Violent crime on London Trains is up 75%....good thing good people don't have guns....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When innocent, law abiding people are barred from gun ownership...the criminals run wild.....

Violent crime on rail network up 75 per cent as train operators urged to act against ticketless travellers

Violent crimeon the rail network has soared by 75 per cent over the past five years with experts claiming a lack of ticket barriers at stations is helping to fuel lawlessness on trains.

Last year there were more than 10,000 assaults reported to British Transport Police (BTP), one for every mile of railway across the UK.

Serious assaults, in which victims were injured, have increased by almost 30 per cent since 2012-13, peaking at 2,400 last year.

But assaults without injury - which include incidents such as pushing, grabbing and even spitting - have rocketed by a staggering 95 per cent over the same period, with more than 6,700 offences reported over the previous 12 months.

Senior BTP officers...
the US is drowning in guns...a high ownership rate--but has MORE crime than the UK
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Illogical. If its the guns that cause the crime, then Britain's crime rate should never go up.

facts are illogical--got it
no one said guns cause crime !!!!!!!
2A says guns keep crime rates low--NOT true
UK's crime rate is LOWER--LOWER!!!
UK murder rate is LOWER--much lower -not a little lower--MUCH lower
the US is drowning in guns...a high ownership rate--but has MORE crime than the UK
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Illogical. If its the guns that cause the crime, then Britain's crime rate should never go up.

facts are illogical--got it
no one said guns cause crime !!!!!!!
2A says guns keep crime rates low--NOT true
UK's crime rate is LOWER--LOWER!!!
UK murder rate is LOWER--much lower -not a little lower--MUCH lower

Well, if guns don't cause crime, then why do you want to get rid of them?

Again, you are illogical.

the US is drowning in guns...a high ownership rate--but has MORE crime than the UK
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

As more Americans own and carry guns....over the last 26 years, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...please explain that. Our gun murder rate has gone down 49%....please explain that. Our violent crime rate is down 72%.........down 72%....while Britain is experiencing increasing levels of violent crime.

As to violent crime....Britain is more violent than the U.S.... you are wrong, again.

Social media post says U.K. has far higher violent crime rate than U.S. does

We looked at the raw violent crime numbers for each country, using statistics for England and Wales for 2012 and for the United States for 2011, in a way that sought to compare apples to apples. (We should note that the United Kingdom includes Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the numbers in the meme appear to be based only on crime in England and Wales, which are calculated separately.)

For England and Wales, we added together three crime categories: "violence against the person, with injury," "most serious sexual crime," and "robbery." This produced a rate of 775 violent crimes per 100,000 people.

For the United States, we used the FBI’s four standard categories for violent crime that Bier cited. We came up with a rate of 383 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
the US is drowning in guns...a high ownership rate--but has MORE crime than the UK
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Illogical. If its the guns that cause the crime, then Britain's crime rate should never go up.

facts are illogical--got it
no one said guns cause crime !!!!!!!
2A says guns keep crime rates low--NOT true
UK's crime rate is LOWER--LOWER!!!
UK murder rate is LOWER--much lower -not a little lower--MUCH lower

How you think that when our violent crime rate has gone down 72%.....our gun crime rate down 75%, and our gun murder rate down 49% all over the last 26 years..........while in Britain? A country that banned guns.....

British Politicians Declare War on Knives

Firearms are strictly restricted in the U.K., including a near-total ban on handguns. Nevertheless, "n the 12 months to October 2017, there were 2,500 offences involving guns: a 16 per cent increase on the previous year and a 44 per cent increase on 2014," the London Assembly's Police and Crime Committee noted in January. Criminals, it seems, are not averse to committing crimes—including the illegal acquisition of tools that help them commit more crimes.

Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

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