Vox Calls for Abolishing Supreme Court...can't beat them...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
...ABOLISH THEM....It IS the Fascist way!

It’s noteworthy that Democrats have an immediate inclination to abolish democratic institutions when they don’t get what they want.


Much like a seven year old trying to change the rules of a game they’re losing – Democrats have now decided that any institution that doesn’t serve their purpose must destroyed. After the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, the popular liberal publication Vox has now called for the abolition of the Supreme Court entirely.

“…the Court is now a blunt political instrument, used repeatedly to undermine outcomes of democratic governance” the Vox article complains. While I can’t prove it, I imagine there’s a 0% chance Vox would be making the same complaint with a liberal court. The article continues, “…it’s perfectly reasonable to ask if we should abolish the Supreme Court, or at the very least strip the Court of its ability to overturn laws that it rules unconstitutional. If the Court is no longer a neutral arbiter of the law, if it’s gradually shape-shifting into a partisan weapon, then maybe it’s time to rethink its role in our constitutional system.”

Plenty of liberals have echoed such calls to abolish the SCOTUS, none of which existed prior to the nomination and eventual confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Read more at thepoliticalinsider.com
just like the Electoral College when Trump won--cry cry cry, they did
''he didn't get the majority of votes'' cry cry cry
cry cry cry
yes, they did not accept a fair/legal/American election = nazi/fascist/jakcasses/etc
they do not accept American values/etc
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.

And I expect that if they even attempted such a thing, you'd have a civil war that will see the end of the left.

One fantasy for you.

And counter fantasy to show you just how stupid yours looks.
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.

And I expect that if they even attempted such a thing, you'd have a civil war that will see the end of the left.

One fantasy for you.

And counter fantasy to show you just how stupid yours looks.
The government has changed the number of Justices many times without a civil war, you hysterical inbred retard.
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.
you would be a good fiction writer
''rapist'' --hshahahhahahahahah
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.

And I expect that if they even attempted such a thing, you'd have a civil war that will see the end of the left.

One fantasy for you.

And counter fantasy to show you just how stupid yours looks.
The government has changed the number of Justices many times without a civil war, you hysterical inbred retard.

Yes, I know.

And since we'll be in charge for a while, we likely will do the same.

But your biggest attempt was Roosevelt's court packing scheme, which lost him the support of his own party.

The left has always gamed the system to try and get it's agenda in place.

And failed.

Best of luck in 2018.

Right now...you are losing big.
I'd support abolishing it.

Put it in the hands of the state justice departments.

The Supreme court has a a very, very, dismal record of protecting our civil liberties from the constant flow of unconstitutional legislation coming out of the derelict Congress. anyway.
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.
I expect the next Dem supermajority in 2020 to add 2 liberal Justices by increasing the courts members from 9 to eleven. I expect them to replace Clarence Thomas when he croaks and for them to impeach the rapist Kavanaugh.
Take your meds

Find your soul
The left has always gamed the system to try and get it's agenda in place.
^ makes that claim despite being a member of the retarded party that's controlled the Supreme Court for 50 years.

You want to dispute Roosevelt's effort to pack the court ?

And the "party" that controlls the Supreme Court wasn't real happy about the Obummercare decision.

So maybe, Mr. Stupid, they don't control the court.

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