Virginia pastor who defiantly held church service dies after being infected with the coronavirus

Science: 1
Religion: 0

Really? So how about that AIDS death toll? Think it's a lot higher than the death tolls of evangelical preachers?

I think you missed the point by about a mile.

In this situation, the preacher didn't listen to the dangers explained by medicine. “I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that." And then he died. Science was correct - not his religious belief. Science wins that round.

As opposed to to the giant success story of atheism and 'rationalism' re faggots and their mental disorders contributing to the spread of a much deadlier disease just out of pure mindless self-indulgence? Yes, somehow 'science' and it's alleged fan club suddenly decided the 'scientific solution' to the AIDS Crisis was to legalize faggot 'marriage' ... the brilliance and rationality is indeed impressive ... lol lol lol so much for what the left wingers and sociopaths consider to be 'science'.

Who claimed that a scientific solution to AIDS was to legalize gay marriage?

All the deviants and their fans in the 1980's and 1990's ran around repeating the claims that if faggots were allowed to marry n stuff then the AIDS crisis would end

Show me a link of that being claimed as a scientific solution please.

Do your own homework. I don't play " I Touched You Last!!1" with assorted deviants, traitors, and trolls. Start with the APA and all those fake 'studies' over decades nobody seems to have actually read and can never link to.
Science: 1
Religion: 0

Really? So how about that AIDS death toll? Think it's a lot higher than the death tolls of evangelical preachers?

I think you missed the point by about a mile.

In this situation, the preacher didn't listen to the dangers explained by medicine. “I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that." And then he died. Science was correct - not his religious belief. Science wins that round.

As opposed to to the giant success story of atheism and 'rationalism' re faggots and their mental disorders contributing to the spread of a much deadlier disease just out of pure mindless self-indulgence? Yes, somehow 'science' and it's alleged fan club suddenly decided the 'scientific solution' to the AIDS Crisis was to legalize faggot 'marriage' ... the brilliance and rationality is indeed impressive ... lol lol lol so much for what the left wingers and sociopaths consider to be 'science'.

Who claimed that a scientific solution to AIDS was to legalize gay marriage?

All the deviants and their fans in the 1980's and 1990's ran around repeating the claims that if faggots were allowed to marry n stuff then the AIDS crisis would end

Show me a link of that being claimed as a scientific solution please.

Do your own homework. I don't play " I Touched You Last!!1" with assorted deviants, traitors, and trolls. Start with the APA and all those fake 'studies' over decades nobody seems to have actually read and can never link to.

So you made a bullshit claim that you can't support. Thanks for playing.
An evangelical pastor died of COVID-19 just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was — and vowing to keep preaching “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

In his last known in-person service on March 22, Bishop Gerald O. Glenn got his congregation at Richmond’s New Deliverance Evangelistic Church to stand to prove how many were there despite warnings against gatherings of more than 10 people.

“I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that,” he said, repeating it a second time to claps, saying that “people are healed” in his church.

Happily announcing he was being “controversial” by being “in violation” of safety protocols — with “way more than 10 people” at the church — he vowed to keep his church open “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

Just sad to see its a black pastor that allowed himself to get caught up in this Trump hysteria.

You can't fix stupid.
Yep, that pastor was dumb as fuck.

He wasn't dumb.

He just made a very bad and dumb choice.

He paid for it with his life.

Show some compassion.

I am a pastor of a church. I know all about compassion. I'm also at high risk for the Coronavirus. So, when our governor said he was shutting down the state and we were to shelter in place, I told my family that we were shutting the doors and not going out unless it was necessary. Nobody in and nobody out for those two weeks.

My wife has a 27 year old son that she insists on letting live here. He knew the rules. Since the governor locked down the state, my house has been party city with my wife and her stupid son thinking this is some kind of national holiday period. They are literally putting my life at risk. So, when people put the lives of others at risk for no reason, they are stupid, cruel, and do not deserve compassion.

Due to people like my family, the shelter in place law was extended until the end of this month. But, as long as stupid people treat it like a vacation, the numbers won't go down and we open the door for the pretext of Martial Law. Adding insult to injury when we got into a full blown argument, I called the cops as I had a fight with my wife's other son that ended with him having his wrist broken in two places and his arm fractured. Had I known the truth about those two, I'd be single right now. But, they represent the way most people are treating this.

We're setting up for podcasts and churches of any size can stream and do face time with their parishioners. What these preachers who defy the social distancing thing are doing is killing people. They are no less guilty of murder than if they turned a crazy man loose in your church with a loaded gun.
The preacher's desire to hold services may have been influenced by Trump but then again it may have been out of economic necessity to not miss any week without the passing of the collection plate. It is easy to imagine a church having difficulty in aiding those in need when just as restaurants, their doors are shut.

