Voter ID: How about this?

It's not my fault that you pay no attention to the news.

A search engine, if you were capable of Critical Thinking, would be your friend.

So you have NONE.

It's funny. Before now, you tards have been happy to copy and paste all kinds of voter fraud examples in every Voter ID topic we have ever had. But every one of them was chopped down because Voter ID does not stop absentee ballot fraud or poll worker fraud. And I embarrassed the shit out of some of you as I pointed out some of the examples of voter fraud posted here were committed in states which already have Voter ID.

So it is not my fault you don't have any. It just proves my point. You can't find any.

The next time you hear someone was arrested for voter fraud, take the goddam six seconds it requires to ask yourself, "How would Voter ID have stopped or prevented this?"

And maybe then it will finally fucking dawn on you. "D'oh! It wouldn't/didn't!"
The tards were having a lot of fun posting Melowese Richardson's photo on this forum as proof we need Voter ID.

Until I pointed out she committed her fraud in Ohio, which has had Voter ID since 2006.

I don't understand the case against having voter ID in America. It's sheer lunacy.
More importantly, I don't understand why those that oppose voter ID because of the supposed discrimination against low-income voters do not support the suggestions offered in the OP.
They certainly have not given any rational reasoning against them.
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It's not my fault that you pay no attention to the news.

A search engine, if you were capable of Critical Thinking, would be your friend.

So you have NONE.

It's funny. Before now, you tards have been happy to copy and paste all kinds of voter fraud examples in every Voter ID topic we have ever had. But every one of them was chopped down because Voter ID does not stop absentee ballot fraud or poll worker fraud. And I embarrassed the shit out of some of you as I pointed out some of the examples of voter fraud posted here were committed in states which already have Voter ID.

So it is not my fault you don't have any. It just proves my point. You can't find any.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to purposely ignore the post I directed at you which proves you wrong and then keep harping on the now refuted line that there is no evidence? Does "a little stupid" meet the requirement or do you need to go "whole hog stupid" to play this card of yours?

I will give you a hint. Every case of impersonation fraud the Voter ID tards have posted on this forum as evidence we need Voter ID has been absentee ballot fraud. Every single one!.

I don't think so. This doesn't look like absentee ballot fraud to me:

  • In 1970, the witness voted at least 10 times, at 10 different polling places, using bogus registration cards. He was part of a crew of five persons, each of whom was paid $40 for the day's activities.
  • In the 1972 Democratic primary election, he received a promotion to crew chief, running a crew of five members.
  • By 1974, his crew had grown to eight members, each of whom voted in excess of 20 times, and there were approximately 20 other crews operating during that election.
  • In 1976, the grand jury witness led a crew of five people who cast at least 100 fraudulent votes.
  • Moreover, the same witness had been present at a meeting prior to election day that was "attended by twenty crew chiefs."[21] If the other crews averaged as many fraudulent votes, then there would have been at least 2,000 phony votes cast in that election without detection by precinct poll workers or election officials.
  • By 1982, the witness "was to have provided twenty-five workers to vote in a Congressional primary election again using bogus voter registration cards."[22]
1. Has never been demonstrated to be the sole means to stop or prevent voter fraud.

2. Wastes taxpayer dollars.

3. Provides a false sense of security.

There. I tried to make it as simple as possible, but I guarantee you right now some tard sees this:

1. There is no fraud.

2. I want fraud.

3. ObamaCare forever, dudes!
It's not my fault that you pay no attention to the news.

A search engine, if you were capable of Critical Thinking, would be your friend.

So you have NONE.

It's funny. Before now, you tards have been happy to copy and paste all kinds of voter fraud examples in every Voter ID topic we have ever had. But every one of them was chopped down because Voter ID does not stop absentee ballot fraud or poll worker fraud. And I embarrassed the shit out of some of you as I pointed out some of the examples of voter fraud posted here were committed in states which already have Voter ID.

So it is not my fault you don't have any. It just proves my point. You can't find any.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to purposely ignore the post I directed at you which proves you wrong and then keep harping on the now refuted line that there is no evidence? Does "a little stupid" meet the requirement or do you need to go "whole hog stupid" to play this card of yours?

I will give you a hint. Every case of impersonation fraud the Voter ID tards have posted on this forum as evidence we need Voter ID has been absentee ballot fraud. Every single one!.

I don't think so. This doesn't look like absentee ballot fraud to me:

  • In 1970, the witness voted at least 10 times, at 10 different polling places, using bogus registration cards. He was part of a crew of five persons, each of whom was paid $40 for the day's activities.
  • In the 1972 Democratic primary election, he received a promotion to crew chief, running a crew of five members.
  • By 1974, his crew had grown to eight members, each of whom voted in excess of 20 times, and there were approximately 20 other crews operating during that election.
  • In 1976, the grand jury witness led a crew of five people who cast at least 100 fraudulent votes.
  • Moreover, the same witness had been present at a meeting prior to election day that was "attended by twenty crew chiefs."[21] If the other crews averaged as many fraudulent votes, then there would have been at least 2,000 phony votes cast in that election without detection by precinct poll workers or election officials.
  • By 1982, the witness "was to have provided twenty-five workers to vote in a Congressional primary election again using bogus voter registration cards."[22]
You had to go back nearly 45 years! And you found a single crew who could have been stopped or prevented without Voter ID.

Here was the problem, from your own link:

One of the key factors in the success of this scheme was the "advent of mail-in registration [in New York] in 1976 [which] made the creation of bogus registration cards even easier and less subject to detection."

