do their shopping and question them as to which system they prefer.
What's yer point?

Your point is that you didn't get the answer you've been programmed to reply to, so your artificial mind blows a fuse.
Perhaps it is you who is programmed. Better see a therapist who can deprogram you. Is there anyone stopping you from questioning Russians now living in the U.S. whether they prefer Communism or Capitalism? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, can get out of his apartment and find a Trader Joe's where many Russians, Ukrainians, etc. do their shopping and question them as to which system they prefer.

Typical shallow logic of a bootlicker. We have to be either Capitalist or Communist? They are both bankrupt fantasies arising in the previous degenerate ruling class, liked the putrid ooze from a rotting carcass.

You might as well have asked the Poles and Czechs of the 50s which they liked living under better, Nazis or Communists. Capitalism is just a weak form of Naziism. Capitalism is Communism for the Rich. You simple-minded folk are despised by the very people you worship, "Because at least they ain't Commies!"
Since Georgie Boy has the mind set of a Commie, does anyone think he would ever blame the Communists for the millions of people who have died because of Communism. Then again, Georgie Boy would probably be right at home having tea with Mao and avidly questioning him how he got his ideas for his little Red Book. I don't think that Georgie Boy would have liked to have lived in Communist Russia where he would have spent hours shopping. He certainly liked the idea of the Capitalists who started supermarkets. So tell us, Georgie Boy, wasn't it more convenient for you to run into Ralph's or Vons instead of having to do your grocery shopping like people did in Communist Russia? Why not question some of the Russians now living your town which system they think is better. And, the bottom line here is that if Georgie Boy had the opportunity to work down at Wall Street or have a good job at a big bank, he would have loved the salary he was pulling in. It seems that those who had so little in life like Georgie Boy because of their own lack of initiative get some satisfaction in life blaming others for so and so predicaments.
Some confuse initiative with blind obedience to authority which probably explains why Hossie constantly deflects from his own personal contributions to the misery inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World and its loyal kosher minion in the Middle East.

"President Obama is using the same tactics as President Bush did before the Iraq War. When the UN Security Council would not support the U.S. war, Bush turned to the U.S. Congress for a war vote giving him 'all necessary means'.

"Ten years later Iraq lay in ruins.

"A million Iraqis died, millions became refugees. More than 1.5 million US soldiers were deployed to Iraq. Today thousands of U.S. and NATO soldiers are disabled, traumatized and 1/3 will suffer from PTSD.

"Just as in Iraq, Afghanistan and earlier in Vietnam this is again a U.S. war based on lies.

"Bombing Syria is NOT a ‘humanitarian intervention’.

"It is another war for Wall Street Profit!

"This time there is a risk of global confrontation or even world war.

"This war will only serve the billionaires and militarists who profit from war and conquest.

"The workers and poor will pay, in Syria and here in the U.S."

Why is it, Hossie, some slaves will serve the rich until the day they die?

Hands off Syria! Not another war! September 7 Demonstrations,
Who do you think you are fooling, Georgie Boy? If you had had the opportunity to work for those you hate and had earned a big salary, you would have been, as you call it, a slave to them, Since you didn't have the smarts to get a job with them, even though Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity was in place at the time, you get back by constantly dissing them on forums. By the way, I doubt anyone on these forums wants to see the U.S. involved in Syria. Perhaps a "brilliant" fellow like you can come up with some plan to get the extremists to leave Syria regardless if they think that Syria is the stepping stone to spreading Islam throughout the world.
Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com
"In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one."

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com

Tribe against tribe, religion against religion, and ethnic group against ethnic group is why a Jewish state was plopped into the heart of Arab hostilism, Hossie. Didn't your rabbis mention that?

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, (1922) certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
Your point is that you didn't get the answer you've been programmed to reply to, so your artificial mind blows a fuse.
Perhaps it is you who is programmed. Better see a therapist who can deprogram you. Is there anyone stopping you from questioning Russians now living in the U.S. whether they prefer Communism or Capitalism? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, can get out of his apartment and find a Trader Joe's where many Russians, Ukrainians, etc. do their shopping and question them as to which system they prefer.

Typical shallow logic of a bootlicker. We have to be either Capitalist or Communist? They are both bankrupt fantasies arising in the previous degenerate ruling class, liked the putrid ooze from a rotting carcass.

