Voting by Mail...Oops!


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
It’s their forte
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
the source is the conservative Real clear Politics. The only good thing coming out of that website is that they post poll numbers
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.

WE have had mailin voting for the last 30 years of so and it's worked well. And it's been closely monitored before, during and after. The ONLY fraud that's been found has been done by Republicans and that's been dealt with except in one case. Why that one case wasn't is beyond me but the Republicans all joined hands for a rousing round of Kumbiya for that County Clerk to keep her job.

So don't give me the song and dance about it's only the Dems that are cheating. There are enough cases of the Republicans cheating to boggle anyone mind. Both sides will cheat if the Voters allow it. We just don't allow it here.
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.

WE have had mailin voting for the last 30 years of so and it's worked well. And it's been closely monitored before, during and after. The ONLY fraud that's been found has been done by Republicans and that's been dealt with except in one case. Why that one case wasn't is beyond me but the Republicans all joined hands for a rousing round of Kumbiya for that County Clerk to keep her job.

So don't give me the song and dance about it's only the Dems that are cheating. There are enough cases of the Republicans cheating to boggle anyone mind. Both sides will cheat if the Voters allow it. We just don't allow it here.
Harvesting is the issue
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.

I've been voting by mail for 20+ years. As usual, the Orange Virus can go fuck himself. I don't heed anything the asshole says.
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
the crime here is election fraud, not voter fraud. These assholes were collecting ballots and not turning them in to the BoE, and they were not authorized to do so in the first place.

Its not the voters creating the problem, its the election process. The people overseeing the election process.
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
the crime here is election fraud, not voter fraud. These assholes were collecting ballots and not turning them in to the BoE, and they were not authorized to do so in the first place.

Its not the voters creating the problem, its the election process. The people overseeing the election process.

This is why we have a Before Audit, an Audit during and an After Election Audit. And even then, some criminal finds a way to try and fudge the system. Oh, they get bagged sooner or later but they keep trying.
Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
APWU + USPIS is intercepting mail from conservatives. Management at your local post office is exclusively Democrat, since Katherine Archuleta at the OPM vetted all the hires who now have seniority in the union. Republican ballots at the post office may be considered junk mail and incinerated by order of the local health commissioner because of COVID-19 ®.
Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
APWU + USPIS is intercepting mail from conservatives. Management at your local post office is exclusively Democrat, since Katherine Archuleta at the OPM vetted all the hires who now have seniority in the union. Republican ballots at the post office may be considered junk mail and incinerated by order of the local health commissioner because of COVID-19 ®.

You cretins are looking for anything to try and tell us why you are losing so badly.
Following accusations of widespread fraud, voter intimidation, and ballot theft in the May 12 municipal elections in Paterson, N.J., state Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal (pictured) announced Thursday he is charging four men with voter fraud – including the vice president of the City Council and a candidate for that body.
With races still undecided, control of the council hangs in the balance. Paterson is New Jersey’s third largest city and the election will decide the fate of a municipal budget in excess of $300 million, in addition to hundreds of millions more in education spending and state aid.

In the City Council election, 16,747 vote-by-mail ballots were received, but only 13,557 votes were counted. More than 3,190 votes, 19% of the total ballots cast, were disqualified by the board of elections. Due to the pandemic, Paterson’s election was done through vote-by-mail. Community organizations, such as the city’s NAACP chapter, are calling for the entire election to be invalidated.

[Almost 1 in 5 ballots were thrown out. What does that tell you?]

Over 800 ballots in Paterson were invalidated for appearing in mailboxes improperly bundled together – including a one mailbox where hundreds of ballots were in a single packet. The bundles were turned over to law enforcement to investigate potential criminal activity related to the collection of the ballots.

The board of elections disqualified another 2,300 ballots after concluding that the signatures on them did not match the signatures on voter records.

Reporting by NBC further uncovered citizens of Paterson who are listed as having voted, but who told the news outlet they never received a ballot and did not vote. One woman, Ramona Javier, after being shown the list of people on her block who allegedly voted, told the outlet she knew of eight family members and neighbors who were wrongly listed. “We did not receive vote-by-mail ballots and thus we did not vote,” she said. “This is corruption. This is fraud.”

There were multiple reports that large numbers of mail-in ballots were left on the lobby floors of apartment buildings and not delivered to residents’ individual mailboxes, further casting doubt on the integrity of the election.

[This is election integrity?]

But as noted in Salmon’s legal complaint, Paterson was just one of 31 municipalities in New Jersey that held vote-by-mail elections on May 12. The average disqualification rate for mail-in ballots in all 31 elections across the state was an alarming 9.6%. (The ballot rejection rate drops to 8.1% if Paterson’s results are excluded.)

