Wait a second...education spending


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spending must include retirees....probably nevermind, but I'd like to see a budget
Where do the costs for the aides, janitors, speech therapists, occupational therapsists, behavioral therapists, guidance counselors, psychologists, secretaries, principals, boiler operators, bus drivers, contractors, carpenters, etc come in? Oh, forgot the nurses, hearing and eye screeners, remedial reading teachers, lunch ladies, cooks, playground assistants, vice principals, curriculum soecialis superintendents, treasurers, payroll people do I have to go through administrative people as well?

The cost is astounding and if we looked around at what it costs today and what jobs we take from the parents we could cut costs around the board. Remember in the day when parents took their kids to the eye doctor and and got their hearing checked if there was thought to be a problem? If a child had an emotional problem the parents ddid the right thing and sought help. Not these days. The burden is on the school.

Remember when children ate at home? Or brought their own lunch from home? Were children starving at school? No. Children dying of epidemics of rickets?

The school takes parents responsibilities away. We enable parents to be lazy.
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vouchers are fine as long as the parent only gets as much school tax mohney as they paid in. Otherwise it is subsidizing private enterprise with others tax dollars.
Where do the costs for the aides, janitors, speech therapists, occupational therapsists, behavioral therapists, guidance counselors, psychologists, secretaries, principals, boiler operators, bus drivers, contractors, carpenters, etc come in? Oh, forgot the nurses, hearing and eye screeners, remedial reading teachers, lunch ladies, cooks, playground assistants, vice principals, curriculum soecialis superintendents, treasurers, payroll people do I have to go through administrative people as well?

The cost is astounding and if we looked around at what it costs today and what jobs we take from the parents we could cut costs around the board. Remember in the day when parents took their kids to the eye doctor and and got their hearing checked if there was thought to be a problem? If a child had an emotional problem the parents ddid the right thing and sought help. Not these days. The burden is on the school.

Remember when children ate at home? Or brought their own lunch from home? Were children starving at school? No. Children dying of epidemics of rickets?

The school takes parents responsibilities away. We enable parents to be lazy.
Only because that is apparently what parents want....and parents are the tax payers in the school district so it seems, they are getting their way.

Schools just don't come up with this stuff...parents more than likely request a lot of the stuff or the parents just don't have the time to get involved the way they used to because most all moms have to work outside of the home in today's world, vs when maybe you and I were young....my mom walked me to school, made and packed my lunch, dressed me, combed my hair, she was there to greet me to walk home together, and dinner was ready when dad walked through the door, of an immaculate house that anyone would be pleased to eat off the floor of...she sewed our clothes because we could not afford to buy them from a store....she helped both my sister and I with our homework if we needed it every night, and homework was done before we were allowed outside to play...but my mom's full time job was being a home maker, and she had the time and energy to do all those things for her 2 little girls.

I think changes in the family unit are what have changed our schools, NOT the other way around.....
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Go talk to a teacher and you will learn that she can't teach math or english because she too busy dealing with the bad behavior that they learn at home. Parents threaten the teacher if the kids grades are not good enought and never think that the real responsibility lies with them. This is the biggest probelm we face, if we have this many dropping out who will do the job that require knowledge or skill.
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vouchers are fine as long as the parent only gets as much school tax mohney as they paid in. Otherwise it is subsidizing private enterprise with others tax dollars.

We tried it your way for 60 years and it's an Epic Fail
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No I would say its more accurate to list it as per student. If you break it down by teachers alone, you would be missing the costs of tectbooks, principals, other adminstartors, utiliies, janitors, etc.

So adding it all together then divinding by the number of students gives you the most accurate cost for education number possible.

That being said, the system is broken and needs to be completely overhauled. We need to drop No Child Left Behind and allow teachers to teach again, not test prepare.
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vouchers are fine as long as the parent only gets as much school tax mohney as they paid in. Otherwise it is subsidizing private enterprise with others tax dollars.

We tried it your way for 60 years and it's an Epic Fail

And weve tried it your way since Bush passed No Child Left Behind. And it only got worse.

Maybe theres a third way.
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vouchers are fine as long as the parent only gets as much school tax mohney as they paid in. Otherwise it is subsidizing private enterprise with others tax dollars.

