Walking with the Enemy

Here is the history on that group, Chris.

NTEB: The New York Nazis Of 1938

Not officially part of the Nazi party, the Bund behaved as if it were. It operated on the Nazi leadership principle, which demanded absolute obedience to superiors. Like Germany’s Nazi party, the American Bund divided its territory—the United States—into regional districts, and created a youth program and a paramilitary Order Division. Members donned uniforms with brown shirts and jack boots eerily like those of Germany’s Nazis. Despite their foreign appearance, members considered themselves to be loyal, patriotic Americans who were strengthening their adopted homeland, protecting it from Jewish-communist plots and black cultural influences such as jazz music. The Midwestern regional leader George Froboese of Milwaukee described the Bund as “the German element which is in touch with its race but owes its first duty to America.” To avoid another clash between Germany and America, it urged US neutrality in European affairs.
(Read As America Has Done To Israel to see how our treatment of Israel is connected to natural and financial disasters that have come upon the United States.)

The Bund made far more enemies than friends in the United States. Socialists and communists immediately opposed it. So did Jewish Americans, who organized a boycott of products from Nazi Germany (the Bund, in turn, organized a boycott of Jewish merchants and harassed Jewish and communist groups). In Washington, Congressman Samuel Dickstein of New York began an investigation of Nazism in America. The Bund also attracted the attention of the House Un-American Activities Committee.

The German-American reaction to Hitler and the Bund was mixed. Most supported American neutrality, and many were glad to see the revival of Germany and were angry about the Jewish boycott of German goods. But they were also uneasy about Hitler. Some tried to be cautiously optimistic. The Milwaukee Sonntags-post argued in 1933, for example, that “the Hitler dictatorship represents for the moment the most efficient and expedient concentration of the united will of the German nation.” Any hopes German Americans may have placed in Hitler would soon be dashed. Nazi behavior overseas and the presence of the Bund in America would soon revive German Americans’ deepest fear: a repeat of World War I’s anti-German hysteria. Continue reading on link ........photos enclosed....

The book they reference I purchased and read some time ago. It speaks of the destruction of that camp during the great hurricane of 1938. That was the book I was referencing, Chris. The destruction from that hurricane was Massive! I mean Massive! The book is a great read because it goes point for point on every single time US leaders tried to divide Israeli land we were hit with natural disasters and financial disasters. John **** references dates with news articles and dates of disasters and bad decisions like OSLO peace accords, everytime Clinton met with Arafat - disasters - GWB Sr. his house was wiped off its foundation by the Storm made famous in movie, Perfect Storm, that was right after he tried to divide the Israeli land and so the evidence is all laid out.

Interesting! Thanks for sharing. :)
I did not realize that, Chris L.. I knew there was the nazi Bund group in New York prior to Hitler and there was the great hurricane of 1938 that wiped them out - destroying the camp from photographs I saw in a book. That group was a break off of the nazi's in Europe prior to WWII as I understand it. They were busy spreading their propaganda in the USA.

The Nazis even hung out in New York later than that. Remember 86th Street in New York that is called Yorkville? I bet you that there are some old Nazis in their late 80's still there.
I did not realize that, Chris L.. I knew there was the nazi Bund group in New York prior to Hitler and there was the great hurricane of 1938 that wiped them out - destroying the camp from photographs I saw in a book. That group was a break off of the nazi's in Europe prior to WWII as I understand it. They were busy spreading their propaganda in the USA.

Of course these are not political groups I'm referring too. I'm talking about such groups as the Aryan Nation, the Skin Heads, etc. For the most part, they are more like street gangs than anything else, but some of them are QUITE organized. They hold regular meetings, etc. Then there's the KKK, but I think they have taken a back seat to the newer type of groups. Seems the newer ones hate any minorities and not just Jewish people.

Since hate speech is against the law in Canada, people would use American forums to post on. One of those mentioned in this article used to post on an American forum. He was the one who had those skinheads up to his farm for a music jamboree.

The Skinhead International: Canada
You'd think they would have taken a guilty conscience by now and changed their evil ways, Sally. Late 80's and still holding onto their stuff. What a something!
I did not realize that, Chris L.. I knew there was the nazi Bund group in New York prior to Hitler and there was the great hurricane of 1938 that wiped them out - destroying the camp from photographs I saw in a book. That group was a break off of the nazi's in Europe prior to WWII as I understand it. They were busy spreading their propaganda in the USA.

Of course these are not political groups I'm referring too. I'm talking about such groups as the Aryan Nation, the Skin Heads, etc. For the most part, they are more like street gangs than anything else, but some of them are QUITE organized. They hold regular meetings, etc. Then there's the KKK, but I think they have taken a back seat to the newer type of groups. Seems the newer ones hate any minorities and not just Jewish people.

