Virgins.. out of favor?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I believe in the double standard, my son go for it, my daughters, wait until your married.
Have mothers and fathers given up and just expect their daughters are going to lose it nowadays?
Virgins have always been out of favor with me, even when I was one.

Who the hell wants to sleep with some pimply faced blow up doll that just lays there and groans?

I like my sex like my boxing, knock me out before I knock you out, bite an ear off if turns you on.

But no biting below the belt!!!!!!!
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Do you support your daughters boyfriends "going for it"?

Sure they can go for it somewhere else.... I had a virgin regular gal all through high school but had plenty of gals that did also.
Do you support your daughters boyfriends "going for it"?

Sure they can go for it somewhere else.... I had a virgin regular gal all through high school but had plenty of gals that did also.

Then you have a problem, it's a double standard that compromises your stance on your daughters. You can't expect other boys to behave any different than you teach your son to, even your daughter's boyfriends. Thus why double standards are bad.
Do you support your daughters boyfriends "going for it"?

Sure they can go for it somewhere else.... I had a virgin regular gal all through high school but had plenty of gals that did also.

Then you have a problem, it's a double standard that compromises your stance on your daughters. You can't expect other boys to behave any different than you teach your son to, even your daughter's boyfriends. Thus why double standards are bad.

The day guys can get knocked up is the day I'll drop the double standard.
Guys and gals look at sex from a different point of view.
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I do not have a daughter, (yet, I till many fields) but if I did I would teach her to be a clever whore, just like Cleopatra or Aspasia.

The pussy has infinate power if one knows how to connect it with the brain.

The penis is always an idiot.
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I believe in the double standard, my son go for it, my daughters, wait until your married.
Have mothers and fathers given up and just expect their daughters are going to lose it nowadays?
Why would you want your daughter to go into a marriage having no idea if she and her future husband were sexually compatible?
Why would you urge your son to put himself at risk for contracting or even passing on a STD by just going for it whenever the opportunity presented itself?
I believe in the double standard, my son go for it, my daughters, wait until your married.
Have mothers and fathers given up and just expect their daughters are going to lose it nowadays?
Why would you want your daughter to go into a marriage having no idea if she and her future husband were sexually compatible?
Why would you urge your son to put himself at risk for contracting or even passing on a STD by just going for it whenever the opportunity presented itself?

If you raise your daughters to be warm and loving people and they select a mate that has similar values, making love would hardly be a problem.

I would expected my son to be choosy in the past and made that fairly clear. Always go for quality over quantity.
It depends on whom you talk to. Some parents have given up, some still teach morality, and some encourage their kids to screw as many people as they can. That's America for you.
Do you support your daughters boyfriends "going for it"?

Sure they can go for it somewhere else.... I had a virgin regular gal all through high school but had plenty of gals that did also.

Then you have a problem, it's a double standard that compromises your stance on your daughters. You can't expect other boys to behave any different than you teach your son to, even your daughter's boyfriends. Thus why double standards are bad.

He can prevent a double-standard if he encourages his sons to go for gay sex.
Hey, now that wasn't productive.
But don't good parents always want more for their kids than they had themselves? :lol:

The original question was about virginity, has it fallen from favor and do parents just expect it to happen and prepare accordingly.?. mind answering.. preferable without the insults..:lol::lol:

Funny you should ask. I didn't expect my boys to wait til marriage and I think expecting our children to wait is unrealistic. Maybe when people were getting married at 18 it was ok; but now many wait until 25-30. But my boys were recently discussing "slutty girls" and said they would never date one. In fact, my younger son broke up with his girlfriend when he found out she wasn't a virgin (she was only a freshman). I don't think they expect their girlfriends to be chaste, but I still believe most males have an old fashioned view about who they want to marry. No one wants to hear "your kids' mother was a whore in high school".
But don't good parents always want more for their kids than they had themselves? :lol:

The original question was about virginity, has it fallen from favor and do parents just expect it to happen and prepare accordingly.?. mind answering.. preferable without the insults..:lol::lol:

Funny you should ask. I didn't expect my boys to wait til marriage and I think expecting our children to wait is unrealistic. Maybe when people were getting married at 18 it was ok; but now many wait until 25-30. But my boys were recently discussing "slutty girls" and said they would never date one. In fact, my younger son broke up with his girlfriend when he found out she wasn't a virgin (she was only a freshman). I don't think they expect their girlfriends to be chaste, but I still believe most males have an old fashioned view about who they want to marry. No one wants to hear "your kids' mother was a whore in high school".

I talk about my son going out and boinking the babes and I know he did a certain amount of that. Before he left for boot camp he had fallen in love with his high school sweetheart. He remained true to her until they were married a little over a year ago. He had women begging him for sex but declined them all, much to my amazement.
Wow. My older son dated the same girl for four years in high school. They broke up right before they left for college (which was inevitable). But it was like a divorce. Our families were very close, and a year later, we still get together. I always said to them "I wish you guys had met in ten years".

That's wonderful about your son. I think a good daughter in law brings out the best in our boys. My mother in law still tells me that.
Sure they can go for it somewhere else.... I had a virgin regular gal all through high school but had plenty of gals that did also.

Then you have a problem, it's a double standard that compromises your stance on your daughters. You can't expect other boys to behave any different than you teach your son to, even your daughter's boyfriends. Thus why double standards are bad.

The day guys can get knocked up is the day I'll drop the double standard.
Guys and gals look at sex from a different point of view.

An observation NOT to be taken lightly, I might add. :lol:
Sure they can go for it somewhere else.... I had a virgin regular gal all through high school but had plenty of gals that did also.

Then you have a problem, it's a double standard that compromises your stance on your daughters. You can't expect other boys to behave any different than you teach your son to, even your daughter's boyfriends. Thus why double standards are bad.

The day guys can get knocked up is the day I'll drop the double standard.
Guys and gals look at sex from a different point of view.

For every baby born some guy got knocked up right along with the girl.... The difference (and advantage) is that the guy has a 9 month head start to run away from the problem.

Women get stuck holding the package by a simple fact of biology - that is why they must, for reasons of self preservation, be somewhere between 51% and 100% responsible for the pregnancy.

Don't hate the player - hate the game.

On a side note: Imagine if you will a course of evolution on a different world where only the women who liked getting laid had babies because the males left the cold prudish bitches alone....

Would life be different now?

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