Parents pay taxes to support public schools their entire lives, so why should they only be reimbursed the amount they pay while their children are in school?

Your argument is just another example of anti-voucher propaganda put out by the educational establishment.
In another thread it was mentioned that in NY our Progressive, sabotaged educational system spends $18,000/per student only to watch 1/3 of our students drop out of high school (40% of minorities drop out of the fucking hellhole that is Progressive education)

A report, linked below, broke out the spending on a per student basis.

NY spending on teachers $8,070
NY Spending on teacher benefits $3,474

Um, wait a second. Why show it on per student? Isn't it more honest and accurate to show it per teacher?

Hmmm, NYC has 1.1MM students and 75K teachers, so there are 14.6 students per teacher, so 8,070+3,474 = 11,544 * 14.6 = $169,312!!

Time to voucher out the educational system.

New York leads all states in school spending per student | syracuse.com

New York City Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vouchers are fine as long as the parent only gets as much school tax mohney as they paid in. Otherwise it is subsidizing private enterprise with others tax dollars.

Parents pay taxes to support public schools their entire lives, so why should they only be reimbursed the amount they pay while their children are in school?

Your argument is just another example of anti-voucher propaganda put out by the educational establishment.

Im assuming that a voucher system would allow parent to choose to send their children to private schools, thus essentially privatizing our education system. Correct me if I am wrong on this. I wont consider it an attack.

If the above is correct then...

Under a voucher system, how would we measure the success rate of a school? Graduation rate? Test scores?
A jurisdiction gets the quality of education it pays for and demands. Also, having a higher quality of student to start with always helps. My system has the second highest graduation rate in the country and we are #2 by just a scintilla. Our cost per student is no where near the cost of many other large districts. Part of the reason is that we pay in to our retirement and other benefits. We also did not whine and complain when we had no pay raise for two years.
Where do the costs for the aides, janitors, speech therapists, occupational therapsists, behavioral therapists, guidance counselors, psychologists, secretaries, principals, boiler operators, bus drivers, contractors, carpenters, etc come in? Oh, forgot the nurses, hearing and eye screeners, remedial reading teachers, lunch ladies, cooks, playground assistants, vice principals, curriculum soecialis superintendents, treasurers, payroll people do I have to go through administrative people as well?

The cost is astounding and if we looked around at what it costs today and what jobs we take from the parents we could cut costs around the board. Remember in the day when parents took their kids to the eye doctor and and got their hearing checked if there was thought to be a problem? If a child had an emotional problem the parents ddid the right thing and sought help. Not these days. The burden is on the school.

Remember when children ate at home? Or brought their own lunch from home? Were children starving at school? No. Children dying of epidemics of rickets?

The school takes parents responsibilities away. We enable parents to be lazy.

. Remember in the day when parents took their kids to the eye doctor and and got their hearing checked if there was thought to be a problem?

I am 74 and I don't remember those days. The only way I learned I was blind was through the school eye check.
Where do the costs for the aides, janitors, speech therapists, occupational therapsists, behavioral therapists, guidance counselors, psychologists, secretaries, principals, boiler operators, bus drivers, contractors, carpenters, etc come in? Oh, forgot the nurses, hearing and eye screeners, remedial reading teachers, lunch ladies, cooks, playground assistants, vice principals, curriculum soecialis superintendents, treasurers, payroll people do I have to go through administrative people as well?

The cost is astounding and if we looked around at what it costs today and what jobs we take from the parents we could cut costs around the board. Remember in the day when parents took their kids to the eye doctor and and got their hearing checked if there was thought to be a problem? If a child had an emotional problem the parents ddid the right thing and sought help. Not these days. The burden is on the school.

Remember when children ate at home? Or brought their own lunch from home? Were children starving at school? No. Children dying of epidemics of rickets?

The school takes parents responsibilities away. We enable parents to be lazy.

Care4all wrote :Only because that is apparently what parents want....and parents are the tax payers in the school district so it seems, they are getting their way.

