Wal-Mart: I went today; Did you? Comment.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I went to Wal-Mart today. Heard there were protests. And actually, there were about 20 people in front of the North Charleston one I went to. Why did I go? Did I go to support them? Or shop there to oppose them? Neither. Im planning my cookout for the Carolina/Clemson and Notre Dame/USC games tomorrow, and forgot to get tinfoil, so I went to get some.

BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.

Fuck disgusting people.
America is finally pushing towards a healthier lifestyle, and they are complaining about companies like Hostess going out of business because of it.
I would NEVER in a million years go to Walmart on Black Friday.....You are crazy. And I don't know if I can trust your judgement after this.
You didn't go there to support the workers, nor did you go to support management, you went there to shop. Hmmmmm... No other place in your area to shop?

Sounds like you shopped there and that whether you are smart enough to realize it or not...you supported management. Congrats!
I would NEVER in a million years go to Walmart on Black Friday.....You are crazy. And I don't know if I can trust your judgement after this.

Oh yeah, I was "that guy". WalMart really is closer to my place than any other store. And..I'd rather have gone to Royal Hardware, a locally owned store a bit farther away. BUT...it was during today's LSU vs Arkansas game which went to the wire, and I needed to get in and out quick. I scanned the parking lot, got a few spaces open in the first few rows, so it really wasnt that busy. They had 12-15 lines open, so the wait was actually shorter than normal days.

I was just shocked at all the fat bastards and Jabba the Huts out today.
I went to Wal-Mart today. Heard there were protests. And actually, there were about 20 people in front of the North Charleston one I went to. Why did I go? Did I go to support them? Or shop there to oppose them? Neither. Im planning my cookout for the Carolina/Clemson and Notre Dame/USC games tomorrow, and forgot to get tinfoil, so I went to get some.

BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.

Fuck disgusting people.

You should go hole up in a cave or something, get away from the disgusting society you seem obsessed with..doubt anyone would miss you
I find you digusting coming on here and talking about people the way you do..as if IT'S ANY of your business
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Yeah, why would you go to Walmart on Black Friday to get just tin foil?

I needed tin foil. They were closest to my house.

It actually went quicker than normal. Usually, on a week night around 5pm, I'd be in line forever waiting. They'll have 2 damn registers open for rush hour. Hmm. Guess dont wanna pay 3 clerks.

But today they had almost every line open, and I waited behind only 2 people. It was great. Very quick.

The parking lot pavement had some new cracks in it from the fat lard whales walking in and out, but my trip was very easy.
I went to Wal-Mart today. Heard there were protests. And actually, there were about 20 people in front of the North Charleston one I went to. Why did I go? Did I go to support them? Or shop there to oppose them? Neither. Im planning my cookout for the Carolina/Clemson and Notre Dame/USC games tomorrow, and forgot to get tinfoil, so I went to get some.

BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.

Fuck disgusting people.

You should go hole up in a cave or something, get away from the disgusting society you seem obsessed with..doubt anyone would miss you
I find you digusting coming on here and talking about people the way you do..as if IT'S ANY of your business

It IS my business. These fat lards in our country accumulate massive healthcare bills from all their obesity related problems. Those costs drive up costs for everyone else. Many of these flesh blobs are poor and uninsured, so they consume healthcare, dont pay for it, and then we get higher prices.
BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.
Fuck disgusting people.

I've only been to walmart a couple of times and it's the same thing at every location. You will get to see the GOP voter base in full force. The most straight out of the trailer park, crackhead, meth smoking, bottom feeder pieces of redneck trash ever assembled in one place outside of an oak ridge boys concert.
I went to Wal-Mart today. Heard there were protests. And actually, there were about 20 people in front of the North Charleston one I went to. Why did I go? Did I go to support them? Or shop there to oppose them? Neither. Im planning my cookout for the Carolina/Clemson and Notre Dame/USC games tomorrow, and forgot to get tinfoil, so I went to get some.

BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.

Fuck disgusting people.

You should go hole up in a cave or something, get away from the disgusting society you seem obsessed with..doubt anyone would miss you
I find you digusting coming on here and talking about people the way you do..as if IT'S ANY of your business

It IS my business. These fat lards in our country accumulate massive healthcare bills from all their obesity related problems. Those costs drive up costs for everyone else. Many of these flesh blobs are poor and uninsured, so they consume healthcare, dont pay for it, and then we get higher prices.

you really are a jerk and fit nicely in with the tyrants of this country...BUT whatever, people HAVE TO STAY out of your all sex life and PAY for your abortions
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I would NEVER in a million years go to Walmart on Black Friday.....You are crazy. And I don't know if I can trust your judgement after this.