You might as well have asked the Poles and Czechs of the 50s which they liked living under better, Nazis or Communists. Capitalism is just a weak form of Naziism. Capitalism is Communism for the Rich. You simple-minded folk are despised by the very people you worship, "Because at least they ain't Commies!"
Why, PrometheusBound, if Capitalism is not your bag, what is holding you back from moving to a Communist country? There are many, many people in Communist countries who would be most happy to take your place here. Meanwhile, it looks like you really are not interested in taking the time to ask any Russians here which system they prefer.
Some confuse initiative with blind obedience to authority which probably explains why Hossie constantly deflects from his own personal contributions to the misery inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World and its loyal kosher minion in the Middle East.

"President Obama is using the same tactics as President Bush did before the Iraq War. When the UN Security Council would not support the U.S. war, Bush turned to the U.S. Congress for a war vote giving him 'all necessary means'.

"Ten years later Iraq lay in ruins.

"A million Iraqis died, millions became refugees. More than 1.5 million US soldiers were deployed to Iraq. Today thousands of U.S. and NATO soldiers are disabled, traumatized and 1/3 will suffer from PTSD.

"Just as in Iraq, Afghanistan and earlier in Vietnam this is again a U.S. war based on lies.

"Bombing Syria is NOT a ‘humanitarian intervention’.

"It is another war for Wall Street Profit!

"This time there is a risk of global confrontation or even world war.

"This war will only serve the billionaires and militarists who profit from war and conquest.

"The workers and poor will pay, in Syria and here in the U.S."

Why is it, Hossie, some slaves will serve the rich until the day they die?

Hands off Syria! Not another war! September 7 Demonstrations,
Who do you think you are fooling, Georgie Boy? If you had had the opportunity to work for those you hate and had earned a big salary, you would have been, as you call it, a slave to them, Since you didn't have the smarts to get a job with them, even though Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity was in place at the time, you get back by constantly dissing them on forums. By the way, I doubt anyone on these forums wants to see the U.S. involved in Syria. Perhaps a "brilliant" fellow like you can come up with some plan to get the extremists to leave Syria regardless if they think that Syria is the stepping stone to spreading Islam throughout the world.
Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com
"In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one."

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com

Tribe against tribe, religion against religion, and ethnic group against ethnic group is why a Jewish state was plopped into the heart of Arab hostilism, Hossie. Didn't your rabbis mention that?

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, (1922) certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
Why, Georgie Boy, I realize you can't stand to have anyone stick up for America or Israel, but since I am not Jewish, I have no Rabbi. However, what do your homeboys think about the President of the Sudan wanting to rid his country of the Black tribes? Do they possibly have any opinion about the Muslim extremists blowing up Black Christians in churches in Nigeria as well as slitting the throats of Christians? I think it is obvious that you have not a care in the world about your fellow Blacks being treated like animals in a zoo in Libya by being thrown in cages. How would you feel if someone threw you into a cage at the L.A. Zoo just because you are Black? Since Georgie Boy never seems to leave his apartment (not even for free events like the Tarfest at the La Brea Tarpits this past weekend), it seems he gets his jollies repeating the same old stuff over and over and over. Meanwhile, of course the news changes every day, but Georgie Boy feels more comfortable in dragging up the same sites ad nauseam like he found some gold mine.
"Baghdad Delenda Est.

"There's a legend, probably apocryphal, that the sharp bend in the border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan is the result of a slip of Winston Churchill's pencil while drawing up the dividing line between the two countries.

"Apparently, some folks believe Churchill was a bit sauced-up and couldn't draw a straight line.

"Others contend that Churchill's elbow was bumped.

"The important thing to keep in mind is that it doesn't matter if the story's true. Even if the line were precisely how Churchill wanted it, it would be no less arbitrary. The Europeans who designed the Middle East weren't like prospectors, shaking the dirt away in their pans until the gold nuggets of eternal nation-states appeared before them.

"They drew their lines out of self-interest.

"Even the Marxists and Arab apologists like Edward Said would agree that's true.

"This map of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 shows how the British and French wanted to divvy up the region."

