Voting by Mail...Oops!


"Out of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud. Only 26 of those cases, or about .00000013 percent of the votes cast, resulted in convictions or guilty pleas."

Measures to prevent virtually non-existent voter fraud are a solution in search of a problem.
Actually, this story really does prove that attempts at voter fraud fail. That they system is NOT as easy to defraud as Republicans would have you believe, and that checks and balances put in place to detect fraud, are working.

Did these guys get away with it? No they did not. What this proves is that the system to detect any fraud attempts, actually work.

Your OP is a total fail.

Do you really think that any and all voter fraud attempts are identified and prosecuted? How many do you think go un-noticed, and how many go un-prosecuted for lack of evidence that will stand up in court. Still guilty but no charges. There were several swing states that went to Trump that coulda gone the other way, and might this time if enough fraudulent ballots are counted.
"Out of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud. Only 26 of those cases, or about .00000013 percent of the votes cast, resulted in convictions or guilty pleas."

Measures to prevent virtually non-existent voter fraud are a solution in search of a problem.

Read post #11 and then say that. The number of convictions does not in any way correlate to the actual number of fraudulent ballots or the actual number of voter fraud that really did happen. IOW, you are a fool.
Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
the crime here is election fraud, not voter fraud. These assholes were collecting ballots and not turning them in to the BoE, and they were not authorized to do so in the first place.

Its not the voters creating the problem, its the election process. The people overseeing the election process.

democrats use fraud as the primary means of winning elections.

Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
the crime here is election fraud, not voter fraud. These assholes were collecting ballots and not turning them in to the BoE, and they were not authorized to do so in the first place.

Its not the voters creating the problem, its the election process. The people overseeing the election process.

democrats use fraud as the primary means of winning elections.

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Truly, nothing more need be said. Fraudlent ballots, massive ballot harvesting, what a fucking joke.

And Lefties marvel at the facts that Democrats WANT vote-by-mail, and Republicans FEAR it.
the crime here is election fraud, not voter fraud. These assholes were collecting ballots and not turning them in to the BoE, and they were not authorized to do so in the first place.

Its not the voters creating the problem, its the election process. The people overseeing the election process.

democrats use fraud as the primary means of winning elections.

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The Democrat Media Complex has ZERO credibility - NO ONE believes the shit the party propagandists spew - no one.

It's going from bad to worse. The labor-union USPIS cops are on a potty break and they won't even let one of their own DEMOCRAT Congresswomen in for a surprise inspection without giving the workers an opportunity to clean the shop floor and sweep the most incriminating shit under the rug.

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