Since hate speech is against the law in Canada, people would use American forums to post on. One of those mentioned in this article used to post on an American forum. He was the one who had those skinheads up to his farm for a music jamboree.

The Skinhead International: Canada

That group has 600 members according the story in link, I can just imagine how many there are in Europe. Remember the movie - true story about the Jewish man who went undercover to bust a neo nazi skinhead group that revered Hitler in Europe? The top leaders had Hitler memorobilia and he was part of some highly investigative group that broke through and arrested all the ringleaders. They were recruiting young teens at school. I cannot think of the name of the movie but it was very well done and I thought it was isolated to Europe mainly. Apparently not.
I did not realize that, Chris L.. I knew there was the nazi Bund group in New York prior to Hitler and there was the great hurricane of 1938 that wiped them out - destroying the camp from photographs I saw in a book. That group was a break off of the nazi's in Europe prior to WWII as I understand it. They were busy spreading their propaganda in the USA.

Of course these are not political groups I'm referring too. I'm talking about such groups as the Aryan Nation, the Skin Heads, etc. For the most part, they are more like street gangs than anything else, but some of them are QUITE organized. They hold regular meetings, etc. Then there's the KKK, but I think they have taken a back seat to the newer type of groups. Seems the newer ones hate any minorities and not just Jewish people.

Since hate speech is against the law in Canada, people would use American forums to post on. One of those mentioned in this article used to post on an American forum. He was the one who had those skinheads up to his farm for a music jamboree.

The Skinhead International: Canada

I'm sure. There could be some here on this board right now!
I'll have to pray for them. That has to be an awful existence. Someone did a study on this board about racism and hate and said it caused depression. I would think that applies to Nazis too. Hilter was so full of hate there were people close to him that said they saw the demons in him! Literally. That was in the film documentary The third Reich and the Occult. It was a 2 cd series. I burned it after I studied the info and took notes on what all he was involved in. He was heavily into the teachings of Blavatsky - she was the one that brought back the Swastika from Tibet on one of her "journeys". Blavatsky was a Russian occultist. The Swastika was actually around long before Hitler rose to power. Some do not realize that. It was definitely an occult symbol. Blavatsky was the one who coined the phrase, "Aryan". So that Aryan group has their own history steeped in occult rituals too. Whether they know it or not. ( makes no difference )
When I was researching the history on Hitler and the German women breeders for the SS, the orphanage of Aryan race babies they bred, etc. and Himmler' occult history - I could literally feel the oppression coming off those video cd's - it was actual footage of the people, the women, children, SS - same type footage you see on docs of WWII. I decided it needed to be destroyed after I saw what was on there. Hitler was very involved in the occult. It was a man named Rees Howells that actually was the intercessor who prayed it through until he destroyed every hindrance and then the war was won. Some people do not realize the story of the prayer intercessors who were behind the fall of such evil men as Hitler. It is true though. In fact - side note on Hitler - one interecessor saw him in hell and said he blamed Rees Howells as the man that took him down. I knew that had to be right. Howells was a formidable prayer warrior.
on the history of anti-Semitism.

Yes, Pinchas Rosenbaum's story is one of valor and honor and beyond - tremendous courageous in the face of great evil and when the test came for him to do the right thing he passed it with flying colors. The question is, will this generation do the same or will they try to psychoanalyse those who have a conscience and wish to follow his example so that they may excuse themselves from lifting a finger, Smedly. It is a poor specimen who cannot handle the pressure of adversity. I dare say they will look for any excuse to avoid it. (adversity)

I've been trying to find out why the filmakers of "Walkingwith the Enemy" decided to fictionalize Pinchas' story so much, even to the point of changing his name in the story to Elek Cohen. I read 4 or 5 reviews and the consensus seems to be they turned what should stand alone as a great inspirational story into an overly melodramatic action/love story with almost comic book type characters and clunky cliched dialogue. One reviewer commented on the mostly young British actors and their awkward phony Hungarian accents. This clip from one of the reviews summarizes most of the reviewer's bottom-lines;

Rich in ambiguity and contradiction, the German occupation of Hungary is an epic story overdue for the telling, and one that deserves better than the cut-above-comic-book treatment it gets in Walking With the Enemy, an old-school drama so sincere, yet so ham-fisted, it borders on parody.

Boy, when Hollywood screws something up this badly it's maddening to the extreme. I was surprised that his son in an interview I read wasn't enraged but more or less gave the movie his blessing. I'm still trying to find out why they felt they had to mangle the story, I'll let you know if I find out anything.
Propaganda Quotes from Hitler and his chief of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels

Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life a paradise.
-Adolph Hitler

We have made the Reich by propaganda.
- Joseph Goebbels

What utterly sick and demented minds these men had. To think anyone has ever admired either of them is beyond human comprehension! They would have to be utterly void of any human conscience whatsoever!