Jonah Goldberg's Goldberg File on National Review Online

Self-determination for backward savages determined to destroy us has been suicidal. The rabid Arab rabble did nothing to develop their resources, so the oilfields should have been taken from them for that reason alone: Use It or Lose It. By not doing that, our weak and self-interested Western collaborationists and appeasers first allowed outrageous price-gouging, which their own oil companies piggybacked off, followed immediately by the enablement of terrorism and other jihadist strategies. Not even in Israel did terrorism start until the 1973 Oil Embargo, the economic Pearl Harbor that determined the course of all history since then.
Many argue Zionist terrorism in Palestine began long before 1973:

"This growing violence culminated in Israel's ruthless 1947-49 'War of Independence,'in which at least 750,000 Palestinian men, women, and children were expelled from their homes by numerically superior Israeli forces – half before any Arab armies joined the war. This massive humanitarian disaster is known as ‘The Catastrophe,’ al Nakba in Arabic."
Who do you think you are fooling, Georgie Boy? If you had had the opportunity to work for those you hate and had earned a big salary, you would have been, as you call it, a slave to them, Since you didn't have the smarts to get a job with them, even though Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity was in place at the time, you get back by constantly dissing them on forums. By the way, I doubt anyone on these forums wants to see the U.S. involved in Syria. Perhaps a "brilliant" fellow like you can come up with some plan to get the extremists to leave Syria regardless if they think that Syria is the stepping stone to spreading Islam throughout the world.
Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com
"In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one."

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com

Tribe against tribe, religion against religion, and ethnic group against ethnic group is why a Jewish state was plopped into the heart of Arab hostilism, Hossie. Didn't your rabbis mention that?

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, (1922) certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
Why, Georgie Boy, I realize you can't stand to have anyone stick up for America or Israel, but since I am not Jewish, I have no Rabbi. However, what do your homeboys think about the President of the Sudan wanting to rid his country of the Black tribes? Do they possibly have any opinion about the Muslim extremists blowing up Black Christians in churches in Nigeria as well as slitting the throats of Christians? I think it is obvious that you have not a care in the world about your fellow Blacks being treated like animals in a zoo in Libya by being thrown in cages. How would you feel if someone threw you into a cage at the L.A. Zoo just because you are Black? Since Georgie Boy never seems to leave his apartment (not even for free events like the Tarfest at the La Brea Tarpits this past weekend), it seems he gets his jollies repeating the same old stuff over and over and over. Meanwhile, of course the news changes every day, but Georgie Boy feels more comfortable in dragging up the same sites ad nauseam like he found some gold mine.
This one's for 'Jew, Hossie:

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident. Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule..."

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

"But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

"The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster.

"But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom."

Does that sound kosher or familiar, Rabbi Hossie?
"In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one."

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com

Tribe against tribe, religion against religion, and ethnic group against ethnic group is why a Jewish state was plopped into the heart of Arab hostilism, Hossie. Didn't your rabbis mention that?

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, (1922) certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
Why, Georgie Boy, I realize you can't stand to have anyone stick up for America or Israel, but since I am not Jewish, I have no Rabbi. However, what do your homeboys think about the President of the Sudan wanting to rid his country of the Black tribes? Do they possibly have any opinion about the Muslim extremists blowing up Black Christians in churches in Nigeria as well as slitting the throats of Christians? I think it is obvious that you have not a care in the world about your fellow Blacks being treated like animals in a zoo in Libya by being thrown in cages. How would you feel if someone threw you into a cage at the L.A. Zoo just because you are Black? Since Georgie Boy never seems to leave his apartment (not even for free events like the Tarfest at the La Brea Tarpits this past weekend), it seems he gets his jollies repeating the same old stuff over and over and over. Meanwhile, of course the news changes every day, but Georgie Boy feels more comfortable in dragging up the same sites ad nauseam like he found some gold mine.
This one's for 'Jew, Hossie:

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident. Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule..."

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

"But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

"The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster.

"But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom."

Does that sound kosher or familiar, Rabbi Hossie?
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Some confuse initiative with blind obedience to authority which probably explains why Hossie constantly deflects from his own personal contributions to the misery inflicted by the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World and its loyal kosher minion in the Middle East.

"President Obama is using the same tactics as President Bush did before the Iraq War. When the UN Security Council would not support the U.S. war, Bush turned to the U.S. Congress for a war vote giving him 'all necessary means'.

"Ten years later Iraq lay in ruins.

"A million Iraqis died, millions became refugees. More than 1.5 million US soldiers were deployed to Iraq. Today thousands of U.S. and NATO soldiers are disabled, traumatized and 1/3 will suffer from PTSD.

"Just as in Iraq, Afghanistan and earlier in Vietnam this is again a U.S. war based on lies.

"Bombing Syria is NOT a ‘humanitarian intervention’.

"It is another war for Wall Street Profit!

"This time there is a risk of global confrontation or even world war.

"This war will only serve the billionaires and militarists who profit from war and conquest.

"The workers and poor will pay, in Syria and here in the U.S."

Why is it, Hossie, some slaves will serve the rich until the day they die?