At the same time, dozens of lawsuits have been filed across the country contesting state requirements used to certify mail-in ballots. “Among the main targets are witness and signature requirements for absentee ballots -- such as signing the envelope, or getting a witness or notary to sign it, or making sure the voter's signature is legible,” notes an NPR report earlier this month.

Those lawsuits seeking to expand vote-by-mail include one brought in Nevada earlier year, which aims to do away with signature verification on mail-in ballots altogether – even though ballot signatures not matching voter records was the reason Paterson disqualified over 2,300 ballots.

IMHO, anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is either a fool or a bald-faced liar. Check this out from my link:

Rick Hasen, professor of law and political science at the University of California, Irvine, acknowledged on the Election Law Blog last month that there’s “genuine absentee ballot fraud scandal going on in Paterson, New Jersey and it is going to get a lot of national attention.” Hasen argues that it’s not cause for concern, however, noting there were only 491 prosecutions related to absentee ballots nationwide between 2000 and 2012.

“The rise in vote by mail should lead to increased vigilance against this sort of activity,” he wrote on May 20. “But the push to expand vote by mail is worth it given the great health benefits of increased voting by mail during a pandemic, the small risk of fraud, and the likelihood that fraud will get caught.”

Despite Hasen’s sanguine attitude, the problems in Paterson have received virtually no national attention so far. Salmon and Paster say they’ve had inquiries from only two national news outlets, and almost all coverage of the problems and fraud allegations in Paterson have been confined to local news outlets.

ONLY 491 prosecutions, huh? Anybody want to wager how many other instances of mail ballot fraud there were/are/will be that go un-noticed or uncharged? I think there's a very real chance that the next presidential election will hinge on invalid ballots in key states. And I don't think anything can or will be done about it.
Following accusations of widespread fraud, voter intimidation, and ballot theft in the May 12 municipal elections in Paterson, N.J., state Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal (pictured) announced Thursday he is charging four men with voter fraud – including the vice president of the City Council and a candidate for that body.
With races still undecided, control of the council hangs in the balance. Paterson is New Jersey’s third largest city and the election will decide the fate of a municipal budget in excess of $300 million, in addition to hundreds of millions more in education spending and state aid.

In the City Council election, 16,747 vote-by-mail ballots were received, but only 13,557 votes were counted. More than 3,190 votes, 19% of the total ballots cast, were disqualified by the board of elections. Due to the pandemic, Paterson’s election was done through vote-by-mail. Community organizations, such as the city’s NAACP chapter, are calling for the entire election to be invalidated.

[Almost 1 in 5 ballots were thrown out. What does that tell you?]

Over 800 ballots in Paterson were invalidated for appearing in mailboxes improperly bundled together – including a one mailbox where hundreds of ballots were in a single packet. The bundles were turned over to law enforcement to investigate potential criminal activity related to the collection of the ballots.

The board of elections disqualified another 2,300 ballots after concluding that the signatures on them did not match the signatures on voter records.

Reporting by NBC further uncovered citizens of Paterson who are listed as having voted, but who told the news outlet they never received a ballot and did not vote. One woman, Ramona Javier, after being shown the list of people on her block who allegedly voted, told the outlet she knew of eight family members and neighbors who were wrongly listed. “We did not receive vote-by-mail ballots and thus we did not vote,” she said. “This is corruption. This is fraud.”

There were multiple reports that large numbers of mail-in ballots were left on the lobby floors of apartment buildings and not delivered to residents’ individual mailboxes, further casting doubt on the integrity of the election.

[This is election integrity?]

But as noted in Salmon’s legal complaint, Paterson was just one of 31 municipalities in New Jersey that held vote-by-mail elections on May 12. The average disqualification rate for mail-in ballots in all 31 elections across the state was an alarming 9.6%. (The ballot rejection rate drops to 8.1% if Paterson’s results are excluded.)

At the same time, dozens of lawsuits have been filed across the country contesting state requirements used to certify mail-in ballots. “Among the main targets are witness and signature requirements for absentee ballots -- such as signing the envelope, or getting a witness or notary to sign it, or making sure the voter's signature is legible,” notes an NPR report earlier this month.

Those lawsuits seeking to expand vote-by-mail include one brought in Nevada earlier year, which aims to do away with signature verification on mail-in ballots altogether – even though ballot signatures not matching voter records was the reason Paterson disqualified over 2,300 ballots.

IMHO, anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is either a fool or a bald-faced liar. Check this out from my link:

Rick Hasen, professor of law and political science at the University of California, Irvine, acknowledged on the Election Law Blog last month that there’s “genuine absentee ballot fraud scandal going on in Paterson, New Jersey and it is going to get a lot of national attention.” Hasen argues that it’s not cause for concern, however, noting there were only 491 prosecutions related to absentee ballots nationwide between 2000 and 2012.

