Voting for Obama...Why? Why? Why?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Sheesh.. I mean really.. why would You..?

1) You're a Democrat and winning is all that matters..

2) You're getting payments from the government and have fallen victim to the fear tactics Democrats and the liberal media spew constantly.

3) You believe the national debt can continue growing infinitely without repercussions.

...please continue...if so desired...:D
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Just heard today from my longtime Liberal friend (Retired AF) that he's really disappointed with Obama and is either gonna' vote for Romney or 3rd Party.

I suspect there are millions of other registered voters just like him.
Just heard today from my longtime Liberal friend (Retired AF) that he's really disappointed with Obama and is either gonna' vote for Romney or 3rd Party.

I suspect there are millions of other registered voters just like him.

Not enough for Romney to win.
Sheesh.. I mean really.. why would You..?

1) You're a Democrat and winning is all that matters..

2) You're getting payments from the government and have fallen victim to the fear tactics Democrats and the liberal media spew constantly.

3) You believe the national debt can continue growing infinitely without repercussions.

...please continue...if so desired...:D

We have to get those fucking Republicans out of office.

They've destroyed our economy.

They are the cause of tens of thousands of young American dead and maimed for life that will cost this country trillions more.

Their Bush tax cuts were a disaster.

Their "Drugs for votes" bill was a disaster.

They ran on "Jobs" and but only worked on anti abortion legislation:


They held the unemployed hostage to get even more money for billionaires.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth - Forbes

Their foreign policy was a disaster.

Their economic policies are a bad joke.

They lie to the country.

They openly practice "voter suppression".

And you guys have the gall and the nerve to WHINE about a president that has saved so many many jobs, who has brought the country back from the brink of depression.

You guys are fools. What else can it be????

Why don't you tell us "new" Republican schemes that will create jobs. Seems concentrating on 'abortion' didn't work out so well.

Remember, Rick Santorum said education is for snobs and Republicans don't have "smart" people. You guys prove it day in and day out.

Go ahead, call me a liar. Look at my links. One from the Christian Science Monitor, hardly liberal. The other one Forbes business.

Everyone knows that Republicans are radical and failures. You guys can't name a single success in anything for the last 30 years. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.
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There may have been some voters willing to ‘get rid’ of Obama, but will vote for the president or not at all because the GOP offered no viable candidate; unless conservatives are advocating the Office of President be left vacant for a given period of time.

The GOP’s ham sandwich strategy is a failure; the right incorrectly calculated that their hate for Obama was universal among all voters, desperate to ‘correct the mistake’ they made in 2008.

Clearly, that’s not the case.

And a majority of voters simply don't want the likes of Romney as their president.

Otherwise, judicial appointments alone – particularly with regard to the Supreme Court – are reason enough to vote for Obama.
Sheesh.. I mean really.. why would You..?

1) You're a Democrat and winning is all that matters..

2) You're getting payments from the government and have fallen victim to the fear tactics Democrats and the liberal media spew constantly.

3) You believe the national debt can continue growing infinitely without repercussions.

...please continue...if so desired...:D

Those who receive payments from the government have reason to fear the Republicans. If the Republicans carry out their campaign promises to reduce the cost of government those payments will be cut or eliminated, and millions of Americans will be reduced to destitution, and perhaps homelessness.

The Republican party is demagoguing the national debt, and has been since the failure of Reagan's Voodoo Economics to balance the budget by 83 "if not sooner" as Reagan promised in his debate with Carter. No serious effort to deal with deficit spending can include tax cuts for the rich, and that is what Romney and Ryan propose.
curiously, conz never mention The T-Party House or the "#1 goal is to make Obama a 1-term President" Senate minority Leader? :rolleyes: Those people have no effect on what the President can or can't accomplish right?
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There are tons of people that need to wake up. If they continue to vote for Obama again after he has shown he is a failure to us all, then we are in deep trouble. I wish the Obama supporters would wake up. I don;t know what its going to take for petes sake. As citizens and not a political party, we need to band together and vote all these people out. They are ruining our lives.
Another handwringing thread from those who sense defeat.

And tax increases. Since 1980 the rich have looted the country while paying lower taxes.

Ain't that the truth. And the base loves it. Worse, Mitt Romney wants to bring immigrants here with degrees and help them start companies. But his own base? He wants to cut education. I'm all for bringing people here with advanced degrees, but I also feel we should be investing in Americans already hear. Republicans call that "socialism". Which demonstrates how far gone they are.

The Republican leadership is so savvy, they can stand in front of the Republican Party and say, "We don't want smart people" and the base "cheered".

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President
There are tons of people that need to wake up. If they continue to vote for Obama again after he has shown he is a failure to us all, then we are in deep trouble. I wish the Obama supporters would wake up. I don;t know what its going to take for petes sake. As citizens and not a political party, we need to band together and vote all these people out. They are ruining our lives.

Check out this post. Notice the "links". That's what you need to do. Otherwise, you look like an idiot. Don't you realize that?
There are tons of people that need to wake up. If they continue to vote for Obama again after he has shown he is a failure to us all, then we are in deep trouble. I wish the Obama supporters would wake up. I don;t know what its going to take for petes sake. As citizens and not a political party, we need to band together and vote all these people out. They are ruining our lives.

Personal responsibility. Try some.

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