Hands off Syria! Not another war! September 7 Demonstrations,
Who do you think you are fooling, Georgie Boy? If you had had the opportunity to work for those you hate and had earned a big salary, you would have been, as you call it, a slave to them, Since you didn't have the smarts to get a job with them, even though Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity was in place at the time, you get back by constantly dissing them on forums. By the way, I doubt anyone on these forums wants to see the U.S. involved in Syria. Perhaps a "brilliant" fellow like you can come up with some plan to get the extremists to leave Syria regardless if they think that Syria is the stepping stone to spreading Islam throughout the world.
Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com
"In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one."

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com

Tribe against tribe, religion against religion, and ethnic group against ethnic group is why a Jewish state was plopped into the heart of Arab hostilism, Hossie. Didn't your rabbis mention that?

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, (1922) certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

Churchill and other wise men knew that the end of the Turk-led jihad would soon be followed by another one. That's why they established a Jewish homeland as a decoy for the next jihad. The Muslime fell for it, concentrating on this apparently easy target and getting humiliated every time. Finally, Al Qaida realized that they would have to bypass Israel and focus on destroying the decadent West first. Al Qaida is a branch of OPEC, which is protected by the transnational oil companies. Exxon is treason.
What's yer point?

Your point is that you didn't get the answer you've been programmed to reply to, so your artificial mind blows a fuse.
No problem. Senior moments happen and I have no idea what you're talking about, Dr Freud.

Your precious oil companies are collaborating with the Nazislamis. They are in denial about their treason, which is not out of principles because they don't have any, but out of an eager greed to participate in the obscene price-gouging.
"In recent months, ISIS has become a magnet for foreign jihadists who view the war in Syria not primarily as a means to overthrow the Assad regime but rather as a historic battleground for a larger Sunni holy war. According to centuries-old Islamic prophecy they espouse, they must establish an Islamic state in Syria as a step to achieving a global one."

Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria - WSJ.com

Tribe against tribe, religion against religion, and ethnic group against ethnic group is why a Jewish state was plopped into the heart of Arab hostilism, Hossie. Didn't your rabbis mention that?

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, (1922) certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
Why, Georgie Boy, I realize you can't stand to have anyone stick up for America or Israel, but since I am not Jewish, I have no Rabbi. However, what do your homeboys think about the President of the Sudan wanting to rid his country of the Black tribes? Do they possibly have any opinion about the Muslim extremists blowing up Black Christians in churches in Nigeria as well as slitting the throats of Christians? I think it is obvious that you have not a care in the world about your fellow Blacks being treated like animals in a zoo in Libya by being thrown in cages. How would you feel if someone threw you into a cage at the L.A. Zoo just because you are Black? Since Georgie Boy never seems to leave his apartment (not even for free events like the Tarfest at the La Brea Tarpits this past weekend), it seems he gets his jollies repeating the same old stuff over and over and over. Meanwhile, of course the news changes every day, but Georgie Boy feels more comfortable in dragging up the same sites ad nauseam like he found some gold mine.
This one's for 'Jew, Hossie:

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident. Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule..."

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

"But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

"The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster.

"But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom."

Does that sound kosher or familiar, Rabbi Hossie?

Because of 800 years of cowardice and lack of organization, the Irish deserved to live under the British yoke. We have to quit sympathizing with losers.
Why, Georgie Boy, I realize you can't stand to have anyone stick up for America or Israel, but since I am not Jewish, I have no Rabbi. However, what do your homeboys think about the President of the Sudan wanting to rid his country of the Black tribes? Do they possibly have any opinion about the Muslim extremists blowing up Black Christians in churches in Nigeria as well as slitting the throats of Christians? I think it is obvious that you have not a care in the world about your fellow Blacks being treated like animals in a zoo in Libya by being thrown in cages. How would you feel if someone threw you into a cage at the L.A. Zoo just because you are Black? Since Georgie Boy never seems to leave his apartment (not even for free events like the Tarfest at the La Brea Tarpits this past weekend), it seems he gets his jollies repeating the same old stuff over and over and over. Meanwhile, of course the news changes every day, but Georgie Boy feels more comfortable in dragging up the same sites ad nauseam like he found some gold mine.
This one's for 'Jew, Hossie:

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident. Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule..."

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

"But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

"The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster.

"But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom."

Does that sound kosher or familiar, Rabbi Hossie?
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
This one's for 'Jew, Hossie:

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident. Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule..."

