Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
In Canada we don't need people spying, we are selling the most advanced technology right now to China. America has voiced their displeasure, but as always, Canada will get the upper hand on America because it seems the U.S likes the tail to wag the dog. If Trump is serious about his opinion about NAFTA, he will make the right decision on this.

First link is the American spying for China. Second link is the US reaction to Canada allowing the sale of a sensitive high-tech company to China, even though it could impact US military advantages and in fact create a national security risk to America (and the West). All of this being done to set up the free trade deal with China so that they can use Canada as a springboard to spy on and infiltrate America.

You heard it here first. Wake up America. I paid a steep price for speaking the truth.

Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers
U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers
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In Canada we don't need people spying, we are selling the most advanced technology right now to China. America has voiced their displeasure, but as always, Canada will get the upper hand on America because it seems the U.S likes the tail to wag the dog. If Trump is serious about his opinion about NAFTA, he will make the right decision on this.

First link is the American spying for China. Second link is the US reaction to Canada allowing the sale of a sensitive high-tech company to China, even though it could impact US military advantages and in fact create a national security risk to America (and the West). All of this being done to set up the free trade deal with China so that they can use Canada as a springboard to spy on and infiltrate America.

You heard it here first. Wake up America. I paid a steep price for speaking the truth.

Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers
U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers

Pen pal for Reality Winner?
In Canada we don't need people spying, we are selling the most advanced technology right now to China. America has voiced their displeasure, but as always, Canada will get the upper hand on America because it seems the U.S likes the tail to wag the dog. If Trump is serious about his opinion about NAFTA, he will make the right decision on this.

First link is the American spying for China. Second link is the US reaction to Canada allowing the sale of a sensitive high-tech company to China, even though it could impact US military advantages and in fact create a national security risk to America (and the West). All of this being done to set up the free trade deal with China so that they can use Canada as a springboard to spy on and infiltrate America.

You heard it here first. Wake up America. I paid a steep price for speaking the truth.

Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers
U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers

Imagine how many of hilary's emails that she destroyed gave government secrets to our enemies...the clinton's have a long standing relationship with the Chinese......
It's ALWAYS the Left. Always. Traitors who absolutely HATE America and would sell you, your mother, your country and your dog out to China or any bidder for next to nothing.

Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

The death penalty is possible in this case....let's hope....

Two threads created on this simultaneously. One reads,
Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

The other reads,
Virginia Democrat Arrested for Selling Top Secret Documents to China

Now what could possibly be the reason for the political party adjective, in a story that has nothing to do with political parties. And in a story that never even mentions a political party. Jeepers Wally, I have no idea. Nope, that sure is a stumper.
Like Hillary, he didn’t *intend* to break the law, he just sort of did it accidentally, while intending only to get paid

If he were Chinese and sold this stuff to the US, they would shoot him and bill his family for the bullet.
Now what could possibly be the reason for the political party adjective, in a story that has nothing to do with political parties. And in a story that never even mentions a political party. Jeepers Wally, I have no idea. Nope, that sure is a stumper.

Maybe if batshit crazy anti-American Democrats didn't constantly PROVE how much you hate this country there'd be no basis....
But it doesn';t take Einstein to put 2 and 2 together.....Virginia...traitor.....'s a lefty loser
In Canada we don't need people spying, we are selling the most advanced technology right now to China. America has voiced their displeasure, but as always, Canada will get the upper hand on America because it seems the U.S likes the tail to wag the dog. If Trump is serious about his opinion about NAFTA, he will make the right decision on this.

First link is the American spying for China. Second link is the US reaction to Canada allowing the sale of a sensitive high-tech company to China, even though it could impact US military advantages and in fact create a national security risk to America (and the West). All of this being done to set up the free trade deal with China so that they can use Canada as a springboard to spy on and infiltrate America.

You heard it here first. Wake up America. I paid a steep price for speaking the truth.

Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers
U.S. criticizes Ottawa's oversight of Chinese high-tech takeovers

Canada elected the same type moron that opened the borders for the world as Germany's Merkel and look at Germany today. Canada is full of leftist morons also...they'll shoot themselves in the head eventually. Actually they already did by electing Trudeau or whatever the childs name is.

China will have naive Canada for breakfast and then down the road Canada will be crying. begging the USA down the road to save it from China.
I say build a northern border wall and let China take Canada. Mostly useless frigid snowflakes anyway. Nothing but an extension of the European Union that cuddles up to the Globalist and UN

You seem to be the rare, realistic exception
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Now what could possibly be the reason for the political party adjective, in a story that has nothing to do with political parties. And in a story that never even mentions a political party. Jeepers Wally, I have no idea. Nope, that sure is a stumper.

Maybe if batshit crazy anti-American Democrats didn't constantly PROVE how much you hate this country there'd be no basis....
But it doesn';t take Einstein to put 2 and 2 together.....Virginia...traitor.....'s a lefty loser

Oh goody The old "I assume, therefore everybody knows" fallacy. Because we don' need no steenking evidence --- we make our own. Big hand for Basic Moron Unit!


Dumbass partisan hack.
It's ALWAYS the Left. Always. Traitors who absolutely HATE America and would sell you, your mother, your country and your dog out to China or any bidder for next to nothing.

Virginia man charged with espionage for giving top-secret documents to China

The death penalty is possible in this case....let's hope....

There's nothing in the article that says a thing about his politics.

They don't have to, only liberal dimshit communist scum do treasonous things. Aren't you proud of your hero REALSORRY BITCH WINNER,, I' hope they hang the bitch and let her rot off of the rope along with oshitass shitbitch n billy, holder, lynch >>>>>>>> and even the lowest person on their staff.
Now what could possibly be the reason for the political party adjective, in a story that has nothing to do with political parties. And in a story that never even mentions a political party. Jeepers Wally, I have no idea. Nope, that sure is a stumper.

Maybe if batshit crazy anti-American Democrats didn't constantly PROVE how much you hate this country there'd be no basis....
But it doesn';t take Einstein to put 2 and 2 together.....Virginia...traitor.....'s a lefty loser

Oh goody The old "I assume, therefore everybody knows" fallacy. Because we don' need no steenking evidence --- we make our own. Big hand for Basic Moron Unit!


Dumbass partisan hack.

You shitpiles don't need any to launch a year long investigation on MY dime against a duly elected President that is more honest than any of your party's BEST preachers.
Now what could possibly be the reason for the political party adjective, in a story that has nothing to do with political parties. And in a story that never even mentions a political party. Jeepers Wally, I have no idea. Nope, that sure is a stumper.

Maybe if batshit crazy anti-American Democrats didn't constantly PROVE how much you hate this country there'd be no basis....
But it doesn';t take Einstein to put 2 and 2 together.....Virginia...traitor.....'s a lefty loser

Oh goody The old "I assume, therefore everybody knows" fallacy. Because we don' need no steenking evidence --- we make our own. Big hand for Basic Moron Unit!


Dumbass partisan hack.

You shitpiles don't need any to launch a year long investigation on MY dime against a duly elected President that is more honest than any of your party's BEST preachers.

:lmao: This has what in any way to do with my post which wasn't even at you?

I don't have a "party", Dippy. Parties are for joiners. And when I do have a party trust me you won't be invited.

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