Vox Media/Daily Kos: Fixing the News


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Ya right, fixing, put yo boots on, gonna get deep...

Fixing the News

January 30, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


The media spends almost as much time covering various debates about how to “fix the news” as it does itself and the treatment of Ezra Klein’s announcement that he is leaving the Washington Post to create a political blog for Vox Media (co-founded by the creator of Daily Kos) is a perfect example of the confluence of the two with media covering something that no one outside the media cares about as if it were an important story. In his announcement, Ezra Klein welcomed resumes from anyone who wanted to join him in “fixing the news” and promised to offer an alternative to a news media that tells people what happened instead of “giving them the crucial contextual information necessary to understand what’s happened.” More context isn’t the solution to the news; it’s the barrier to the news. Every media outlet wants to tell you what to think about an event, instead of telling you what happened. The more sophisticated organizations do a better job of dressing up their narratives by dropping longreads on the reader. David Kilpatrick’s New York Times Benghazi story was a recent classic of the genre that read like a mystery novel and was filled with selective bits of misleading contextual information leading to inaccurate conclusions. It did not take very long for a Senate report and other media outlets to shoot down the story which had left out information about the Al Qaeda links of the attackers, but did include a dubious claim that the attackers had been angry about a YouTube video. Kilpatrick’s contextual longread was really a narrative. And that is the problem with context over news. Context tainted by agendas becomes a narrative. An older generation of liberal journalists dreamed of being Woodward and Bernstein, but the younger generation have more modest ambitions of being storytellers who skip the investigations and go straight to the conclusions.


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