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

"But they were simply copying Charles I, the English King, who in 1609 forcibly removed the O’Neill and O’Donnell clans from the north of Ireland, moved in 20,000 English and Scottish Protestants, and founded the Plantation of Ulster.

"The 'removal' was never really meant to cleanse Ulster of the Irish. Native labor was essential to the Plantation’s success and within 15 years more than 4,000 native Irish tenants and their families were back in Ulster.

"But they lived in a land divided into religious castes, with the Protestant invaders on top and the Catholic natives on the bottom."

Does that sound kosher or familiar, Rabbi Hossie?
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
You have already vomited this piece out several times. Do you really think the viewers are going to read the same pieces over and over or that hundreds of new viewers appear every day, day in and day out? In fact, when you start in, the viewers probably scroll down real fast to the end. Meanwhile, with several forums on the USMessageBoard, it appears that Georgie Boy feels he better act comatose when it comes to what is happening to his unfortunate Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. As long as he has his little subsidized apartment, he is one happy fellow and the Blacks suffering elsewhere are not his concern unless he can find a way to blame the U.S. or Israel/Jews for their plight. By the way, what would Georgie Boy do if he didn't have access to stories on the Internet that meet his approval so that he couldn't cut and paste his way through the days and nights? Instead of posting the same stuff ad nauseam which is really the author's opinion, you would be better off getting a part-time job at WalMart to have a few extra bucks to do other things for your entertainment. As you can all see, Georgie Boy is not interested in how many children have been killed at the hands of Muslims. He wants the readers to think that the IDF is always using children as target practice (which is stated on NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites). Naturally, he doesn't care about the Black Christian children in Nigeria who are having their throats slit. These poor children just aren't on his radar screen..
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
You have already vomited this piece out several times. Do you really think the viewers are going to read the same pieces over and over or that hundreds of new viewers appear every day, day in and day out? In fact, when you start in, the viewers probably scroll down real fast to the end. Meanwhile, with several forums on the USMessageBoard, it appears that Georgie Boy feels he better act comatose when it comes to what is happening to his unfortunate Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. As long as he has his little subsidized apartment, he is one happy fellow and the Blacks suffering elsewhere are not his concern unless he can find a way to blame the U.S. or Israel/Jews for their plight. By the way, what would Georgie Boy do if he didn't have access to stories on the Internet that meet his approval so that he couldn't cut and paste his way through the days and nights? Instead of posting the same stuff ad nauseam which is really the author's opinion, you would be better off getting a part-time job at WalMart to have a few extra bucks to do other things for your entertainment. As you can all see, Georgie Boy is not interested in how many children have been killed at the hands of Muslims. He wants the readers to think that the IDF is always using children as target practice (which is stated on NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites). Naturally, he doesn't care about the Black Christian children in Nigeria who are having their throats slit. These poor children just aren't on his radar screen..
"The parallels between Israel and Ireland are almost eerie, unless one remembers that the latter was the laboratory for British colonialism.

"As in Ulster, Israeli settlers in the Occupied Territories have special privileges that divide them from Palestinians (and other Israelis as well).

"As in Ireland, Israeli settlers rely on the military to protect them from the 'natives.'

"And as in Northern Ireland, there are political organizations, like the National Religious Party and the Moledet Party, which whip up sectarian hatred, and keep the population divided.

"The latter two parties both advocate the forcible transfer of all Arabs—Palestinians and Israelis alike—to Jordan and Egypt.

"Prior to the Ulster experiment, the English had tried any number of schemes to tame the restive Irish and build a wall between conqueror and conquered. One set of laws, the 1367 Statutes of Kilkenny, forbade 'gossiping' with the natives.

"All of them failed.

"Then the English hit on the idea of using ethnicity, religion, and privilege to construct a society with built-in divisions.

"It worked like a charm."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

It still does, Stupid.
This one's for 'Jew, Hossie:

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

"Ariel Sharon and former Prime Minister Menachem Begin normally take credit for creating the 'facts on the ground' policies that have poured more than 420,000 settlers into the Occupied Territories.