Hopefully only a few in the congregation were exposed to the virus through him. It is a rather sad situation.
An evangelical pastor died of COVID-19 just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was — and vowing to keep preaching “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

In his last known in-person service on March 22, Bishop Gerald O. Glenn got his congregation at Richmond’s New Deliverance Evangelistic Church to stand to prove how many were there despite warnings against gatherings of more than 10 people.

“I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that,” he said, repeating it a second time to claps, saying that “people are healed” in his church.

Happily announcing he was being “controversial” by being “in violation” of safety protocols — with “way more than 10 people” at the church — he vowed to keep his church open “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

Just sad to see its a black pastor that allowed himself to get caught up in this Trump hysteria.

You can't fix stupid.
Yep, that pastor was dumb as fuck.

He wasn't dumb.

He just made a very bad and dumb choice.

He paid for it with his life.

Show some compassion.

I am a pastor of a church. I know all about compassion. I'm also at high risk for the Coronavirus. So, when our governor said he was shutting down the state and we were to shelter in place, I told my family that we were shutting the doors and not going out unless it was necessary. Nobody in and nobody out for those two weeks.

My wife has a 27 year old son that she insists on letting live here. He knew the rules. Since the governor locked down the state, my house has been party city with my wife and her stupid son thinking this is some kind of national holiday period. They are literally putting my life at risk. So, when people put the lives of others at risk for no reason, they are stupid, cruel, and do not deserve compassion.

Due to people like my family, the shelter in place law was extended until the end of this month. But, as long as stupid people treat it like a vacation, the numbers won't go down and we open the door for the pretext of Martial Law. Adding insult to injury when we got into a full blown argument, I called the cops as I had a fight with my wife's other son that ended with him having his wrist broken in two places and his arm fractured. Had I known the truth about those two, I'd be single right now. But, they represent the way most people are treating this.

We're setting up for podcasts and churches of any size can stream and do face time with their parishioners. What these preachers who defy the social distancing thing are doing is killing people. They are no less guilty of murder than if they turned a crazy man loose in your church with a loaded gun.

There were disturbing yet revealing elements of your read, screed, or whatevs Worked for me. Thx!
An evangelical pastor died of COVID-19 just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was — and vowing to keep preaching “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

In his last known in-person service on March 22, Bishop Gerald O. Glenn got his congregation at Richmond’s New Deliverance Evangelistic Church to stand to prove how many were there despite warnings against gatherings of more than 10 people.

“I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that,” he said, repeating it a second time to claps, saying that “people are healed” in his church.

Happily announcing he was being “controversial” by being “in violation” of safety protocols — with “way more than 10 people” at the church — he vowed to keep his church open “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

Just sad to see its a black pastor that allowed himself to get caught up in this Trump hysteria.

You can't fix stupid.
Yep, that pastor was dumb as fuck.

He wasn't dumb.

He just made a very bad and dumb choice.

He paid for it with his life.

Show some compassion.
He was an dumb as all the Rabbis and Jews who died from C19 because they thought God would protect them from a plague.
Libs are putting churches into bankruptcy and they know it. That's what the atheist liberals want. Nobody puts their cash in the donation basket when they're watching a church podcast.
An evangelical pastor died of COVID-19 just weeks after proudly showing off how packed his Virginia church was — and vowing to keep preaching “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

In his last known in-person service on March 22, Bishop Gerald O. Glenn got his congregation at Richmond’s New Deliverance Evangelistic Church to stand to prove how many were there despite warnings against gatherings of more than 10 people.

“I firmly believe that God is larger than this dreaded virus. You can quote me on that,” he said, repeating it a second time to claps, saying that “people are healed” in his church.

Happily announcing he was being “controversial” by being “in violation” of safety protocols — with “way more than 10 people” at the church — he vowed to keep his church open “unless I’m in jail or the hospital.”

Just sad to see its a black pastor that allowed himself to get caught up in this Trump hysteria.

Wouldn't that mean God wanted him to die?
Your comment makes no sense; not that I’m surprised.
What part is confusing you dunce?
Your glee
No one is happy that religious leaders think they are invincible.
People and leaders of all religions are dying.
There are a of Rabbis who are acting irresponsibly and many have died from C19 in the last month.
The anti-God left IS clearly happy.

The "pro-God" right cant explain why God didn't protect him from dying.
Libs are putting churches into bankruptcy and they know it. That's what the atheist liberals want. Nobody puts their cash in the donation basket when they're watching a church podcast.

Partially true, but a real believer should do it the old fashioned way and write a check and send it to the church's physical address.
Your comment makes no sense; not that I’m surprised.
What part is confusing you dunce?
Your glee
No one is happy that religious leaders think they are invincible.
People and leaders of all religions are dying.
There are a of Rabbis who are acting irresponsibly and many have died from C19 in the last month.
The anti-God left IS clearly happy.

The "pro-God" right cant explain why God didn't protect him from dying.
you'd never understand why people die by the hands of god.

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