W.H. claims China hacked election, calls Bolton Conspiracy Theorist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
W.H. Claims “China” Hacked Election, Calls Bolton “Conspiracy Theorist”

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declared that a cyber attack by “China” was responsible for disrupting the U.S. presidential election, before slandering former ambassador John Bolton as an “irresponsible conspiracy theorist” at a press briefing yesterday.

Propagandists struggling to keep their storylines straight

The perfect example of how the leftist brainwashed can't accept an answer differently than their MSM has told them. This is how bull S------ed they are. This is how weak minded and how easy they can be told anything and they believe it. Then as usual when truth is out there they claim it as fake. Why do you think these same idiots have been conned into thinking infowars, Breitbart, Drudge etc are fake news sites. Because, they know that more often than not.
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Flashback: Feds Admit No Russian Cyberattacks Targeting Election
There was no increase in cyberattacks on election day, the federal government told the New York Times on Nov. 26.

This admission, which came right before Jill Stein’s recount movement gained full steam, contradicts the Obama administration’s ongoing claimthat Russian hackers awarded Donald Trump the presidency.

“…We stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people,” a senior official told the Times under the condition of anonymity. “The federal government did not observe any increased level of malicious cyber activity aimed at disrupting our electoral process on election day.”................................

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