Does that sound kosher or familiar, Rabbi Hossie?
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

Only inferior people believe in equality. What the British, Americans, and Israelis did is in the interest of defending civilization against a useless and obsolete species of savages, unless the policy is poisoned by multiculturalist considerations.
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

Only inferior people believe in equality. What the British, Americans, and Israelis did is in the interest of defending civilization against a useless and obsolete species of savages, unless the policy is poisoned by multiculturalist considerations.
Where do you stand in your beloved caste system? Are you Sunni or Shi'ite Muslim? It makes a difference you know.
So tell us, Calypso Louie, what are you vomiting up the same nonsense over and over? Does it actually make you feel good while your own fellow Blacks are suffering in Muslim countries? Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, is going to tell all of us why the "Palestinians" never clamored for their own state when the Egyptians and Jordanians were administering the territories. Could it be, Georgie Boy, that the Arabs were perfectly satisfied with other Arabs governing them, but God forbid that some Jews should be governing one inch of land in the Middle East. Maybe Mr. Georgie Farrakhan doesn't think this would be halal. Say, Mr. Farrakhan, since at one time you must have attended the AME Church, do you think you could get some of the members you still might know to start some kind of relief organization going since the latest news is that many in Syria are now starving? Perhaps you can come up for air from dissing the U.S. and Israel to do one good deed in your life?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

Only inferior people believe in equality. What the British, Americans, and Israelis did is in the interest of defending civilization against a useless and obsolete species of savages, unless the policy is poisoned by multiculturalist considerations.
Inferior to what, Goldman Sachs?
Naturally Hossie the Hero thinks USMB was created for his sole reading enjoyment, and it never occurs to the devout deviant there are new eyes reading the content here every day. To answer your question about why Palestinians weren't objecting to Egyptian or Jordanian rule, perhaps it was because their fellow Arabs weren't stealing their land and water while using their children for target practice. As to my "vomiting up the same nonsense over and over", I'm waiting for you to rebut any of it:

"Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations (10/1/2005) that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.

"It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of 'divide and conquer,' the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America.

"The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Sharon government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq.

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
You have already vomited this piece out several times. Do you really think the viewers are going to read the same pieces over and over or that hundreds of new viewers appear every day, day in and day out? In fact, when you start in, the viewers probably scroll down real fast to the end. Meanwhile, with several forums on the USMessageBoard, it appears that Georgie Boy feels he better act comatose when it comes to what is happening to his unfortunate Black brethren in Africa and the Middle East. As long as he has his little subsidized apartment, he is one happy fellow and the Blacks suffering elsewhere are not his concern unless he can find a way to blame the U.S. or Israel/Jews for their plight. By the way, what would Georgie Boy do if he didn't have access to stories on the Internet that meet his approval so that he couldn't cut and paste his way through the days and nights? Instead of posting the same stuff ad nauseam which is really the author's opinion, you would be better off getting a part-time job at WalMart to have a few extra bucks to do other things for your entertainment. As you can all see, Georgie Boy is not interested in how many children have been killed at the hands of Muslims. He wants the readers to think that the IDF is always using children as target practice (which is stated on NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites). Naturally, he doesn't care about the Black Christian children in Nigeria who are having their throats slit. These poor children just aren't on his radar screen..
"The parallels between Israel and Ireland are almost eerie, unless one remembers that the latter was the laboratory for British colonialism.

"As in Ulster, Israeli settlers in the Occupied Territories have special privileges that divide them from Palestinians (and other Israelis as well).

"As in Ireland, Israeli settlers rely on the military to protect them from the 'natives.'

"And as in Northern Ireland, there are political organizations, like the National Religious Party and the Moledet Party, which whip up sectarian hatred, and keep the population divided.

"The latter two parties both advocate the forcible transfer of all Arabs—Palestinians and Israelis alike—to Jordan and Egypt.

"Prior to the Ulster experiment, the English had tried any number of schemes to tame the restive Irish and build a wall between conqueror and conquered. One set of laws, the 1367 Statutes of Kilkenny, forbade 'gossiping' with the natives.

"All of them failed.

"Then the English hit on the idea of using ethnicity, religion, and privilege to construct a society with built-in divisions.

"It worked like a charm."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

It still does, Stupid.
You know who is stupid, Georgie Boy? A man who spends his life in front of his computer vomiting out the same stuff all the time because he thinks hundreds and hundreds of viewers are going to come to this forum each day and who doesn't avail himself of the free entertainment that is going on in a big city in which he lives. It's like you entire life is devoted to dissing America, Israel and the Jews by cutting and pasting your life away -- as if they were the ones responsible for the unfortunate situation you find yourself in today. See if you can find someone to drive you to the Santa Monica Pier tonight (I am sure one of your Salvadoran or Guatemalan neighbors have a car; if not, see if one of your old homeboys can take you). They show free movies on Friday nights. This way you will get away from your computer and get a little fresh air. You can pick up your regular dissing on Saturday morning.

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