“The rise in vote by mail should lead to increased vigilance against this sort of activity,” he wrote on May 20. “But the push to expand vote by mail is worth it given the great health benefits of increased voting by mail during a pandemic, the small risk of fraud, and the likelihood that fraud will get caught.”

Despite Hasen’s sanguine attitude, the problems in Paterson have received virtually no national attention so far. Salmon and Paster say they’ve had inquiries from only two national news outlets, and almost all coverage of the problems and fraud allegations in Paterson have been confined to local news outlets.

ONLY 491 prosecutions, huh? Anybody want to wager how many other instances of mail ballot fraud there were/are/will be that go un-noticed or uncharged? I think there's a very real chance that the next presidential election will hinge on invalid ballots in key states. And I don't think anything can or will be done about it.

Actually, this story really does prove that attempts at voter fraud fail. That they system is NOT as easy to defraud as Republicans would have you believe, and that checks and balances put in place to detect fraud, are working.

Did these guys get away with it? No they did not. What this proves is that the system to detect any fraud attempts, actually work.

Your OP is a total fail.
Following accusations of widespread fraud, voter intimidation, and ballot theft in the May 12 municipal elections in Paterson, N.J., state Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal (pictured) announced Thursday he is charging four men with voter fraud – including the vice president of the City Council and a candidate for that body.
With races still undecided, control of the council hangs in the balance. Paterson is New Jersey’s third largest city and the election will decide the fate of a municipal budget in excess of $300 million, in addition to hundreds of millions more in education spending and state aid.

In the City Council election, 16,747 vote-by-mail ballots were received, but only 13,557 votes were counted. More than 3,190 votes, 19% of the total ballots cast, were disqualified by the board of elections. Due to the pandemic, Paterson’s election was done through vote-by-mail. Community organizations, such as the city’s NAACP chapter, are calling for the entire election to be invalidated.

[Almost 1 in 5 ballots were thrown out. What does that tell you?]

Over 800 ballots in Paterson were invalidated for appearing in mailboxes improperly bundled together – including a one mailbox where hundreds of ballots were in a single packet. The bundles were turned over to law enforcement to investigate potential criminal activity related to the collection of the ballots.

The board of elections disqualified another 2,300 ballots after concluding that the signatures on them did not match the signatures on voter records.

Reporting by NBC further uncovered citizens of Paterson who are listed as having voted, but who told the news outlet they never received a ballot and did not vote. One woman, Ramona Javier, after being shown the list of people on her block who allegedly voted, told the outlet she knew of eight family members and neighbors who were wrongly listed. “We did not receive vote-by-mail ballots and thus we did not vote,” she said. “This is corruption. This is fraud.”

There were multiple reports that large numbers of mail-in ballots were left on the lobby floors of apartment buildings and not delivered to residents’ individual mailboxes, further casting doubt on the integrity of the election.

[This is election integrity?]

But as noted in Salmon’s legal complaint, Paterson was just one of 31 municipalities in New Jersey that held vote-by-mail elections on May 12. The average disqualification rate for mail-in ballots in all 31 elections across the state was an alarming 9.6%. (The ballot rejection rate drops to 8.1% if Paterson’s results are excluded.)

At the same time, dozens of lawsuits have been filed across the country contesting state requirements used to certify mail-in ballots. “Among the main targets are witness and signature requirements for absentee ballots -- such as signing the envelope, or getting a witness or notary to sign it, or making sure the voter's signature is legible,” notes an NPR report earlier this month.

Those lawsuits seeking to expand vote-by-mail include one brought in Nevada earlier year, which aims to do away with signature verification on mail-in ballots altogether – even though ballot signatures not matching voter records was the reason Paterson disqualified over 2,300 ballots.

IMHO, anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is either a fool or a bald-faced liar. Check this out from my link:

Rick Hasen, professor of law and political science at the University of California, Irvine, acknowledged on the Election Law Blog last month that there’s “genuine absentee ballot fraud scandal going on in Paterson, New Jersey and it is going to get a lot of national attention.” Hasen argues that it’s not cause for concern, however, noting there were only 491 prosecutions related to absentee ballots nationwide between 2000 and 2012.

“The rise in vote by mail should lead to increased vigilance against this sort of activity,” he wrote on May 20. “But the push to expand vote by mail is worth it given the great health benefits of increased voting by mail during a pandemic, the small risk of fraud, and the likelihood that fraud will get caught.”

Despite Hasen’s sanguine attitude, the problems in Paterson have received virtually no national attention so far. Salmon and Paster say they’ve had inquiries from only two national news outlets, and almost all coverage of the problems and fraud allegations in Paterson have been confined to local news outlets.