There's your problem. Not a lack of Voter ID.

That problem no longer exists. The problem was solved by the state decades ago. Why do you want Voter ID for a problem that does not exist any more, and was not caused by a lack of Voter ID?

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Voter ID proponents often whine that you have to show ID to get food stamps, therefore you should have to show ID to vote.

It is one of the dumber arguments.

So I asked that since you have to show ID to get food stamps, why not register people to vote when they get food stamps.

M14 said the process is different for getting food stamps than it is registering to vote, thus once again PROVING MY POINT that these are apples and oranges fallacies.

As I noted earlier in the thread: signing people up to vote when they receive transfer payment is COERCION.

No it isn't. You simply ask them, "Would you like to be registered to vote as long as you are here getting your food stamps?"

That is not coercion.

You don't know much about human psychology, do you?
Like somebody said. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

Not even a 45 year old problem that doesn't exist any more will help legitimize Voter ID.
Voter ID proponents often whine that you have to show ID to get food stamps, therefore you should have to show ID to vote.

It is one of the dumber arguments.

So I asked that since you have to show ID to get food stamps, why not register people to vote when they get food stamps.

M14 said the process is different for getting food stamps than it is registering to vote, thus once again PROVING MY POINT that these are apples and oranges fallacies.

As I noted earlier in the thread: signing people up to vote when they receive transfer payment is COERCION.

No it isn't. You simply ask them, "Would you like to be registered to vote as long as you are here getting your food stamps?"

That is not coercion.

You don't know much about human psychology, do you?
When I moved to the state I now live in, when I got my driver's license the DMV asked me if I wanted to register to vote while I was there.

Boy, I sure felt like I was being waterboarded, let me tell you!
Voter ID proponents often whine that you have to show ID to get food stamps, therefore you should have to show ID to vote.

It is one of the dumber arguments.

So I asked that since you have to show ID to get food stamps, why not register people to vote when they get food stamps.

M14 said the process is different for getting food stamps than it is registering to vote, thus once again PROVING MY POINT that these are apples and oranges fallacies.

As I noted earlier in the thread: signing people up to vote when they receive transfer payment is COERCION.

No it isn't. You simply ask them, "Would you like to be registered to vote as long as you are here getting your food stamps?"

That is not coercion.

You don't know much about human psychology, do you?
When I moved to the state I now live in, when I got my driver's license the DMV asked me if I wanted to register to vote while I was there.

Boy, I sure felt like I was being waterboarded, let me tell you!

Was the DMV giving you a welfare check?
G5000 just wants to win elections. Nothing else matters.

To win implies an honest contest. G5000 isn't so spastic about this because he wants Democrats to win elections, he wants to protect their ability to steal elections. No one with integrity gets upset at the idea of fair and honest elections.
G5000 just wants to win elections. Nothing else matters.

To win implies an honest contest. G5000 isn't so spastic about this because he wants Democrats to win elections, he wants to protect their ability to steal elections. No one with integrity gets upset at the idea of fair and honest elections.

I told you guys. I post "Wastes taxpayer dollars" and a tard hears, "I want fraud."


Someone should do a doctoral thesis on this phenomenon. Seriously.
Do we have a number yet? How many illegal votes to ensure Hagen wins?
This sudden rash of Voter ID topics tells me the New Right is suffering a serious case of flop sweat over the upcoming mid terms. Trying to poison the well so that if/when they lose, they can cry, "We wuz robbed!" and all the rubes will chug that piss.

This is what the "leadership" does instead of coming up with plans to solve the real problems facing our country.

The bar for who they want running their party has been set so freaking low by the rubes it isn't funny any more.
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?

I am fine with that.

And apply the exact same standards to vote by mail.
G5000 just wants to win elections. Nothing else matters.

To win implies an honest contest. G5000 isn't so spastic about this because he wants Democrats to win elections, he wants to protect their ability to steal elections. No one with integrity gets upset at the idea of fair and honest elections.

I told you guys. I post "Wastes taxpayer dollars" and a tard hears, "I want fraud."


Someone should do a doctoral thesis on this phenomenon. Seriously.

"Your Honor, I didn't rob that bank and I don't see why the police thought I did just because I was carrying bags of money with the bank's name stamped on the bags."

You declaring your intentions doesn't work so well when your arguments point to other rationales.
Ronald Reagan: "I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me."

Yeah. I'm feeling you, Ron. Except it is the Republican Party that has left the reservation this time.
G5000 just wants to win elections. Nothing else matters.

To win implies an honest contest. G5000 isn't so spastic about this because he wants Democrats to win elections, he wants to protect their ability to steal elections. No one with integrity gets upset at the idea of fair and honest elections.

I told you guys. I post "Wastes taxpayer dollars" and a tard hears, "I want fraud."


Someone should do a doctoral thesis on this phenomenon. Seriously.

"Your Honor, I didn't rob that bank and I don't see why the police thought I did just because I was carrying bags of money with the bank's name stamped on the bags."

You declaring your intentions doesn't work so well when your arguments point to other rationales.
You are the one who wants to waste taxpayer dollars that could be spent on things which would actually stop fraud. So if anyone is FOR fraud, it is Voter ID proponents.

You have been brainwashed into a false sense of security.
Do we have a number yet? How many illegal votes to ensure Hagen wins?

Probably need about 8 trunk loads of "forgotten" ballot boxes stashed at various locations around the state to insure victory.

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