I watched a programme last night on British tv that was about iconic cars, as you can expect the VW beetle was one of these cars. What was interesting was the German Nazi party fooled the people of Germany into paying 5 Riechmarks a week into a fund so that every German family could have a Car and a Holiday every year. This was a front for Germany outfitting for war, and the factory was used to build war machines like the kubelwagen.

That is how propaganda can twist peoples thoughts.

That is the first I have ever heard of that. I saw someone today talking about propaganda posters from WWII and I had seen news of that before. I thought there was a law prohibiting the sell of nazi material from WWII but perhaps whoever I heard that from was mistaken about that. I know I certainly would not want to own anything that had anything to do with it. I'd throw it in on a fire and burn it! To a crisp!

Big money to be had from tv and film people if you have some German artefacts. Then there are the re-enactment societies that will re-create wars and battles. When we had the film Atonement shot locally the production crew wanted as many old props as they could get to film the Dunkirk scenes. apparently our sea front was as close to Dunkirk as it was possible to get. So we had big field guns, 1930's French cars and a ferris wheel to add authenticity. Look closely and you can see the joins on the set.
Ireland 'welcomed Hitler's henchmen' - Telegraph

Ireland 'welcomed Hitler's henchmen'

A disturbing aspect of Ireland's history has been uncovered by research finding that leading Nazis were sheltered and welcomed by the Irish establishment after the war.

A rogues' gallery that included fascists, Nazi collaborators and war criminals came to Ireland, including some who flourished and became respected members of the community.

A documentary to be screened on Irish television tonight illustrates growing willingness amongst mainstream public opinion to face up to Ireland's role in providing a haven for war criminals.

In the past, there has been a tendency to overlook stories of Hitler's henchmen being protected while they made their homes in Ireland or using it as a staging post to escape to America.



At least now people in Ireland seem to be waking up.
Argentina did that too, Bianco! Eichmann was given safe refuge to Argentina with the assistance of Jessuits connected to the Vatican. Many nazi war criminals were assisted by higher up officials within the Catholic church and the Jessuits specifly were named as ones who had assisted the Nazis who assisted Hitler in the torture of the Jews during WWII. In the book Capturing Eichmann by Peter **** who was one of the Mossad who did the actual capture of Eichmann there are some interesting revelations of just how Eichmann made it to Argentina and how he elluded capture until he was an old man! There is also an very interesting inside look at the mind of a true sociopath!

I have a friend who authored a book called "Through the Eye of a Jew" Volume II Persecution of the Jews by the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church - In the book he says the Doctrine of Lea has never been nullified and is still standing today! He questions why this is so and says it is possible in the future they could do far worse -because of this insistence that they are "THE Church" and THE "One True Faith"..which of course is not true at all.

This Doctrine of the Vatican states that Jews and Protestant Christians were to be put to death in order to preserve the doctrine of the Catholic Church. They counted the Protestant Christians who preached the Gospel to be the "pestilence" that must be ridden - along with the Jews - all those who were non - Catholic - this Doctrine of Lea was the Doctrine used during the Inquisition which was the reason for burning at the stake the Protestant Christians, the Catholics who spoke against the Inquisition and false doctrines of the Vatican such as Savonarolla, John Hus and others, and also the Jews who would not convert to Catholicism were put to death also. During the Inquisitions if a Christian (Protestant) was caught preaching the Gospel they would have their tongues nailed to the roofs of their mouths. ( this was to intimidate the Christians into silence)

They also accused any who rejected over 150,000 innocent people of being witches and burned them at the stake too. It is all in his book and the actual facts of what happened will horrify you. Did you know that Bloody Mary - the Catholic Queen - who put many Protestant Christians to death thought she was doing so in the name of God also? What is wrong with these people? To murder people in the name of God - that is what Hitler actually thought he was doing although he failed to mention publicly which "god" he was serving! As history has proven he was into the occult, we know! Thanks for your information, Bianco.. interesting..
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Swagger, the facts of what Pinchas Rosenbaum actually did are far greater than the movie depicted. The movie is based on his life but they didn't tell the full details of ALL he had done. He was far greater a hero then the movie actually depicts. That is my comment to your post. As to your disappointment concerning my earlier response ( to yours ) - you should know that I do not believe in vindicating myself. Vindication is a form of weakness.
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Death chambers in the USA remind me of Auschwitz-ilk.

Pardon my not knowing what that is, Bianco. What group are you referring to?

Auschwitz-ilk...all the similar chambers of death;

Treblinka, Bełżec, Sobibór, Auschwitz, Majdanek, Ustaše run Jasenovac, Maly Trostenets, Sajmište, Warsaw etc.

Thank you for explaining that, Bianco. I find it truly inspirational what Pinchas Rosenbaum did in saving the lives of so many of his people. I thought it was a wonderful story of courage.

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