ONLY 491 prosecutions, huh? Anybody want to wager how many other instances of mail ballot fraud there were/are/will be that go un-noticed or uncharged? I think there's a very real chance that the next presidential election will hinge on invalid ballots in key states. And I don't think anything can or will be done about it.

The American Taliban thrives on cheating. They're even against an accurate voter database as an "existential threat"

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party
Following accusations of widespread fraud, voter intimidation, and ballot theft in the May 12 municipal elections in Paterson, N.J., state Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal (pictured) announced Thursday he is charging four men with voter fraud – including the vice president of the City Council and a candidate for that body.
With races still undecided, control of the council hangs in the balance. Paterson is New Jersey’s third largest city and the election will decide the fate of a municipal budget in excess of $300 million, in addition to hundreds of millions more in education spending and state aid.

In the City Council election, 16,747 vote-by-mail ballots were received, but only 13,557 votes were counted. More than 3,190 votes, 19% of the total ballots cast, were disqualified by the board of elections. Due to the pandemic, Paterson’s election was done through vote-by-mail. Community organizations, such as the city’s NAACP chapter, are calling for the entire election to be invalidated.

[Almost 1 in 5 ballots were thrown out. What does that tell you?]

Over 800 ballots in Paterson were invalidated for appearing in mailboxes improperly bundled together – including a one mailbox where hundreds of ballots were in a single packet. The bundles were turned over to law enforcement to investigate potential criminal activity related to the collection of the ballots.

The board of elections disqualified another 2,300 ballots after concluding that the signatures on them did not match the signatures on voter records.

Reporting by NBC further uncovered citizens of Paterson who are listed as having voted, but who told the news outlet they never received a ballot and did not vote. One woman, Ramona Javier, after being shown the list of people on her block who allegedly voted, told the outlet she knew of eight family members and neighbors who were wrongly listed. “We did not receive vote-by-mail ballots and thus we did not vote,” she said. “This is corruption. This is fraud.”

There were multiple reports that large numbers of mail-in ballots were left on the lobby floors of apartment buildings and not delivered to residents’ individual mailboxes, further casting doubt on the integrity of the election.

[This is election integrity?]

But as noted in Salmon’s legal complaint, Paterson was just one of 31 municipalities in New Jersey that held vote-by-mail elections on May 12. The average disqualification rate for mail-in ballots in all 31 elections across the state was an alarming 9.6%. (The ballot rejection rate drops to 8.1% if Paterson’s results are excluded.)

At the same time, dozens of lawsuits have been filed across the country contesting state requirements used to certify mail-in ballots. “Among the main targets are witness and signature requirements for absentee ballots -- such as signing the envelope, or getting a witness or notary to sign it, or making sure the voter's signature is legible,” notes an NPR report earlier this month.

Those lawsuits seeking to expand vote-by-mail include one brought in Nevada earlier year, which aims to do away with signature verification on mail-in ballots altogether – even though ballot signatures not matching voter records was the reason Paterson disqualified over 2,300 ballots.

IMHO, anyone who claims there is no voter fraud is either a fool or a bald-faced liar. Check this out from my link:

Rick Hasen, professor of law and political science at the University of California, Irvine, acknowledged on the Election Law Blog last month that there’s “genuine absentee ballot fraud scandal going on in Paterson, New Jersey and it is going to get a lot of national attention.” Hasen argues that it’s not cause for concern, however, noting there were only 491 prosecutions related to absentee ballots nationwide between 2000 and 2012.

“The rise in vote by mail should lead to increased vigilance against this sort of activity,” he wrote on May 20. “But the push to expand vote by mail is worth it given the great health benefits of increased voting by mail during a pandemic, the small risk of fraud, and the likelihood that fraud will get caught.”

Despite Hasen’s sanguine attitude, the problems in Paterson have received virtually no national attention so far. Salmon and Paster say they’ve had inquiries from only two national news outlets, and almost all coverage of the problems and fraud allegations in Paterson have been confined to local news outlets.

ONLY 491 prosecutions, huh? Anybody want to wager how many other instances of mail ballot fraud there were/are/will be that go un-noticed or uncharged? I think there's a very real chance that the next presidential election will hinge on invalid ballots in key states. And I don't think anything can or will be done about it.

Actually, this story really does prove that attempts at voter fraud fail. That they system is NOT as easy to defraud as Republicans would have you believe, and that checks and balances put in place to detect fraud, are working.

Did these guys get away with it? No they did not. What this proves is that the system to detect any fraud attempts, actually work.

Your OP is a total fail.
You are dumb enough to think every drunk driver is caught too, huh?

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