I scanned the parking lot, got a few spaces open in the first few rows,

I think we all know who the lazy fat bastard shopping at Walmart today was. None other than bucs.

First I wouldn't go shopping today, if i had to go, I'd head to a grocery store for tin foil. Sounds like you went for more than tin foil and showed your support for Walmart management. Why else would you go?
You should go hole up in a cave or something, get away from the disgusting society you seem obsessed with..doubt anyone would miss you
I find you digusting coming on here and talking about people the way you do..as if IT'S ANY of your business

It IS my business. These fat lards in our country accumulate massive healthcare bills from all their obesity related problems. Those costs drive up costs for everyone else. Many of these flesh blobs are poor and uninsured, so they consume healthcare, dont pay for it, and then we get higher prices.

you really are a jerk and fit nicely in with the tyrants of this country...BUT whatever, people HAVE TO STAY out of your all sex life and PAY for your abortions

Im a man, I cant have abortions.

Let me guess, you've bought two airline seats on a solo trip?
I went to Wal-Mart today. Heard there were protests. And actually, there were about 20 people in front of the North Charleston one I went to. Why did I go? Did I go to support them? Or shop there to oppose them? Neither. Im planning my cookout for the Carolina/Clemson and Notre Dame/USC games tomorrow, and forgot to get tinfoil, so I went to get some.

BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.

Fuck disgusting people.

You should go hole up in a cave or something, get away from the disgusting society you seem obsessed with..doubt anyone would miss you
I find you digusting coming on here and talking about people the way you do..as if IT'S ANY of your business

It IS my business. These fat lards in our country accumulate massive healthcare bills from all their obesity related problems. Those costs drive up costs for everyone else. Many of these flesh blobs are poor and uninsured, so they consume healthcare, dont pay for it, and then we get higher prices.
EXACTLY!!! Obesity-related illness' such as heart disease & diabetes are the leading PREVENTABLE cause of hospital admissions. Steph, steph, steph :redface:
You know how right wingers say "If you make a person comfortable in poverty, they'll say in poverty"?

Well, if you make fat asses comfortable being fat asses, they'll always be fat asses and keep running up everyone's healthcare costs.

Lose weight you blobs.
I would NEVER in a million years go to Walmart on Black Friday.....You are crazy. And I don't know if I can trust your judgement after this.

I scanned the parking lot, got a few spaces open in the first few rows,

First I wouldn't go shopping today, if i had to go, I'd head to a grocery store for tin foil. Sounds like you went for more than tin foil and showed your support for Walmart management. Why else would you go?

I'd guess to make hats out of it to put on all the lazy, fat ass GOP voters in line bitching about Obama, while paying for everything with food stamps and welfare checks.
I went to Wal-Mart today. Heard there were protests. And actually, there were about 20 people in front of the North Charleston one I went to. Why did I go? Did I go to support them? Or shop there to oppose them? Neither. Im planning my cookout for the Carolina/Clemson and Notre Dame/USC games tomorrow, and forgot to get tinfoil, so I went to get some.

BUT...what did I notice, since we're hypersensitive and hyper-observant these days?

HOW FUCKING FAT AND DISGUSTING our society has become. I swear, I saw more Jabba The Huts in that store, and its a month past Halloween.

It was disgusting. Fat rolls pouring out over their belts and sweat pants. Fat hands grasping to bags of cheese puffs and bacon slabs. Picking up discount deep fryers and crock pots. The only area that didn't have heavy traffic was the excercise equipment section.

My Lord.....thats why healthcare is so expensive. People get diabetic at age 20 these days. High blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease. How many of our healthcare problems would be fixed if we weren't so God damn fat??? I saw this fat bitch rolling around in a motorized cart, looked like she was in her 40's, with a giant soda and massive french fries from the in-store McDonalds, with what looked like her blob of a husband pushing the grocery cart full of shit...pop tarts, soda, beer...and I quit paying attention after that.

Fuck disgusting people.

Wow you went to Walmart on black Friday to pick up tinfoil? Did your other protective tinfoil hat tear? :eusa_boohoo:
You didn't go there to support the workers, nor did you go to support management, you went there to shop. Hmmmmm... No other place in your area to shop?

Sounds like you shopped there and that whether you are smart enough to realize it or not...you supported management. Congrats!

He's the biggest fucking liar on the board. I bet he weighs 400 pounds too. :lol::lol:

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