Schools just don't come up with this stuff...parents more than likely request a lot of the stuff

ding ding ding ^
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Where do the costs for the aides, janitors, speech therapists, occupational therapsists, behavioral therapists, guidance counselors, psychologists, secretaries, principals, boiler operators, bus drivers, contractors, carpenters, etc come in? Oh, forgot the nurses, hearing and eye screeners, remedial reading teachers, lunch ladies, cooks, playground assistants, vice principals, curriculum soecialis superintendents, treasurers, payroll people do I have to go through administrative people as well?

The cost is astounding and if we looked around at what it costs today and what jobs we take from the parents we could cut costs around the board. Remember in the day when parents took their kids to the eye doctor and and got their hearing checked if there was thought to be a problem? If a child had an emotional problem the parents ddid the right thing and sought help. Not these days. The burden is on the school.

Remember when children ate at home? Or brought their own lunch from home? Were children starving at school? No. Children dying of epidemics of rickets?

The school takes parents responsibilities away. We enable parents to be lazy.

Care4all wrote :Only because that is apparently what parents want....and parents are the tax payers in the school district so it seems, they are getting their way.

Schools just don't come up with this stuff...parents more than likely request a lot of the stuff

ding ding ding ^

Parents can request but somewhere down the line we have to say stop! The schools are not a Social Service! They are a place for learning. If you want a doctor, go see one, if you want free clothing, see a social worker. The schools are there to teach and only that.

And we wouldn't have the drop outs if we finally held the teachers to teach the strict curiculum and test for that. If the student does not master the skills, he doesn't go on. He goes to summer school or repeats the grade! Once parents get used to this new wave of stopping social promotions, they'll see that they had better help at home.

We won't see 15 year olds reading at a third grade level and thinking he might as well drop out because he can't read any of the material given to him. They just may see that there is a future if they are potential wage earners and not roaming the streets waiting for handouts.

Stop social promotions + teaching kids + testing for promotion= students finishing high school because they can!
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Care4all wrote :Only because that is apparently what parents want....and parents are the tax payers in the school district so it seems, they are getting their way.

Schools just don't come up with this stuff...parents more than likely request a lot of the stuff

ding ding ding ^

Parents can request but somewhere down the line we have to say stop! The schools are not a Social Service! They are a place for learning. If you want a doctor, go see one, if you want free clothing, see a social worker. The schools are there to teach and only that.

And we wouldn't have the drop outs if we finally held the teachers to teach the strict curiculum and test for that. If the student does not master the skills, he doesn't go on. He goes to summer school or repeats the grade! Once parents get used to this new wave of stopping social promotions, they'll see that they had better help at home.

We won't see 15 year olds reading at a third grade level and thinking he might as well drop out because he can't read any of the material given to him. They just may see that there is a future if they are potential wage earners and not roaming the streets waiting for handouts.

Stop social promotions + teaching kids + testing for promotion= students finishing high school because they can!

Our concept of schools many times are based on the school and time we attended. Our high school, for example, had a 75% dropout rate, and the school was quite proud of that rate. It meant they didn't fool around, and the 25% that graduated could do some math, read, write and so forth, some even made it to college. But the 75% that dropped went on the streets, soon to be called juvenile delinquets. The public began chanting keep em in school and off the streets. Soon most school districts and states attempted to do just that it meant larger schools, more of everything. But how to keep em in school? Well, make things easier, when the kids got too big for the desks promote them, get text books that are easier to read, take away some of the teacher's power.
For the taxpayers, with the increased enrollment and new tactics, education began to cost more, and even the Supreme Court ruled that America had to educate illegals and that meant special classes. Educational problems, were simplified, teacher unions, and communists became the problem.
Did the, "keep em in school" work? It worked somewhat, but one thing was certain, schools had changed. Should we change em back or do what?
As a reference point, I am 62 years old and went to parochial grade and high schools. I got my polio vaccine at school. I first found out that I needed glasses at school (parents were notified and took me to get them). My first hearing test was at school (couldn't hear well, which was later diagnosed as a wax buildup - ick!).

My son is a 2000 graduate of a public school system, and first learned about anal sex and how to prevent the spread of AIDS while a fifth grader - information that he really did not need at the time.

I now pay $7,000/year in school taxes and have not had a child in school for more than 12 years. Please somebody calculate for me my cost per child.

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